Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

30 Jun


Originally posted by FiggyTheTurtle

Obviously it's going to be hard to say, but do you have any kind of time window when you expect them to be back up? I'm not sure if i should sit around trying to log in or not.

It should be fixed now (at least in some regions), but this might take some time. In any case - please check, if you're still getting 522 error in launcher or ingame.


Our team already working to get servers up and running ASAP. I wish there would be some reimbursement/compensation packages for this, because it's definitely sucks to get connection error(s) in a middle of lucky raid :/

27 Jun

25 Jun


we plan to add more info about rounds. not everything, but more than right now

24 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


sorry, got overwhelmed.


Originally posted by LeMarci

Nikita, go off reddit for like a day or two. You are definitely saying stuff you will regret later.

i already started to regret fundamental things. but yeah, you are right. yeah you are totally right.


Originally posted by [deleted]


oh god damn it.. why the f*ck i even reading this


Originally posted by CadleyLenerson

Any chance they are using some sort of lag switch/DDOS type of cheat? Is the IP of the server and other players secure?

In the Call of Duty games when you turn on a lagswitch, everyone in the server freezes except you, but you can run around like normal/kill people and the server will update your location when you turn off the switch. Maybe they aren't speedhacking, but simulating a bad internet connection?

Or they could be DDOSing the server/players, which is why the server was lagging.

Maybe both of these are impossible, but it might be worth looking in to.

they use everything they can. spend any money just to get this advantage


Originally posted by sunseeker11

Nikita, his comment was positive! He wasn't talking that EFT is garbage, is that you're making a game that stands out from the rest of the copy-paste garbage.

sorry then.. my bad


Originally posted by ZealousSyrup

Oh no reddit criticises my precious video game, I'll tell them to go f**k themselves

critisize my ass. every f*cking time you use that card.


Originally posted by AftT3Rmath

Maybe wait until 80% of players are loaded or deploying? Then maybe give people that are falling behind the option to go back to the menu. Some people will never be able to be on time because of low system specs but those people can't be helped.

how much time they should wait by your opinion? wait for some slow player to load? 5 mins? 10 mins? will it be better? will it increase the amount of complaints - "preraid waiting times increased in this f*cking game?"


Originally posted by ParvoRaccoon

I can promise you that hackers are back, don’t try and lie they’re back.

what the f*ck did you want to say with this?


Originally posted by [deleted]


it will not be fully removed. its still bad if you play in server with bad ping - you influence on the whole server


Originally posted by BrockTestes

By trying new things to make it different from all the copy/paste garbage we've been getting for the past ten years?



they will do it through raids. we need to get rid of raids too. keep the lightbulb in the menu and that's it


Originally posted by Sinikal_

There is ZERO CHANCE that speedhacking clip is packet loss or server lag. The player trying to kill him is moving and acting fine and on top of that the player moving around at mach 1 speed is doing so SMOOTHLY. They aren't running in place, skipping back and forth as the server tries to catch up/lags, they are smoothly running at high speed and A/D strafing back and forth looking at the dude, lol.

Raid ID: 74TW (Speedhacking on woods)

Raid ID: H15N (That same speedhacker dead on factory with 200KG's worth of expensive items to trade over to someone)

Raid ID's taken from the two videos shown.

Raid ID: 74TW (Speedhacking on woods)

Raid ID: H15N (That same speedhacker dead on factory with 200KG's worth of expensive items to trade over to someone)

k, thanks