Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

28 Jul


Write to my PM your e-mail address that does not receive letters from us.

27 Jul


Let me know in PM the mail address with which you wrote to us.


Originally posted by Solaratov

You're being scammed by the support team, don't let them. They just want you to go away so they don't have to spend time responding. Email them every single day, open new tickets every single day, until you get a real human response and regular status updates even if those updates are "we're still working on this". They are lazy, incompetent, and scummy, so make them earn their paycheck by contacting them continuously to show them that you will not walk away.

Also consider posting about this on the BSG twitter so other people see it and if you're lucky a BSG mod will make a PR example out of you and fix this for you.

Continuously requesting the same issue does NOT in any way speed up the resolution of the problem. Moreover, if it turns into spam, mails will be sent to this folder and, accordingly, will not be viewed.


Write to my PM your public IP


Originally posted by Burning_AgoNY

Will do, do you happen to know the "usual" time frame?

I see that you have already been answered. Now the information you provided is awaiting processing and verification


actually some of that was just changed. so it will be on the servers in 2-3 hours. THANKS FOR SUGGESTIONS, DEAR REGULAR NON STREAMER PLAYER!

25 Jul


Originally posted by Burning_AgoNY

Thanks for the response!
I did create a support ticket yesterday and the number is #6805454
I have been adding more and more info with screenshots as well since then to the ticket.

I did not initiate an email change at any point, and I do not know how to change the email for that account back to my email. As i said to test to see if i could, i created another account with the same email and username as what i had previously. Not sure if You guys can switch all that account info over? I hope that someone responds to the ticket soon and we can get this resolved.

What information would the support team need from me? So i can compile that and add it to the ticket sooner rather than later.

As i said, i appreciate the response here on reddit, I know BSG gets a lot of heat for things and you often don't get recognition.


All information will be in this ticket. Wait for a response


This means that the email address to which your acc is registered has been changed. And now you need to enter a new email address to log into your account.

You or someone activated the mail change and it was changed after 2 weeks (all this time, a notification is displayed in the profile), and if it was not you, create a support ticket

24 Jul

23 Jul


Write me the e-mail to which letters are not received. In PM


Your information has been sent for review. In the case of a positive decision, we will contact you.
This request will be closed.

This is the last message from a specialist. Note the bold text, please


Write to me in PM the mail address from which you wrote to us

20 Jul


Originally posted by JB98_


We gave the information to the developers, it is no longer our competence. The corresponding answer has already been given by a specialist.


Please write me your support ticket number

19 Jul


Originally posted by Denson2

Why don't you guys actually help people that put in support tickets instead of reddit posts? I see So many posts here all the time of people not getting answers for months. Why

There is a queue at the support mail. Most often, all calls here are associated with this.

17 Jul


Make sure that you enter correct email address.