Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

14 Aug

11 Aug


Your RAM is probably overloaded. Try to increase size of your paging file.

06 Aug


You should check out your system event logs.


The error can be caused by some problems with network connection.


Recently we implemented server side kicks for high ping players.They affect players with ping 165 or higher (this number might change during testing). Server kick will not be instant when you reach ping limit number - you will need to stay above ping limit for a certain time to get kicked.

We understand that getting kicked from raid might be frustrating, but we are in process of adding more servers in different regions. Keep in mind that all elements of the game are still under development.


Please create support ticket.


Your teammates have probably gone away from the spawn point.

01 Aug


Originally posted by Kryzih

Hi, I sent a ticket on July 13 and still have not found a resolution, they transferred my ticket to the developer team and I have waited for 2 weeks for them to reply but they haven't, now support has closed my ticket on the website. What else can I do? It's been the better part of a month now and I still haven't received my items

I write to your PM

30 Jul


Write to my PM your e-mail with which you write to us

29 Jul


Such nicknames are not allowed. If you see such nickname, please use post-raid reporting feature.


Grenade launcher will be temporary removed from the game, due to this and several other related bugs.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Appreciate the response. Are we to understand that you have a 6 month queue length on problems as serious as being unable to access an account? I went through a similar issue with your support a decent time ago, and it took a very long time to settle. What is causing such issues and what are your plans to fix the problems? Again, thank you for responding. I hope it is apparent I ask these questions because I can see how bad this will reflect on your company when the game goes full release and these problems aren't ironed out. I'm sure you can imagine the backlash from the mainstream public when you make your advertising push at launch and people start flocking into the community. Similar to last holiday season when the influx originally happened. The press and the internet generally are not as level headed as early adopters.

I cannot disclose some information, sorry. Account recovery is not a quick procedure anyway

28 Jul


Write to my PM your email with which you wrote to us


Originally posted by Martnoderyo

Friend of mine got the same Problem but it was because he changed his hardware. Can In send him over to you? He lost an EoD Account and gets no reply from support either.

Yep, just write to my PM


Originally posted by SooperValar

How long does an email change typically take? My cousin bought the game nearly 2 weeks ago and realized his account had the wrong email so he tried to change it. He has been locked out since. A week ago after corresponding with support they said they had everything needed to change it but it's been radio silence since

This is always not a quick process, at least several weeks


Originally posted by Radeni

Hey, I got a question.

My friend got permanently banned 5 days ago. His ban reason is "Using unauthorized software" and he tells me that all he did was try to run the game from a Virtual Machine because he's running Linux on his PC and Windows in a VM.

Can this really be the reason behind his ban? If so can he appeal it? I've been telling him to try to contact support but so far he's refused because he's become angry at BSG and thinks trying to appeal won't get him anywhere.

BattlEye will not let run the game in a virtual machine. I have no information about the ban, need to contact the BattlEye support


Originally posted by [deleted]

Since we have you here. Why is it that people have to come here and plead their case to the reddit horde, rather than getting a response in a timely and respectful manner with a support ticket? As someone who has been passed around your support network to resolve issues in the past I am very curious as to why so many people need to speak out publicly to get resolution. Can you shed some light on what the problem is and what you intend to do about it to make your customer support better for everyone?

Most often this is due to the queue on the support mail. If you provide all the information correctly, and just wait for a response, then everything will be okay anyway.


Originally posted by Baundiesel_TD

Do you guys have any customer support that are American or fluent in English? Sometimes it seems a lot of issues are exacerbated by a language barrier due to so many players being in the States.

Our specialists speak different languages. At least Russian, English, German and Chinese. Naturally, not all at once =)


Originally posted by Sova13

Write to my PM your e-mail address that does not receive letters from us.

I was informed that the issue has already been resolved