Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

25 Jan




Originally posted by tunzick

Awesome work guys! Quick question for you /u/trainfender since glass penetration is fixed does that also mean penetration on chain link fences is fixed also? Or can we expect that soon?

yes its fixed too


Originally posted by _Spynx_Matrix_

This is the best FPS I have played and I proud to be a supporter of it! Came from Battlefield and Arma over to Tarkov. First time I've sat down and played a game from Morning to Evening on a day off work since School!

I adore what you guys are doing over there. I give you all my best BSG!

Be prepared to take more of my money for EoD when I get paid. I want to support this project as much as possible <3

thank you! and everybody. you are too kind)


Originally posted by MrTheKrich

Well first of let me start by saying that this is not who the finish product should look like, but just tossing an idea around.

With the addition of cosmetic items in the game i think we will need a new tab for quick swapping of gear on our PMC, but with that I would like to see some gear moved to that tab as well. The reason being as they should not be lootable from our characters. No one uses armbands anymore because they are a drag to equip every time you die (a there is a lot of dying in this game). So i would propose that this second tab would have gear that is always present on our PMC but can also be interchangeable quickly.

These items would be clothes (upper, pants, gloves boots, etc.), arm bands, compass, binoculars and the melee weapon. You can loot these items in game, but when you put it on you off raid it stays there and when you die other players that search your body can't see these items if...

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this (separate pants, gloves, boots etc) will require total remodelling of all clothes we already have. customization will be limited to upper and lower body clothes. We decided to do this way to drive the game out of the clothing simulator. other that that - i like the idea to move clothes and other interchangeable stuff on the separate tab.


Originally posted by Schwertkeks

Hey guys,

I’m actively playin EFT since 0.5 hit in Dec 2017 (bought the game Dec 2016 but at that time I’ve been travelling a lot and SEA/AU Servers haven’t been a thing so the experience sucked a lot) and since then I put 200-300hours or more into every single wipe.

I can clearly say I saw a lot changes (for good and for worse). But one thing that has been a part of the game for a long time is its silencer meta. Back than there was absolutely no reason not to run one. They were (and still are) extremely powerful and cheap as f**k. BSG tried to change that by increasing the prices a little, making them more rare. But being honest that barely had an effect at all. It delayed it for a week or so at the start of a new wipe. This changed with 0.8.3 when all the new M1A attachements have been introduced. The M1A didn't had its own silencer so it was limited to the hybrid (which sucks ans is super expensive) but its also the first time they introduced muzzle breaks that h...

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there will be ton of ar-15 attachments in future - it will add this necessary variety. let wait a little


oh yes! but there are issues with helmet components and gasmask. they will be fixed with the next wipe


Originally posted by Panishev

tl;dr each successful scav raid gives access to better geared scav for next raid, resets when raid is failed.

May add additional requirements for balance and to avoid abuses, for example: need xx time spent in raid, xxx exp gained, only non-party scav raids count.

1st variant

In this variant you basically get better geared scav after each successful raid, let's call it level. You get better geared scav until you die in raid. After failed raid you start grinding from the scratch, with the worst geared scav. There is a limit for levels, after finishing raid with best geared scav you start from the beginning.

Here is rough example on how "leveling" would work (note, it's not balanced, so don't pay attention to gear itself):

1. First level worst gear in the game. Weapon: Makarov, TOZ, 10-rounds VPO-209. No armor, no helmet, scav vest or no vest, bandage and/or AI-2;

2. Second level ...

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interesting idea


Originally posted by fantom2415

Mods deleted the previous post for breaking rule 1 and 7. This post neither summons a BSG employee, nor is it a ban appeal. It’s a PSA to everyone else because I see other threads with this this.

I got home from work last night (11pm EST) and downloaded the update and was met with an insta-ban. I'm not going to bother pleading my case that I don't cheat because no one cares.

The ban email didn't come until after I downloaded the update and the date of ban says "effective January 25th, 2019". I received a 205 error instantly and then the ban email. This leads me to believe that downloading the update triggered something incorrectly. Seeing this EXACT issue happen to someone else leads me to believe this is a wider issue. Be careful when downloading the updates, you might be left with a banned account and no recourse.

EDIT: Since it's evident BSG won't acknowledge any mistakes, are adament that their anti-cheat never returns a false positive and it's clear N...

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it's not true. update didn't cause any ban. please.


let's test it and see how it will be


Originally posted by FlyingThunder2992

So did you automate this, or did you manually change it on every place on every map? Just curious

working on different methods


Originally posted by trainfender

no, it will be removed it places where you physically can't hear sound above-below

removed/reduced i mean


Originally posted by NoFoodAfterMidnight

Right now we want to make some changes to get rid of this "false" sounds through feet-thick concrete and so on. This will improve overall positioning by clearing the sound scene. After this we plan to implement new-from-scratch sound system.

Does this mean vertical sound is just going to be removed entirely?

no, it will be removed it places where you physically can't hear sound above-below