EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

20 May


Привет, капсулёры!

Мы только что запустили новый сайт для помощи начинающим игрокам — Академию EVE.

Академия поможет понять основные игровые механики EVE Online и покажет любому капсулёру, как продвинуться на выбранном карьерном пути. Те...

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Nous venons de lancer un nouveau site conçu pour aider les nouveaux joueurs et qui se nomme EVE Academy.

EVE Academy est conçu pour vous aider à vous familiariser avec toutes les mécaniques fondamentales d’EVE Online, tout e...

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We have just released a new site designed to help new players: EVE Academy.

EVE Academy is designed to help bring you up to speed on the core mechanics of EVE Online while also providing a clear way for any Capsuleer to advanc...

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18 May


It’s on the shuttles, the tool tip has not been updated.

This was changed on SISI - it’s in the patch notes.

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The Great Escape update is now live and you can read all about it in the news article and ...

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17 May


Just as I write this (17:15 EVE Time) we’re still getting the next update ready for Singularity. It’s been a little slow today preparing it.

Singularity should be updated within the next hour if all goes to plan, and the Deployables will be seeded on the in game market for you to try out.


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The brand-new Mobile Observatory is now available for testing on the Singularity test server. Please use the thread to discuss this new deployable after checking it out on the test server!


the nullfied when burst jammer is fitted is “Fixed” although maybe not on sisi yet

I am going right now to test again


Hi everyone,

Here are the latest revisions to the nullification update:

  • Interdiction Nullifier modules are now a High-Slot module.
  • Tech I Frigates have been removed from the list of ships that can fit nullifiers.
  • Fixed an issue with ECM burst jams not correctly disabling nullification when using the modules.

Hello! Thank you for contacting us and we have delivered your suggestion to the dev team. Fly safe. o7

14 May


Hi everyone,

You may have noticed recently another update on Singularity, that has a few changes and fixes to issues discovered.

  • Entering warp no longer deactivates the Interdiction Nullifier modules
  • Removed Stealth Bomber group from being able to fit the new Interdiction Nullifier modules.
  • Added Tech I Industrial groups to be able to fit the new Interdiction Nullifier modules.
  • Adjusted the bonus on Interceptors, Yachts, and T3 Cruisers to 80% penalty for reduced target range and reactivation delay.
  • Added the new attribute for allowing WCS and Nullifier modules to be activated while under the effect of a stargate cloak.
  • Updated the bonus texts for the Victorieux Luxury Yacht, Malediction, Imp, Whiptail, and T3 subsystems.
  • Fixed an error with a ghost attribute on the Restrained Interdiction Nullifier.
  • Updated the attribute text for the Drone Bandwidth penalty to show the percent reduction.
  • Co...
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Hello! Thank you for contacting us and we have delivered your suggestion to the dev team. Fly safe. o7

13 May


Hello! Thank you for contacting us and we have delivered your suggestion to the dev team. Fly safe. o7


Hello! Please use another device to log into the APP in these network environments to see if the problem gets improved.

12 May


I’m glad to see these changes roll out on the test server - we’ve had a lot of discussions about nullification and warp core stabs over the years (contrary to some people’s claims, this has been a community issue for a while - I hear about it plenty) and I am very pleased about the addition of nullification to shuttles.

I do think that making nullification a module instead of inherent to certain ship types is an interesting approach that will require more player choices and trade offs, and will provide some changes to the meta that potentially will be beneficial. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all works in practice. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. I do think it is critical that the module is able to be activated while cloaked.


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The Great Escape, one of our upcoming updates, is now available for testing on the Singularity Test Server. After a number of conversations with the CSM, we would love to hear feedback from the rest of the community on these changes!

Please keep in mind that what you see on the Singularity Test Server is a work in progress and ...

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11 May


May Bob have mercy on our souls.


I think we need to finish the whole lore portal debacle before we start adding something that could pivot the whole inner saga of New Eden like the addition of Intergalactic Cowboy Hats.
This could tumble everything.

Just imagine Empress Cadiz with a cowboy hat.

Is that a path you’re willing to go down?


But are they herded at all, and more importantly; are they herded intergalactically?


I trust that you’ll keep poking me until this is solved :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s on my fixy-list now.