EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

25 May


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The Stargate Trailblazers event is now live, and it is time for the Empires to work together and gather the resources needed to construct new stargate routes in New Eden! You can find information about what connections are going to be built in ...

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Good day,

With the Stargate Trailblazers event starting today, we are putting an event-specific gameplay policy in place that all players participating are expected to follow. For discussion about the event itself, please check the ...

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Check if you’re reading the data from the old zip file. There was an error in the first upload of the MER and I updated the charts and zip file at 1:15PM 22nd of may....

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24 May


Hello! Currently, there are no corresponding APK files available for download on the official website. The only channels available for downloading are Google Play or App Store. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

23 May


Thanks for the headsup, I’ll let the appropriate Dev know.

22 May


Then why am I always found to be chewing on the crayons?




Three graphs hadn’t been updated from the march MER;

As of 1:15 PM UTC These graphs have been updated to the right ones both in the zip file and in the Dev blog.

21 May


Images in the dev blog should be fixed now. Thanks for your patience everyone.


Making unlisted while I sort out this image conflict.


Seems there’s some weirdery going on. Give me a sec.


Could’ve sworn it was where I left my keys.


o7 Economists of New Eden,

The Economic Report for the month of April has landed .
You can view it in the news article or download the raw data in a form of a .ZIP file here .

You will also notice a few changes that have been made since the last report:

• Commodities Breakdown : Graph Y Axis is now labeled (was some confusion here), and the legend has been increased in size. A CSV export of the 3 year history is also now being expor...

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20 May


good luck ! Remember, you can always reach out to me for some face/stream time :slight_smile:


That’s the dream!

We should hopefully be able to bring in some of these videos into the client in the near-ish future.

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That we can do :slight_smile:

I’m just trying to think of other ways it could be worked into the paths perhaps as well.


Thanks for the feedback - we’ll take a look at how the magic 14 are presented.

They have some value in being broadly applicable and good queue filler, but you’re right we don’t really want these to become the default training queue for a brand new player either.

This resource is pretty focused on showing players what they can do in-game and learning first steps in terms of mechanics and opportunities. We’re looking at other ways to better surface lore / world news, but if I can find a way to work a bit more lore / a link into it from these academy pages I’ll be happy to do so.


Thanks! And yes, we’re aware. We’re working on adding the updated fit now.

We’re trying to fill a different niche. E-Uni is a fantastic resource but we wan...

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신규 플레이어 전용 웹사이트인 EVE 아카데미 가 새롭게 공개되었습니다.

EVE 아카데미는 EVE Online의 핵심 콘텐츠를 이해하기 쉽게 설명하고 캡슐리어들이 커리어를 선택할 수 있는 발판을 제공합니다. 아카데미는 현재 베타 단계에 있으며 영상 가이드, 초보자용 함선 피팅, 스킬 계획 등 다양한 자료가 등록되어 있습니다.


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wir haben soeben eine neue Seite veröffentlicht , die neuen Spielern helfen soll, in New Eden Fuß zu fassen – die EVE Academy.

Die EVE Academy dient dazu, euch auf den neuesten Stand der Kernmechaniken von EVE Online zu bringen un...

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新規プレイヤー支援サイトEVEアカデミー を公開しました。

EVEアカデミーは、EVE Onlineの基本システムを理解していただくと同時に、すべてのカプセラが自分に合った方法でキャリアを積んでいくための明確な方法を提供することを目的としています。このサイトは現在ベータ版ですが、ビデオガイド、初心者向けの艦船装備、スキルプランなど、豊富なコンテンツが用意されています。


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