If more than 3% of the player base would use it like last time, who knows? As always though; EVE is forever so it’s more likely than not that it might happen sometime between now and the year 3000
If more than 3% of the player base would use it like last time, who knows? As always though; EVE is forever so it’s more likely than not that it might happen sometime between now and the year 3000
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monitoring this thread!
The second reboot was successful and Tranquility is now accepting connections. Thanks again for bearing with us. Fly safe and have fun out there, Pilots o7
The start-up did not go according to plan. We will need another reboot to get things in order again. Thank you for your patience, everyone!
All services in the green. We are starting Tranquility in the VIP mode for the last round of checks before letting everyone in.
Good day,
The extended maintenance has started. Grab a snack, something to drink and we will see you in 20 minutes
True, to be honest we’ve just been a bit swamped; the community team has been completely revamped in the last few months, both in terms of organization and structure, so we haven’t been as active on the forums as we would have wanted, but you will be seeing a change in that in the coming months.
Read moreThat’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.
I know.
They were just really polite and quite like. during the actual interview they had paperbags over their heads instead of their helmets which was pretty funny. It was just a quick hi and bye.
Ian Anderson was … less nice.
What were they like in person? That sounds like a pretty awesome time.
So full disclosure; I was working for a TV show called Kastljós in Iceland and Daft Punk came for an interview for their premiere of Electroma, the arthouse film that they had just done and was being shown at Reykjavik Film Festival. I was assistant producer, was basically just the dude who welcomed them in and got them coffee, but I shook hands with them and got all kindsa startruck.
Well if a dev that has shaken hands with Basshunter and Daft Punk AND been threatened by Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull isn’t enough I guess I’ll just go back to catching up on what I missed on meme monday on Reddit brb.
11:30 UTC
The second reboot was successful and Tranquility is now accepting connections. Thanks again for bearing with us. Fly safe and have fun out there, Pilots o7
11:26 UTC
The start-up did not go according to plan. We will need another reboot to get things in order again. Thank you for your patience, everyone!
11:16 UTC
All services in the green. We are starting Tranquility in the VIP mode for the last round of checks before letting everyone in.
11:00 UTC
Good day,
The extended maintenance has started. Grab a snack, something to drink and we will see you in 20 minutes
There will be extended downtime of 20 minutes tomorrow, Wednesday 3 March, to perform maintenance on our live chat and game database. This is routine work, and no game content changes are planned. We expect Tranquility to start accepting connections by 11:20 UTC at the latest but will let you know if anything changes.
Keep an eye on this thread or EVE Status Twitter for updates.
I wish I could change such settings by category, but unfortunately they’re global for all sections.
Thanks for flagging this for me.
Hey there, this isn’t a new rule - looks like it’s a default setting which has never been changed. I’ve bumped the number up a bit so hopefully it gets in the way less often, but I can’t remove it completely.