EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

09 Mar


Thank you for your patience, everyone. Tranquility is open and accepting connections!

Fly safe and have fun out there o7


@Roime the release that went out today has an updated D-scan sound that is largely the same without so much sub-bass :slight_smile: . Thanks again for the input!


The deployment looks good. Tranquility is back up for the last range of checks and we will be lifting the VIP momentarily.


Screenshot_NoCopy_3840x21603840×2160 1.18 MB
Hello there,

Another monthly update (Version 19.02) is live today! Please use this thread for general feedback and reporting on issues for Mac clients found in this version.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

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  • Incorrect Icon for Mobile Cynosural Blueprint in Market


  • High CPU usage of minimized clients
  • Cloaked pilots won’t be fleet warped in relative formations
  • Fleet warp at range currently not working

User Interface:

  • Fleet broadcast scope selection button is missing tooltip
  • The show info window for research agents is not loading

Screenshot_NoCopy_3840x21603840×2160 1.18 MB
Hello there,

Another monthly update (Version 19.02) is live today! Please use this thread for reporting any issues found in this version.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

Read more



  • Incorrect Icon for Mobile Cynosural Blueprint in Market


  • High CPU usage of minimized clients
  • Cloaked pilots won’t be fleet warped in relative formations
  • Fleet warp at range currently not working

User Interface:

  • Fleet broadcast scope selection button is missing tooltip
  • The show info window for research agents is not loading

Version19023840×2160 1.18 MB

Hello there,

Our monthly update (Version 19.02) is live today! Please use this thread for general feedback and discussion on anything released in this version. To promote a thoughtful discussion we will be enabling Slow Mode in this thread for a week.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

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Good day, everyone,

The extended maintenance has begun. I will let you know if we expect to be done sooner than the estimated 25 minutes. In the meantime, feel free to check out today’s patch notes but please keep this thread for discussion about the extended downtime only and refer to the respective forum threads listed in the article. Thanks!

08 Mar



Thank you for your patience, everyone. Tranquility is open and accepting connections!

Fly safe and have fun out there o7

The deployment looks good. Tranquility is back up for the last range of checks and we will be lifting the VIP momentarily.

Good day, everyone,

The extended maintenance has begun. I will let you know if we expect to be done sooner than the estimated 25 minutes. In the meantime, feel free to check out today’s patch notes but please keep this thread for discussion about the extended downtime only and refer to the respective forum threads listed in the article. Thanks!


Hello, everyone,

Tomorrow, Tuesday 9 March, we will be updating EVE Online to Version 19.02, bringing the highly anticipated Fleet Formations, new Expert Systems, and a few other changes to the game. Full patch notes with respective forum threads for player feedback will be available tomorrow at 11:00 AM UTC.

We expect the maintenance to last for up to 25 minutes, with Tranquility resum...

Read more

05 Mar


Some of the input issues are due to OS shortcut clashes, which then cause issues with Wine. This means it has difficulty in realising the true status of a key (sometimes the ‘stuck’ issue being reported).
Other issues are just due to the OS / Wine / Game layers that get crossed - if any of them has an issue, it gives a poor experience. I’ve noticed this in particular when the system is under heavy load.

We’ve been doing a bit of a dive into input the last few days, including rewriting some core bits of it (like default shortcuts).

When we have a public test, I’ll be keen to hear comments about input / shortcuts, as I know there has been weirdness with the Wine client.


I don’t think there’s all that much to worry about, but the concern (for the game at least :stuck_out_tongue: ) is appreciated.

Even if we did have to evacuate, this last year of heavy work-from-home has us well and prepared to keep working from our personal computers in the back of a van as we drive away from a slowly encroaching lava flow.

That said, this particular eruption isn’t expected to impact us.

04 Mar


True, that was factitious of me, but Captains Quarters has been discussed so much over the years it’s become a meme in itself. I for one would love to have it, be able to walk that ramp and just see my Omen in it’s glory.


I just DM’d you, look for an icon on the upper right corner of the forum.


We had reboot TQ after the downtime so people might be slow in coming back in, but I’ll follow up on the mac issue. Send me a pm if the problem persists, lets not clutter the purity of the music thread.


The server couldn’t take the funkyness of that bassline :’(

But it’s being whipped into shape and should be up and running… now?


A perfect combination of instruments and groove.


I guess it’s a question of phrasing, are you spending on what is considered to be a net negative or are you investing. If it’s investment you’d expect some kind of a return. I “invest” in games as a way to zone out and meditate for a while, and I think most people would agree that sports equipment is “investing in your health”.
On that note that’s probably one of the purest investing-by-proxy you can do as not investing in your health is very likely to be hurting your wallet in the form of doctor visits later in life. Stitch in time and all that.