Removed 20+ off topic posts.
Removed 20+ off topic posts.
No problemo, the game masters actually loved to munch on this a bit. There’s so much to the meta that questions like these can keep some people up for nights.
What Fleebix said.
A new mirror has been deployed to Singularity!
Update: SPs from the last few mass tests have been re-added now.
Fine by us.
And thanks everyone who participated, the whole thing went even better than we could have anticipated.
AAAaaall right, so; I asked people that know more than I do and I got this back -
Read moreSince the phoenix is all volley-damage the logistics repairs are mostly irrelevant.
I would presume the p...
We’d love to do something with you guys, and as we saw with our Spectre fleet collab there are a lot of newbies out there who want to get their taste for some PvP but are on the fence on how to get started.
I’ll ping you on Discord bluelysian.
Please refrain from alluding to “Curbstomping” whether it be CCP or anyone else.
Hi Dictateur, our data protection officer is hard at work protecting data. Thanks for pinging me here, on reddit and for the chat on twitch o7
That’s been fixed now.
While we deployed a fix for this yesterday, it seems this is still occuring for some users. The information we really need to get to the bottom of this is: Are players using autopilot or are the gates in route being manually selected? Are players minimizing, alt-tabbing, or focused on another program during the duration of the jump?
If anyone can reply with some more information on this it’d be greatly appreciated
Hi Bluelysian, first off I want to say you guys at RvB are, and have been doing an amazing job now and throughout the years. Don’t think ...
Read moreHaven’t touched any settings, yet, so not me. You’ll know when I bork the settings by the background changing to an emu. But this?
I wash my hands of this whole debacle!
Yes you may.
I play EVE. That’s a given!
As a fun reminder, this will be my 9th year with ISD in June.
None of them touched any buttons either. We have 0 idea, and the logs show nothing.
Well that’s like, your opinion man.