EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

13 Mar


This isn’t the first time there’s been a Federation Grand Prix in New Eden although it’s been some time since the last one.

This time trial contest wasn’t part of the original design of the Grand Prix live event, we just thought it would be a cool thing to do on the side for players who really care about optimizing their runs. As such the leaderboards weren’t built-in in to the client so we’re having to improvise a little so that it can happen.

I really like your suggestion about medals, too. I’ll give it some thought!


I’m going to try to and do it daily until the end of the event, with the final scores being posted on the 24th.


Everything’s working now and I was able to pull the times for the Southern and Northern routes. All 3 leaderboards have been updated in OP.

12 Mar


I have updated the Eastern Route leaderboard.

Due to the announced bug with the repeatable “Extra Laps” version of the Northern Route yesterday (which is the timed version of the event we derive our numbers from) it meant that no runs were completed and thus there are no scores to post for that today.

I’m having a separate technical issue obtaining the times for the Southern Route for its leaderboard too, so for now I can only post 1/3 of the results. I’ll try to get it recfified ASAP but as we’re heading into the weekend it may have to wait until Monday, sorry! :\


We have something in mind that should help with that for the not so distant future :slight_smile:


Great feedback. We are looking at adding extra functionality to support different keywords for the same content for future updates. In the meantime, all the Monthly Economic Reports can be found here.

As for the tags to old content, we are going to add more but it is a manual process, so it will happen in batches.


Slow mode is a handy new feature we are testing out on the EVEO forums. I can’t entirely agree with the notion that you cannot provide feedback with 15mins between posts in slow mode, but you do need to collect your thoughts and think about what you want to write before hitting ‘Reply’.


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A new version of the EVE News website is now live, ready to serve all Capsuleers eager to hear the latest from New Eden! Please use this thread to share your thoughts on the new layout.

To promote a thoughtful discussion, the thread will be in a slow mode for the first 24 hours.

11 Mar


I have good news for you Cade! If a character has the Interceptors skill to at least 1 and has the appropriate Frigate Skill to 5, they can fly an Interceptor even if they don’t have Evasive Maneuvering 5! Evasive 5 is required to train the Interceptors skill normally, but if you get the Interceptors skill in some other way (like an Expert System for instance), the game doesn’t require you to have Evasive 5 in order to fly the ship.

Thanks for your concern and for the polite way you communicated it.


When you first warp to the “Federation Grand Prix” starting line landmark site in Luminaire, the challenge in the info panel on the left side of the screen will change into a button that says “Claim Reward”. If you click that button, you’ll receive the points towards the season reward and the next destination will be presented to you. Clicking on the challenge in that info panel opens up the section of the agency with more details and a system name that you can right-click to set destination directly if you wish.


UPDATED - Monday, 15 March

All leaderboards updated with the times from yesterday.


Best rapper alive

10 Mar


As some of you may know, I sometimes make simple MS Paint diagrams to teach mechanics and tactics. With the recent addition of fleet formations I have more fodder for my educational ‘art’ skills.

Here’s a look at the ‘basic’ fleet formations and the utility they may offer.

Basic Fleet Formations Basic Fleet Formations1085×635 25.8 KB

Here’s an explanation of how the relative fleet warp mobility works.

... Read more

The Federation Grand Prix is here! In addition to the awesome in-game rewards you can pick up for tackling the daily challenges during the event we’re running an additional contest for those of you who are particularly keen on optimizing your racing ships - the Federation Grand Prix Time Trials!

Contest Details:

  • The contest will run from 11:00 UTC on Thursday, March 11 to 11:00 UTC on Tuesday, March 23.
  • After a capsuleer has completed each of the 3 routes as part of the untimed Federation Grand Prix live event, they will then be able to begin the repeatable Extra Lap version of the challenge. It is only these Extra Lap challenges...
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Ah, apologies, the wording wasn’t very good; there was an issue where calls to gate cloaked fleet members weren’t being respected. Good call, I’ll clean those up.


Topic closed. Griefing, inappropriate language and toxic posts removed.

09 Mar


Electronic cover of The Smiths - The light that never goes out.


High CPU usage of minimized clients is being investigated.