EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

02 Jun

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Stellar Capsuleers,

Voting is now open for the 15th Council of Stellar Management (CSM15), so exercise your democratic right and cast your vote for the candidates you feel best represent your interests in New Eden! Make sure to check out the details on all of the candidates and cast your vote before 12:00 UTC on 8 June.


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28 May

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Opportunistic Capsuleers,

There is currently a limited time 10% discount on PLEX purchases of 500 PLEX and higher! You'll need to act fast, though, as the offer is only available until 11:00 UTC on 2 June.

Remember, you can trade your PLEX for in-game ISK to spend on ships and skills, or spend your PLEX at EVE Online's New Eden Store on Omega Clone State time to unlock access to all of EVE's ships and skills, as well as double training speed. Your PLEX can also buy you Skill Extractors, HyperCores, stunning ship SKINs, character apparel and more at the New Eden Store!

The HyperNet Relay fee reduction is also now live! The fee has temporarily been reduced from 5% to 0%, but only until 11:00 UTC on 4 June! It’ll be cheaper to put your items up for sale on the HyperNet Relay during this time, so don’t miss the opportunity to save some ISK.

26 May

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The start of the third and final installment in the year-long Triglavian Invasion expansion, is now live! As seismic events occur and continue to unfold over the coming weeks and months, Capsuleers will have important decisions to make as they choose between defending the Empires of New Eden or siding with the mysterious Triglavian Collective. These choices will have a direct impact on how the story develops, and will have lasting consequences in New Eden, ensuring that life in the cluster will never be the same again!

10 May

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A new feature has come to EVE Portal, the official EVE Online companion app. Exclusively for players in Omega Clone state, the Jita PLEX Market will enable you to trade PLEX anytime and anywhere, directly from your mobile device via the EVE Portal app.

The Jita PLEX Market gives you the ability to trade PLEX for ISK and vice versa. All transactions go through the Jita 4-4 market where players can browse and create PLEX sell & buy orders. In addition, you can browse and modify/cancel outstanding PLEX orders and browse your PLEX transaction history.

You can download the EVE Portal app here: ...

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09 May

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Welcome to another episode of the Pulse, Capsuleers, your regular dose of news from New Eden! Please note, the dates for some events have changed since filming. This week's episode contains details on the following: Capsuleer Day Clash (now 7 - 20 May) and Celebration (5 - 19 May), Skillers in the Abyss (now ends 11 May), EVE Symphony anniversary stream summary, Upcoming YANA stream, Permaband Roadies SKINs - 17 PLEX sale, EVE Portal - Jita PLEX Market, President of Iceland's message to Capsuleers.

07 May

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The 17th birthday of EVE Online will be marked by daily Capsuleer Day Celebration login rewards! Running from 5 May to 19 May, rewards will include SKINs, apparel, Skill Points, Filaments and Boosters, with Omega Clone State Capsuleers receiving all the Alpha rewards, plus bigger and better Omega gifts too.

You must log in on 10 out of 14 days during the event to receive all items, and Capsuleers who upgrade to Omega during the event can retroactively claim all the Omega rewards they missed before the end.

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To commemorate the anniversary of the birth of Capsuleers in New Eden and earn goodwill with the independent pilots of the cluster, CONCORD, the Empires and Upwell are preparing a series of gifts for Capsuleers. However, a large-scale attack from the Triglavian Collective against their joint production and research facilities threatens to disrupt the celebration! CONCORD is requesting that Capsuleers seek out these besieged facilities in order to drive away the Triglavian forces and claim extra gifts.

There will be Capsuleer Day Clash event sites available from 7 May to 20 May throughout New Eden, restricted to allow Battlecruisers only, with more advanced sites all over Lowsec, Nullsec and wormhole space. Rewards will include new SKINs, limited time cerebral accelerators, limited time standings boosters and special limited time 10 pilot Needlejack Filaments!

29 Apr

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It's another episode of the Pulse, Capsuleers, bringing you your regular burst of news from New Eden! This week's episode contains details on the following: Forsaken Fortress update, The Discourse, Monthly Economic Report for March, Rooks and Kings stream with Lord Maldoror, Upcoming EVE Symphony anniversary stream with special guests, New Dragon Phoenix Bundle, Champions of Lowsec results, EVE Russia 2020 cancellation.

27 Apr

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You loved the Skilling Spree, you loved the Chilling Spree, and you loved Skilling is Just a Means of Communication. Now, as part of the Eclipse Quadrant, it's time to dive back into the depths of the Abyss and take on whatever comes your way with the new Skillers in the Abyss event!

Log in between 11:00 UTC on 28 April and 11:00 UTC on 4 May and accept increasingly deadly daily challenges where you will have to kill either Abyssal Drones, Drifters, Sleepers or Triglavians in Abyssal Deadspace for Skill Point rewards.

To get started on your challenges, head over to the in-game regi...

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Coming 26 May, further improvements to the gameplay mechanics of structures will be introduced in the Forsaken Fortress update as part of the Eclipse Quadrant.

Since the introduction of structures with the Citadel expansion, thousands of structures have been built in New Eden. Many of these structures have been used for a variety of purposes by players, with some structures acting as Headquarters, key strategical beachheads, or even as logistical warehouses. For some of these structure deployments, their use may have dwindled over time to the point where they are no longer maintained by their owners. As a result, these forsaken fortresses proliferate in space as ambitions, conflict, and entrepreneurs rise and fall in New Eden. Cleaning up your sovereign space by removing these abandoned structures can be a frustrating experience, a topic that has been brought up by the community and CSM alike.

22 Apr

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Welcome to the Pulse, Capsuleers, your frequent burst of news from EVE Online! This week's episode contains details on the following: Surgical Strike tweaks, Quality of Life changes, CSM Summit minutes and CSM 15 elections, 2-for 1 Avatar SKINs and New Eden Store sale, Upcoming Rooks and Kings Twitch stream with Lord Maldoror

17 Apr

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Welcome to the Pulse, Capsuleers, your regular burst of news from EVE Online! This week's episode contains details on the following: The Hunt - Event now live, Surgical Strike update, New Avatar mass test, EVE Championship Series, EVE Trailer retrospective on Twitch, Helmatt's Harriers SKIN, New Eden Store sale, Capsuleer Generosity Celebration.

16 Apr

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Dear Capsuleers,

In light of the continuing global developments and restrictions surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, we have taken the decision to cancel the EVE Russia 2020 event in Moscow.

We know how deeply disappointing this news will be for our wonderful Russian-speaking community, but we feel it is absolutely crucial to continue following the most responsible course of action and prioritize the safety and well-being of our attendees, our staff and of course the general public. Therefore, this necessary decision was taken after an in-depth and serious review.

We wanted to get this information to you as swiftly as possible in order to allow you to make the necessary changes to any travel or accommodation arrangements that you may have made. We will begin the process of ticket reimbursement shortly.

Fly safe, Capsuleers.

14 Apr

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Welcome to the Pulse, Capsuleers, your regular burst of news from EVE Online! This week's episode contains details on the following: New Quadrant - Eclipse, New Event - The Hunt, Clear Skies & trailer, Upcoming stream content, EVE Ecosystem update, Metamateria Exotica SKINs, PLEX for GOOD, Capsuleer Generosity Celebration.

09 Apr

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So far, EVE players have raised $578,070 for charity across all PLEX for GOOD campaigns since 2005! This is an incredible feat which all EVE Online players can be proud of. With the newest PLEX for GOOD campaign now activated to support the COVID-19 Solitary Response Fund, thanks must be given to our charitable Capsuleer community!

From 9 to 16 April, the Capsuleer Generosity Celebration will take place, and by logging in on four days during the event, you will receive free gifts! As an Alpha, you can claim special Frontier Safeguarder SKINs, and Omegas will get those and extra SKINs, plus Boosters.

08 Apr

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The quest for a healthy Capital ecosystem continues with a massive update to Capital survivability, resistance modules, and more in the Surgical Strike update, coming this April!

As outlined in the recent Ecosystem Outlook blog, bold changes are being made across EVE in the search for diversity and new exciting options for pilots. Surgical Strike will bring Capital survivability more in line with the rest of New Eden, reduce the overwhelming power of logistics, make adjustments to some long-standing powerhouses in the Subcapital meta, and begin to establish more payoff for getting up close and personal with your enemies.

07 Apr

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First up for the Eclipse Quadrant will be the return of The Hunt on 6 April, a time of year when Capsuleers will undertake their now-annual egg hunt! Players will hunt down and scan capsules in order to gain access to special event sites, and potentially valuable drops. This will be an event with smaller ship classes like Frigates and Destroyers as the focus, so pilots with less experience and fewer skills trained can get involved. During The Hunt, player pods will have a chance of dropping their implants as loot when destroyed, so get podding!

06 Apr

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Capsuleers of New Eden, it is time to unite once more and help fight the unprecedented worldwide health challenge posed by the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. PLEX For GOOD is returning with the aim of raising funds for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.

The money raised through this PLEX For GOOD campaign will help the World Health Organization (WHO) to coordinate the global effort, support countries to prevent, detect, and respond to the pandemic, and much more.

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Welcome to the Pulse, Capsuleers, your regular catch-up for everything that's new in EVE Online! This week's episode contains details on the following: Loyalty to Lowsec is live, Quality of life changes, Avatar visual update, Operation Magic School Bus, Omega Extractor Bundle, Twitch vs EVE 3 and Stay safe.

02 Apr

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Having split the year into four Quadrants, EVE's second Quadrant is called "Eclipse" and it will kick off on 6 April! The overall theme will revolve around shifting the balance of power in New Eden, and there will be events, celebrations, login campaigns, visual updates, huge balance changes, new and mysterious ships and weapons, as well as the final chapter of the Invasion expansion. The Fight or Flight Quadrant was fantastic, featuring highlights such as the Frigate Escape Bay, Loyalty to Lowsec, From Wormholes With Love, The Dragonaur Blitz and much much more, so expect Eclipse to follow that up in force!.