EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

17 Jan

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PLEX for GOOD is a charitable program operated by CCP Games on behalf of EVE Online players. It provides a way for EVE players to donate to a charitable cause through the use of the digital currency PLEX.

16 Jan

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Lock onto your targets with the Warhead Upgrades update, which increases the damage dealt by Heavy Missiles in New Eden! The 5% increase to damage dealt by Heavy Missiles will encourage their use more often in future PvP encounters.

14 Jan

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The removal of Veldspar and Spodumain rocks from Null-Sec asteroid belts on 17 December marks the beginning of the EVE resource distribution overhaul that will be taking place in the coming weeks and months.

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At EVE London in November, CCP announced a significant change to internal policies which govern how CCP employees interact with players when using their non-developer characters in EVE Online.

Our long-standing policy has been that a CCP employee must maintain anonymity when playing EVE on their player characters. While this was intended to be a safeguard against creating a perception of developer bias towards certain in-game groups, the unintended consequence was that it has prevented developers from fully engaging with certain areas of the game.

02 Jan

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See what's coming to New Eden this Winter, including Chapter 2 of the universe-changing EVE Online - Invasion expansion which features a brand new Triglavian Dreadnought and implant set, as well as fresh PvE content. The Rapid Fire and Kicking Castles updates, plus new Shareable Bookmarks and HyperNet Relay features, will also be coming to EVE this winter. In addition, there will be impressive new visual effects and improvements for the Jita trade hub, stargates and warp tunnels, improvements to UI and more!

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Alton Haveri reports on the latest Triglavian attacks and their changes in tactics.
Billboard takeovers, attacks on observatories, new dreadnought and shocking treason committed by capsuleers who have sided with the Triglavians.

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On 10 December we celebrate the arrival of our Free Market release. This release brings some exciting new features and updates to EVE Online. Read the full news article to learn more.

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For the first time in the more than six thousand days of EVE Online, there will be no downtime on Wednesday, 4 December! We will begin the first 48 hour run ever of EVE at 11 o'clock on Tuesday 3 December and end it on Thursday, 5 December.

This will be the first small step to evaluate what needs to be done for us to improve the EVE Online experience for players in different time zones around the world. Even a short downtime has an impact on your experience and to set the game up for yet another thriving decade then we must address that.

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The HyperNet Relay is an enjoyable new method of selling items where almost anything can be traded at any time, from anywhere, and by anyone. HyperNet Relay will be officially launched on 10 December with the Free Market Release.

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If you download EVE Portal, the official EVE Online companion app, you will get to see the new and improved UI for the wallet early! These changes are due to be implemented in EVE Online for the Free Market Release on 10 December, but why not get yourself a sneak peek by downloading EVE Portal and checking out what's changed?

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Coming on 10 December, alongside the Free Market release, are the latest in a set of improvements to core gameplay, this time focused on structures and 'timezone tanking'. This update is called Kicking Over Castles.

In this update more control over vulnerability timers is moved into the attackers' hands with the aim of making fights more common and Tuesday Alarm Clock ops rarer. This update also includes improvements to combat offensive structure spam and tethering in factional warfare systems.

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Celebrate the festive season with the Naughty or Nice series of events! Coming to EVE Online will be the 13 Days of EVE daily login event, as well as the Chilling Spree, where you can bag Skill Points for pelting NPCs with snowballs! There will also be some surprises...

02 Dec

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The legendary EVE Vegas returns to the entertainment capital of the world as part of the EVE Online Invasion World Tour, but this time to a brand new location. EVE Vegas 2019 will take place 25 - 27 October, 2019 at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino.

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The horrors of Halloween are descending on New Eden, so we take a look at some of the goodies coming your way! Check out the bone-chilling Halloween SKINs in the New Eden Store from 24 October, as well as the All-Stars Casino Clash exclusive SKIN for EVE Vegas attendees, plus the Snowline Bladeracer SKINs for Minmatar ships.

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An upgrade to Combat Interceptors in EVE Online on 30 October will mean more damage, more fittings and more reason to jump into these ships for some Trick or Treat action!

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We’re happy to announce that the warp speed of various sub capital vessels has been changed, and is now live!

Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before and travelling via autopilot will also be faster now with the warp in distance changed from 15km to 10km.

Head into New Eden to find out more!

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A whole host of fixes and improvements are here with the October release, including improvements to the right click menus for cynosural fields, new options for suppressing market warnings, a new default launch drones shortcut and the ability to paste Help Pointer links into chat. Check the full patch notes for these and many more!

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The eagerly anticipated Mimesis Implant set is now available in both mid and low-grade versions, giving a maximum damage multiplier bonus to Triglavian weapons for even more raw firepower from these already formidable weapons.

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This new chapter in the Invasion expansion also brings with it other new features too, including Shareable Bookmarks. This new addition allows Capsuleers to share specific locations in New Eden with alliance members and anyone else they choose, with control over access and duration.

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The new Triglavian Dreadnought - the Zirnitra - makes its bow in this new chapter. This killer vessel will prove a challenging adversary for Capsuleers, but also a desirable prize for those that can pilot it. There will also be new skills required for piloting the Dreadnought, as well as the monstrous new Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator weapon and new ammo for it.