EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

29 Aug

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Refactored Character shadows to make them more performant. Refactored the character animation system, and added in new idle animations which make the characters seem more lifelike.

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An 'Attributes' tab has been added to the show info window for NPCs. This tab will list their damage resistances as well as showing what damage types they deal.

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Repair Services will now be available at all high sec stations.

21 Aug

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Answer CONCORD's call to arms by fighting the Triglavians and various other foes. Gain as many Skill Points as you can during the Skilling Spree between 24 July and 21 August for destroying any NPC in New Eden! Get rewards ranging from 10,000 Skill Points for one kill, to the rarer 50,000 Skill Points for more kills per challenge. Then, use those Skill Points to train essential skills for piloting bigger, better ships with advanced weaponry.

26 Jul

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Log in every day throughout Bonus Skill Point Week and get free Skill Points between 17 and 25 July! As an Alpha pilot you can claim up to 200k Skill Points, but upgrade to Omega and you can claim up to 650k Skill Points throughout the event, as well as Cerebral Accelerators! Use your Skill Points to train essential skills needed for piloting bigger, better ships with more advanced weaponry.

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EVE Online accounts are incredibly valuable, and we are constantly taking steps to make your accounts more secure. Read this dev blog about the steps we’ve been taking recently to improve your safety, as well as information about a 6 month free trial of 1Password that we are offering to all EVE players!

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Lina Ambre reports as the SCC announces that its Fluid Router network is under threat and that Capsuleers should prepare for an inevitable communication blackout across Nullsec. The Drifters also seem to have ramped up their attacks, targeting more than just structures, adding to growing concern among Nullsec power blocs.

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This summer is the Season of Skills in EVE Online! With the Drifters & Triglavians attacking New Eden, this is the time to advance your character in order to be better prepared for the variety of looming threats, with events taking place all summer where you can get free Skill Points!

27 May

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EVE Online: Invasion, the exciting new expansion coming 28 May 2019, sees the fearsome Triglavians emerge from the Abyss for the first time! Capsuleers should be prepared to meet the threat head on, to face formidable enemy ships, escalating consequences and earn lucrative rewards.

The lines between known space and Abyssal Deadspace will be blurred, with invaded systems exhibiting strange environmental effects. Capsuleers will have to contend with an invasion by the Triglavians that starts on 28 May and intensifies during subsequent days and weeks. It will begin with roaming fleets of Triglavians, then escalate to Capsuleers fighting in Minor and Major Conduits and finally the World Ark Proving Ground. New Eden will never be the same again, so make sure you are a part of this unfolding history!

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EVE Online: Invasion will see the introduction of the new Pointer tool. Designed to allow pilots to assist each other with highlighting UI elements, this is a highly requested community feature that has been developed to allow more experienced players to provide clearer and more detailed instructions to those who’re finding their way in New Eden.

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The EVE Dev Team’s focus on quality of life improvements continues as EVE Online: Invasion sees the next stage of war declaration changes arrive. An overhaul of mutual wars is accompanied by simplification of war costs, the introduction of war headquarters and a whole host of UI improvements.

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We are delighted to announce that pilots across the cluster will be able to join an opt-in open beta for the 64-bit EVE client with the release of the summer expansion for EVE Online. This represents a key modernization moment in the development of EVE Online and is a substantial milestone in CCP's continued investment in the future of New Eden.

24 May

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An overhaul of The Agency is also arriving with the Invasion expansion, with a focus on making content and activities in New Eden more discoverable and accessible to both new and established pilots alike. The Agency will see the return of the agent finder, as well as a visual overhaul to make activities, resource gathering and exploration clearer and more concise.

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To accommodate the new Tech II Triglavian Ships being added, we're taking the opportunity to adjust Triglavian ship and module production with the Invasion expansion.

Brand new skills are introduced which are required for the invention and manufacture of Tech II Triglavian ships. New datacores, and new tech II components will also be made available that will be used for the invention and production of these Tech II Triglavian ships.

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A popular player request makes it way to Tranquility with the Invasion expansion.

Tech II ammunition will be able to be loaded into all Faction, Storyline, and Officer weapon variations. This will open up options for more fitting variations available than ever before without sacrificing the use of Tech II ammunition in your weapons.

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Brand new Mutaplasmids are discovered to be possessed by the Triglavian Collective that directly affect Damage Control Units and Assault Damage Control Units. They can be found in Decayed, Gravid, and Unstable variations.

Unstable Mutaplasmids for both Ancillary Shield Boosters and Ancillary Amor Repairers are also re-discovered in the Invasion expansion.

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As a Tech II Assault Frigate, the Nergal is a complete upgrade from the Damavik in almost every way.

Assault Damage Controls are available to be fitted to the Nergal along with bonuses to the maximum damage multiplier for light entropic disintegrators. Similar to the Draugur and Ikitursa, it also features a reduced signature radius penalty for Microwarpdrives.

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The Draugur is a terrifying Tech II invention of the Kikimora inheriting many of its characteristics while establishing the Draugur into the Command Destroyers class of ships.

With the ability to fit Command Burst and Micro Jump Field Generator modules, the Draugur also brings to the field its bonuses in light entropic disintegrators and a reduced signature radius penalty for Microwarpdrives.

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The iconic Vedmak receives a strong Tech II variation in the form of the brand new Heavy Assault Cruiser, the Ikitursa.

As expected from its ship class, Assault Damage Controls can be fitted to the Ikitursa greatly enhancing its defensive capabilities. It also receives powerful bonuses to the maximum damage multiplier for heavy entropic disintegrators making the Ikitursa a powerful ship for frontline brawls.

11 Apr

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Katia Sae began her quest to explore all of New Eden starting from Saisio III on December 1 of YC111 and came full circle back to Saisio on March 9 of YC121 after having explored every known-space and wormhole system that can be reached – all without a single ship loss. To honor this achievement, a new monument has been erected in the Saisio system by the Achura Stargazers Society.