EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

18 Oct


<3 <3 sad i wont make it to vegas this year but i hope everyone has an amazing time next weekend <3 <3

have a great weekend this weekend too, love you all!


Ah, 6NJ - my old home.

~ memories ~

16 Oct


Originally posted by AlxxS

and sent me packing with a small swag bag

You must have gotten the nice receptionist. We dropped in on a December morning some years ago and weren't even able to buy swag :(

Then again... Iceland was not good to us... no wildlife on the boat tours, no Northern lights after 4 attempts, roads closed due to wind... eh well... maybe next time.

At least the food and beer were good. Actually... other than the Blue Lagoon, the highlight of our trip there (after the EVE Monument) was the Hiroshima and Nagasaki thing in the Harpa and the amazing isolation and roiling seas at Vik.

Edit: For others if you're going to Iceland: go in Spring/Summer. We had a really good time in December, but that was more our unwillingness to be defeated rather than Iceland's attempts to thwart our fun. Also: take money. Lots of money. You'll need it, and its worth it. Also, if your go to Blue Lagoon, go EARLY (7-8AM) and enjoy 2-3 hours blis...

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You must have gotten the nice receptionist. We dropped in on a December morning some years ago and weren't even able to buy swag :(

Yeah, we're a bit too tight on space in the current building to have anything in the way of a gift shop. Not sure if we'll have space in the new building either.

14 Oct


<3 Thanks for the time you've devoted to the CSM man, was awesome having you around!

12 Oct


It's my seventh anniversary of moving to Iceland today, and my seventh anniversary of working with CCP on Tuesday.

Almost a decade of sh*t flinging, rage management, back and forth and fun times with the community - and that's after ten years of being a player myself.

Still f*cking love it, still love all you guys. We have the best community out there, hands down, and it really shows when one of us passes on and respects are paid, despite how much of a pack of bastards we are to each other in game.

11 Oct


I once flew a titan into a planet, then subsequently lost that entire planet to hostile forces.

I think I probably rank way up there.

10 Oct


I think it's a reasonable idea personally - not sure how much it would take to implement though, I don't work in development and I'm not sure what's under the hood of The Agency.

Playing Devil's Advocate though, this completely removes the ability to scam or rip off people with fake bookmarks. Deception, ripping people off and generally being a bit of a turd to make money has always been a part of EVE's core gameplay.

As a dude who're pirated since 2003 - this gives me the same feeling as a formal/automated ransoming system. I've opposed that because I've always felt that reputation and trust is part of the meta of EVE, and is a key part of gameplay in EVE.

Cool idea from certain points of view though for sure :)

09 Oct


Originally posted by Pittsburgh2989

So are you ever going to fix the glitch that allows rorquals to mine out of siege with bonus - or multiply their drone values exponentially? I submitted a bug report a week ago and haven't even gotten a "we're looking into it."

I sent you a private message with more details, but this bug has been dealt with. Thank you for the bug report!


Originally posted by Daneel_Trevize

We already had this in 2010.

We're defining a "deep safe" for these purposes as any bookmark which is more than 10AU further from the local star than the furthest-out celestial object (planets or stargates).

You will no longer be able to create bookmarks outside this range
You will no longer be able to issue a "warp to" command to any location outside this range
You will no longer be able to open a cynosural field at any location outside this range

This should make these locations essentially unreachable

Later changed to a 20AU range, and not deleting assets beyond it but relocating them.

We also found those old dev blogs yesterday and did some code archaeology into the fixes from 2010, when we investigated our options on how to fix the consequences of this bug. :)


Originally posted by krizniq

no it is not, and no professional company would do it on their clients by their clients. But since ccp is not professional i guess its alrright

Testing at scale has many facets and from my experience such mass tests have a lot of value.

I can also assure you, that this is not the only scale testing for this feature. I was for example also running extensive tests with thin clients (our special version of bots) in the last few days. The problem with simulated tests like thin clients is that it is testing exactly, what we command them to do (assuming our commands make sense). A mass test on the other hand is invaluable in testing player behavior at scale. Sure, our instructions during the mass test will affect the player behavior to some extent, so it is not perfect, but it is giving us test results, which are much closer to reality. The mass test will also show me areas, which are interesting to test further with thin clients - and the other way around.


Originally posted by avree

this is why CCP doesn't understand how bad citadel mechanics are ;)

if you had to spend a week bashing each one you'd be singing a different tune

I've bashed many, mainly Astras and Forts though :)


Originally posted by [deleted]

Boooooo, CCP Falcon get off the stage, booooooooo.

Go home to Hilmar and your adopted child and well decorated kitchen, booooooooo.

My kitchen is pretty awesome tbh


Originally posted by micdeath

sooo, pretty curious. Have any of you done that thinking it was sisi but was really TQ?

also, how trouble would I be in if I anchored an ESS in a grandfathered deepsafe? I got a couple bookmarks.

I'm quite convinced it's probably been done before :D


Originally posted by Barracuda_Drexciya

Looking forward to

/spawn AT

Job done.

I wish mate!


Originally posted by WS3000

Upwell Structures that have already began their deployment before this exploit notification will be moved in the near future, but owners of any Upwell Structures that begin deployment after this notification will be subject to penalties including potential destruction of their deep space structures.

haha imagine someone at ccp sitting through the cancer that is upwell timers to enforce this.

yes i know they probably have a delete button.


Job done.


Originally posted by Aimsucks

You need some cable management my friend!

Tell me about it, under my desk is a nightmare with so much equipment plugged in, so I just pretend it's not there lol

08 Oct


Holy sh*t? We're a business? And we're advertising?

You don't say!



You maked a Falcon in your example!

<3 <3 <3


Originally posted by Logan-Aigaion

I only have the issue on EVE, played Guild Wars 2 with the wife yesterday and didn't get a single DC, and when I'm booted out of EVE, I'm not getting DCed from voice comms and my Youtube doesn't stop, so it clearly seems to be at CCP's end.

It ain't a problem with Tranquility, sorry.

You need to speak to your ISP.