EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

21 Nov


Originally posted by ClangX

Could you guys implement a similar function to scan results? Back in some huge fights my client just froze whenever I combat probed in a fight because the client plays that little effect a couple of Thousand times, same goes For when I hover my mouse over it as its trying to make a list of all results.

This is a very interesting request, but I cannot promise anything, that we find time / a good solution to fix it. Still, if this ever happens again to some extent: Could you please send a bug report from the client (F12 - Report Bug) after this happened, so that I have some data to go with and mention my name in the title of the bug report?

While we are at this topic, there is unfortunately one area with bookmarks, where we could not fix short client freezes yet, and this is if you have too many bookmarks in the same system and have them enabled on sensor overlay. I will look further into this after the release.


Originally posted by Roughneck_Joe

Can't you guys automatically move over bookmarks to a folder of the same name with a [1], [2],...,[n] until you can see them again?

It would very likely increase the time for migrating the bookmarks significantly - we also have no idea on how it makes most sense, so the affected players will need to reorganize them then anyway.


Originally posted by tempmike

Could you maybe mail the person and ask if you can share their name? If it were me I'd be proud to get the recognition.

Good point, I'll look into it, but I'm not sure, if we can reach them in time. But they will also be free to reveal themselves after the blog has been posted (and I can confirm it then). :D


Originally posted by survik1

Poor 115 characters. Is it possible to say current highscore?

We will not disclose the character name, but the count will be included in the dev blog, which will hopefully be released soon. Sorry for teasing. :)

20 Nov


Originally posted by Ahengle

Is it 3k per folder?

Yeah, 3k is the limit for saving bookmarks in any folder (shared folders have a lower limit for saving) and all folders above this limit will show this warning. The part of "not all locations might be displayed" depends on the usage of subfolders: If any single subfolder has more than 3k, or if the base folder has more than 3k directly in it, then we limit how many we display (this is to prevent the client from freezing).


Originally posted by weezedog

Didn’t they say there was a limit of like 5000 that would be migrated?

All bookmarks will be migrated (except bookmark vouchers in contracts). If you have more than 20k bookmarks (affects ~115 characters) than only 20k will be sent from the server to the client.

19 Nov


Originally posted by MiksRebelius

Good to know that CCP fights botting more serious these days.

Very excited about the new team! Also pls no botting :3

11 Nov


you've got mail

08 Nov


Originally posted by CarlooSR

Out of curiosity: the player with the highest bookmark count; how many does he/she have?

I am not sure, if this is still the case, but in the test on Duality the player with the highest bookmark count had about 350k bookmarks, with quite some distance to the next one. I feel pretty sorry for him, as cleaning up and reorganizing as many bookmarks will be a lot of work.

07 Nov



As I already explained in the bug report and also mentioned in a different topic here: There is indeed an upper 20k limit, but this limit is only for how many bookmarks are being loaded from the server to the client. As soon as you either delete bookmarks or move bookmarks to a different folder (and then offline this folder) you can get further bookmarks from the server (but you need to either relog or first offline the folder and then online it again, to force refresh it from the server). There is currently a risk here, that you might delete a folder or subfolder, which contains bookmarks on the server, but which you are not seeing yet and I am investigating ways to avoid this. Btw: On TQ there is currently no properly enforced limit, but if you would have too many bookmarks, it will just fail (and we had an open bug about this for a long time).

In my last check there were about 100 players on Tranquility affected by this 20k limit and we are planning to conta...

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last time i had graph envy it was ccp quant... now you've gone and done it, larrikin!

06 Nov


Originally posted by Dran_Arcana

Have there been any changes to bookmark limitations since the last test?

Will there be a mirror right before the mass test?

Since the last one I have rearranged my ~40,000 bookmarks across ~80 500count folders, split across a bunch of new alts as of a few weeks ago. Being able to use those alphas on this mass test would be awesome!

The limitations are for now the same as in the last mass test (we discussed several changes, but ended up to leave the limits unchanged for at least this mass test), but due to potential performance issues we had to change a bit on how we handle folders, which are beyond the limits (from the migration):

  • The server is at maximum sending 20,000 bookmarks to the client. If you have a folder with more than 20k bookmarks, then you will need to migrate them to new folders in several steps.
  • The client is at maximum displaying 3000 bookmarks within one group (subfolder or directly in the folder) in the People and Places window. This is to avoid client freezes when displaying a too long list (these freezes would also happen on TQ, if you display as many bookmarks). The client still knows about those extra bookmarks (assuming it is not exceeding the 20k limit) and will refresh immediately, if you delete others.

Splitting the bookmarks over several alts w...

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Originally posted by Archeras

This whole tunnel thing ... What is it? I saw that thing a bunch of caps jumped and landed :somewhat: organised, but tunnel???

Feel free to check out the presentation at EVE Vegas about these changes, which might also answer your question a bit: https://t.co/0CjiV08mUM.

05 Nov


sup, thanks for using the button, appreciate it <3

also yes some throttling might be nice here i sent it onwards to the team!

Let There Be Law And Order,

CCP Peligro

24 Oct


Originally posted by ccp_peligro

wow nice hax enjoy ur ban!

*this is a joke please don't be taking me seriously


wow nice hax enjoy ur ban!

23 Oct

22 Oct


yo thanks i handled it. these are rmt bots so keep reporting. worte sker was 2 days old that's not so bad, but i want it to get better. die bots.


You need to stop painting these, I can only get so erect and it's starting to affect my health.

I fear I may lose the ability to walk soon.

19 Oct


Originally posted by cactusjack48

im sad to hear about your departure from ccp games, falcon :(

but im happy that you can now come back and play with us again! long live veto!

0_o i ain't going anywhere... just not to vegas ;)