Legitimately, I'd be really interested to know why you guys don't want to release that data. From our perspective, it would be really helpful. Suppose I have a rental corp that has bots banned all the time, and the corp leadership lies to me about it. how would I even know if I don't get reports from other players and find them before you do?
If an entire corporation is shut down because it's just an RMT/Botting ring, then fair game.
However, if there are people removed from a corporation or alliance that the majority of players are genuine, law abiding citizens, then it's unfair for CCP to tarnish their reputations by association.
The last thing we want is corporations or alliances being victimised because of the rule breaking behaviour of a few bad eggs.
Bot hunting is about cleaning up EVE and sending the message that this kind of behaviour is not tolerated in our game, it's not about starting witch hunts.