EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Hi. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
I’d like to check your 120 fps comment: Does your monitor run at 120hz? or is it a 60Hz screen with the client running at 120fps with ‘interval one’ set?
It’s probably nothing as you mention the window mode being 140 fps, but I’d like to check we’re not breaking the FPS limiter. Many thanks.


Hi. Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:
Could you let me know if you use scaling on the desktop (outside of EVE)? We believe this can cause the client to be blurry in some situations. Would you kindly file a bug report if you’ve not done so already so we could see the blur on your machine?


Hi. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:. There are known issues with detection of system ability currently. For example: Using high settings on a system that doesn’t have a GPU suited for these.
This is something that we’re investigating.


Great feedback! Thanks you. :slight_smile:


Try it now.


Thanks for the feedback. The alignment issue is an interesting one and something I’m keen to try and replicate. Does it always happen for you?


Thanks for this. I didn’t manage to reproduce it with wired headphones / internal speakers, but I certainly got some weirdness with a Bluetooth headset. As soon as I adjusted the volume using the keyboard, the audio started working in the client. It would be interesting to hear if it helps on your side :slight_smile:


Thank you. Great feedback. We have all of these as points of investigation :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
We wouldn’t be able to make this available on TQ right now, as there are a number of features not implemented (even though they may not be obvious in this test).
I’m glad it’s working well for you in this test and we look forward to bring it to everyone as soon as we can.

19 Apr


Hi. Exefile is the name of the EVE Client. I would love to get this changed…but there is a lot of pain in doing so :slight_smile:
In the future, the Eve client will look more as you’d expect on macOS (A image with the game name) in the dock.
You can check if you’re running the native client by bringing up the FPS counter and looking for ‘metal’ as the renderer in the bottom left corner of that window.


Hi. It really should be seamless. Make sure the launcher is installed as an application (and not being mounted / run from the downloads folder for example), and that you have switched to Singularity in the bottom right. It should then download the client.
Could you provide a screenshot if this doesn’t work, so I can confirm everything looks correct?


Hi there. Could you tell me the Launcher version you are running? It will show in the title bar of the application.


Nothing concrete at the moment. There’s a patch tomorrow and thursday and this is high priority so we’re hoping to have everything in place by then.

18 Apr


Hey all. Thanks for all the replies! We’re certainly gathering the type of data we are looking for :smiley:

I just want to reiterate: Where possible, please file a bug report using F12, even if you have posted on the forum. There are some screenshots and information in this thread that will be very difficult for us to reproduce without knowing the specifics that a bug report gives us. We want to fix as many of these issues as possible :slight_smile:

A huge thank you to everyone who has given feedback so far :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: