EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

11 May


Hi both
If you’ve not filed an EVE Bug report from the client, please do. This will help us in trying to find the root cause.
Many thanks


Do you filed a EBR (EVE Bug Report)? We are not aware of any issues with FSR currently.
If you could file a report for us and include screenshots and a loglite, we can see if anything is reported by your system.


There were some further changes made to AA today, which means many of the ‘overlays’ like the tactical overlay are now not part of the AA pass. It should be significantly sharper and have no blur after the patch released today.

Could you let me know if this improves things for you?


We are committed to re-creating it, and Squizz has agreed to do his magic to get it on the Killboards when we do. The cool news: we were able to catch what causes these issues live with that one! We hope to have the Hilmar Avatar mail up quicker than this one, since we’ve learned a bunch with the Sotiyo, and will post as soon as I have a better timeline on that one.


Hey team! Rebuilding a killmail is quite a process, as it depends both on us and on Squizz (who runs zKillboard) who has to go through a custom process to import it on zKillboard.

The completed killmail can be found here: Sotiyo | P.A.R.A.B.E.L.U.M trade and construction inc. | Killmail | zKillboard


It’s a known issue; you need to apply a special update from Microsoft to update intermediate certificates. KB3004394 I believe it is.

Legendary capsuleers of New Eden,

EVE Online has turned 20, and the celebrations have begun in earnest! The Jita 4-4 Capsuleer Day firework extravaganza was an occasion to remember, and the 20th anniversary mosaic is live, so you can locate your character on it now.


There’s also still time to join EVE’s 20th anniversary ...

Read more

10 May


Short answer: yes.

As we get closer to election time there will be more information, but as business around the world adapted to a hybrid work dynamic it makes sense for the CSM to adapt as well. As Brisc pointed out, Kaz attended the meetings remotely and was able to have meaningful feedback during each session. We may evaluate this new policy change in the future, but at least for CSM 18 it will be the case.

Creative Capsuleers, To celebrate players and their contribution to New Eden over the years, today kicks off a competition for our most creative community members to design an original piece of artwork to celebrate 20 years of EVE.

The two best designs will be printed on t-shirts to be sold at the EVE Fanfest 2023 and online in the EVE Merch store[merch.eve.com] - with your beautiful design on the front and your name proudly printed on the back, you’ll be a true part of the 20th anniversary celebrations.

Competition timeline The competition ends 30 May 23:59 UTC. This means you have three weeks during the 20th anniversary celebration month to create and submit your designs.

What designs are we looking for? Your design should appeal to all EVE players, which means you should not submit any designs which include a... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Creative Capsuleers,

To celebrate players and their contribution to New Eden over the years, today kicks off a competition for our most creative community members to design an original piece of artwork to celebrate 20 years of EVE.

The two best designs will be printed on t-shirts to be sold at the EVE Fanfest 2023 and online in the EVE Merch store - with your beautiful design on the front and your name proudly printed on the back, you’ll be a true part of the 20th anniversary celebrations.

Competition timeline

The competition ends 30 May 23:59 UTC. This means you have three weeks during the 20th anniversary celebration month to create and submit your designs.

What designs ar...

Read more

EVE_News_EN_1920x10801920×1080 115 KB

Hello everyone,

It is time for the Monthly Economic Report.

Click this to view the report → REPORT

As always there is also the downloadable data for you here.


Economic Capsuleers!

The Monthly Economic Report for April 2023 is now available!

You can download all of the raw data used in this report here. Each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.

To join the player discussion, please visit the official thread on EVE Online forums.


I’ve also been made aware of a defect with regards to pulling information from the Pochven region which results in the error message stating that “This region cannot have a market”. This is not intended and It’s been relayed to relevant teams and I’m hoping that we’ll be able to have that tweaked as soon as we can as well.


This information pertains to the original topic of this thread which was the history endpoint.


Hello everyone,

We are aware of reports of intermittent chat connectivity issues on Tranquility. Our tech team is aware of it and an investigation has begun, however, it’s currently likely that unfortunately, this issue will persist until at least downtime.

Additional information will be shared in this post, as and when it becomes available.

Edit: Logs indicate the last chat disconnect was at 03:55 UTC.

Whilst the causes remain under investigation, this is going to be marked as resolved for now.

09 May