EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

19 May

18 May

17 May


In the Client build and deployment on 16 May the Image Server type mappings were missing for icons. In today’s deployment then this was fixed, but the way these cache means there were several hours where the Image Server was returning 404 “Not Found” errors. This is resolved now. We noticed during debugging of this issue that there were some applications reporting issues that were using the Image Server in a deprecated manner.

As a reminder, the only correct URLs for the Image Server use the https://images.evetech.net/ server and the new style requests, such as `- Alliance logos: https://images....

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Welcome to the first in a series of articles that will put elements of the upcoming EVE Online: Viridian expansion in focus, preparing you for the big day in June when you will be able to dive in and experience it for yourselves. Viridian will be the first of two major expansions for EVE in 2023, bringing with it new tools for capsuleers to manage their corporations and set goals, to personalize Upwell structures, as well as engage in socially driven gameplay content. It will also provide more avenues for new and existing players to forge relationships as they fly and strive together for the glory of their corporation!

Another big element of the expansion will be the visual updates that add immersion, wonder, and depth to the universe of New Eden, specifically those being made to empire frigates, marauders, missile impact effects, and volumetric clouds – all of which will be discussed throughout this article, in the video below, as well a...

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You can now save up to 30% off Boost Bundles ahead of the coming expansion. These bundles will give you the freedom to hop into the ship of your dreams.

They contain Skill Points to give an instant upgrade, as well as Cerebral Accelerators, which will also speed up your training for a few days.

The sale includes the Advanced, Specialist, and Expert boost bundles, each offers a different level of improvement to your character.

Amplify your Aptitude[secure.eveonline.com]
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.


You can now save up to 30% off Boost Bundles ahead of the coming expansion. These bundles will give you the freedom to hop into the ship of your dreams.

They contain Skill Points to give an instant upgrade, as well as Cerebral Accelerators, which will also speed up your training for a few days.

The sale includes the Advanced, Specialist, and Expert boost bundles, each offers a different level of improvement to your character.

Amplify your Aptitude

Attention Capsuleers!
If you were worried you’d missed your chance to be part of EVE’s legacy and get your name on the EVE Monument in Reykjavik – never fear! Based on feedback, the deadline has been extended to the entire month of May. That means you now have until the end of the month to upgrade to Omega and secure your place among the legends of New Eden. If your character’s name is already on the Monument, you’ll get a chevron next to your name if you are Omega at any point in May.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of EVE Online history. Upgrade to Omega in-game, or through the EVE Store[secure.eveonline.com] now.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

16 May

15 May

Attention Capsuleers!

If you were worried you’d missed your chance to be part of EVE’s legacy and get your name on the EVE Monument in Reykjavik – never fear! Based on feedback, the deadline has been extended to the entire month of May. That means you now have until the end of the month to upgrade to Omega and secure your place among the legends of New Eden. If your character’s name is already on the Monument, you’ll get a chevron next to your name if you are Omega at any point in May.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of EVE Online history. Upgrade to Omega in-game, or through the EVE Store now.

Warp to the EVE Store

12 May

This edition of the Community Beat will be different as we take a moment to remember a dedicated friend our community has recently lost.

Vale ISD Dorrim Barstorlode and Bernie Nator

It is with a heavy heart that we write to inform you of the untimely passing of one of our esteemed community members and ISD volunteers, known in-game as Bernie Nator and ISD Dorrim Barstorlode.

Bernie was a stalwart in the EVE tournament scene and an active player within wormhole space. Bernie was a friend, mentor, and a beacon of positivity to everyone who had the good fortune of interacting with him. He was renowned for his friendly demeanor and camaraderie, making the universe of New Eden a welcoming place for both new and seasoned players.

His alter ego - ISD Dorrim Barstorlode - was a tireless contributor to our ISD volunteer program which he was a part of for over a decade. As a moderator on the EVE forums, he played a vital role in ensuring our community remained a resp...

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11 May


I am referring to all chat, including local chat.


Updated 2023/05/17 - 10:53

It has now been 48 hours since the updates were implemented, and chat continues to be stable. We will monitor and keep this thread open for further updates.

Updated 2023/05/16 - 12:00

It’s been 24 hours since the updates we performed at downtime yesterday have been in effect. In those 24 hours we have seen chat stability return.

The chat stability validates the results of our investigation, which has been ongoing since these issues arose, in that the underlying cause of the outages was due to a third party. We will continue to monitor the chat system and will update you when further information is able to be disclosed.

Updated 2023/05/15 - 15:39

Since downtime today chat has remained stable and we see no indicators that is going to change. We will continue monitoring and give updates if that changes and chat starts getting outages again.

In the short term we are working on changes that prevent this from happ...

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