EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

06 May


Sorry about that! I have corrected it now :slight_smile:


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Check out this devblog for a huge thank you from CCP, and a look at what’s going on over the course of EVE’s Sixteenth Anniversary!

Read all about it here!


We have updated the post above, and added a special page offering instructions to those wishing[1] to experience all the glory of the 64-bit Client.

[1] and by “wishing” we mean log in to Singularity at all, as 64-Bit is mandatory, citizen.


Hello Bleeding Edge Capsuleers,

Last Time, on EVE Online 64-Bit Progress:
The March 5th mass test revealed some interesting memory and FPS concerns with the initial implementation. Devs scrambled to find the causes and modify the code to prevent further disruptions.

And now, the continuation:
Our Engine and Build teams have tackled a fair number of interesting issues in the 64-Bit client. We resolved a unique quirk of EVE memory all...

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The wine environment bitness and the client environment bitness are related, but orthogonal.

This wine can support both 32 and 64 bit windows applications inside it. The previous wine could only support 32 bit.

If you’re using this wine on TQ, you are running a 32 bit client inside a 32+64bit wine.

Later today there will be a 64bit mass test on sisi. If you join in, you will be running a 64 bit client inside a 32+64 bit wine.

05 May


Unfortunately there will be no fresh mirror (as already mentioned in this thread).
This test is also on Singularity and not on Duality.


Yep, I can repro it here too. I’m not gonna look at it today, for the moment I recommend fixed window mode if you want to keep playing with the new build :slight_smile:


There were several new ones after the one you tested on slack to solve the libwine issue, but not since last night.

It’s possible that the way I added the new build to the launcher is not good and thus it isn’t correctly persisting your wine choice between restarts.

04 May


It’s not different. That’s the biggest change to the wine delivery pipeline. The last major revision of CCP wine, which is at this point very old, had a lot of custom patches in it. Some graphics card ID’s that weren’t in upstream wine at the time, a few custom patches to solve eve-specific graphics bugs, stuff like that.

At this point a lot of those custom changes have been solved in upstream wine independently, and we’re working at upstreaming some of the stuff which hasn’t made it. There’s very little left in our custom fork that we can’t upstream and that isn’t already fixed in newer versions of wine, so we’re jettisoning our custom fork.

Instead, we’re taking binaries from the winehq website, fiddling with their shipped libraries a little to make sure they work on the systems we target and then repackaging them so they can be installed by the eve launcher.

The alpha build this thread is referring to is really just this: ...

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Hey all,

We’re overhauling our wine delivery pipeline as part of the work for the 64bit client. The mac environment needs a combined 32/64 bit wine and I have side-ported that work to linux too.

If you’d like to give it a spin:

  1. Set your launcher to beta mode
  2. Wait for it to patch to at least version 1500694 and restart it
  3. check settings->wine options->Use dev versions
  4. Set Dev branch to winehq-linux-binary (this is only available if you have the latest beta)
  5. Wait for wine to install and launch

Be aware that if you’ve done custom things in the CCP wine folder, this will replace them, and the replacement may not work. Only give this a try if you’re willing to re-create your old wine setup from scratch if it doesn’t work. This is alpha, and you’re the first testers.

Please check in with what distro you’re on, whether you’re using dx9 or dx11 and how it went!


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Check out this dev blog for the latest information on EVE Online: Invasion - the summer expansion coming on May 28th!

Read all about it here!