Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

08 Nov

01 Nov

12 Oct


Hello pilots! It's been a little quiet around here only because we've been hard at work tweaking and bug fixing since the Armed & Dangerous content was launched into the Beltegrades. We've got a couple more additions and a slew of adjustments to better your experience even more. Thanks for those who left feedback, caught issues, and vocalized concerns; this patch is for you.

This update is live on Steam and GOG right now, with PlayStation 5 and XSX set to update in a week or two once we're through certification.

Some highlights to look forward to:

  • Each variant of thruster has unique SFX, including brand-new spool-up sounds that hadn't been teased
  • The hidden Redemption set can now authentically be obtained
  • Catalyst: EMP Charges can be installed on Blasters
  • Many ship passive fixes to honor their original design intents, most of which are improved
  • Legendary stats weren't supposed to change, so ...
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Great feedback thread, some good thoughts here.

I do think we're going to take another look at the re-rolling feature (which, admittedly, we're also pretty happy with). We've got more life to give ES2 through 2024's free update and premium DLC, and we aim to reach those high quality standards we set out from the start to hit.

Thank you, pilots.

03 Oct


Originally posted by Kemaro


Me reporting it 35 days ago. Some additional context around the cause of the problem was provided by an engineer on the team.

Seems this got twisted up in our reports then, sorry about that. It's been put back on the list.


Originally posted by Kemaro

I already have that configured. The issue I’m having is when I press the face buttons or the shoulder buttons stutters happen. I reported this like 2 months ago and someone said it was a known issue related to the way windows is sending the button calls to the game when connected via Bluetooth.

I see the confusion now: We had reports regarding DualSense controllers, not from XBox Series controllers. I cannot find any reports stating a XBox Series controller was used, so hopefully we can tackle this with a timely hotfix sooner than later.


Originally posted by Kemaro

Still no fix for Xbox Series controllers connected via Bluetooth on PC???? This was reported months ago and there have been two major patches since then. What are you guys doing? The stuttering when you press buttons makes the game unplayable to me.

Please try the following and let me know if the issue persists:
Go to Pause Menu -> Settings -> Input -> Customize Controls, look for Input Method Override and choose Controller.


Originally posted by Kemaro

I was patient but 2 months to fix a controller issue? Controlling the game is one of the most important aspects of playing a video game, how do you get that wrong and take this long to fix it?

Please try the following and let me know if the issue persists:
Pause Menu -> Settings -> Input -> Customize Controls, look for Input Method Override and choose Controller.

02 Oct


Hello there, pilots!

Now that EVERSPACE 2 is available across PC and current-gen platforms, it's time for our first free update. We've got a healthy addition to the itemization - including many new set items and item attributes - as well as key features and customization options as well.

First, a quick message is in order. We are sincerely grateful for all of your support, your feedback, your criticism, and your love for EVERSPACE 2 that we have poured years of our lives into. You encourage and inspire us to raise the bar for excellence, so we'll continue pushing into next year with even more free content for you to enjoy as a continued thank you.

Check out the ...

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20 Sep


Originally posted by DogSoggy441

Nice. Definitely doing another playthrough for this.

That being said, I was hoping they would introduce more legendaries and expand upon endgame Rift mode.


19 Sep


Originally posted by EliRed

Looks great. How will we find the new items? Just rift RNG or will there be some special way?

We've made a couple adjustments to set items in general, so the sets are found in specific systems. For example, the Bloodstar set previously only dropped from Bloodstar enemies, but we've changed it to where Bloodstar drops across all of Ceto. Not all sets drop from a specific system, but if it does, this also includes unknown signals, HRAs, and even Rifts in that respective system as well.

18 Sep

13 Sep


Originally posted by Queeflet

May I ask why you avoided this? Often one of my favourite forms of haptic feedback.

The main reason is all combat would feel like a constant rumbling. Our intention is to bind vibrations towards receiving incoming fire and hitting the engines, so the player knows the ship is under stress. Adding weapon fire would be an overuse of this feature, and recognition between different occurrences in the heat of battle would become more challenging.

For example, firing a weapon at the same time damage is taken may lead the player to think they didn't take damage since it felt like it was just the weapon firing, leading to confusion when they discover half their hull is missing - or explode - in a way that feels unfair or random. We do not want this confusion to occur, so we chose the haptic feedback carefully.


Originally posted by Lazy_Leg5956

Will you address the lack of controller vibration when shooting?

We intentionally avoided this and have no plans to add controller vibration when shooting.


Originally posted by Legal_Pizza3754

Forgive stupidity, but does this apply to xbox series s also? I'm assuming XSX just means series x?

The abbreviations are confusing, no worries! The shorthand XSX means that both series S and X have been updated.


Originally posted by Accomplished_River43

Come on, even Starfield has flight mechanics with inertia dampeners off (locked under a skill though and not explained, but still)

This is a dangerous comparison, as Starfield is a rather different game. It's easy to compare the space combat depth, variety and controls between the two with a clear winner, for example.

We have to recognize: just because there are other games with spaceships that have features, does not mean those features should be in all games with spaceships. We're very pleased with the results thus far; we'll see what more we can do from here, but please understand there has been a strong intentionality to what has and hasn't been currently provided. Here's hoping we can do more, but we cannot guarantee anything at this time.


Originally posted by Accomplished_River43

Inertia dampeners switch when?

Still a debated topic internally (this option was never intended initially from the start - it was added PC-side as a community request, but still isn't tutorialzed or bound by default to prevent user error) so I can't guarantee this will happen, but I can say we have poked about with some thoughts on how it could happen should we push for this direction to occur.


Greetings pilots!

Thank you for your continued feedback regarding EVERSPACE 2 on consoles. Your reports have given us direction on what needs fixing for a better experience for all, so we've pushed a patch through to download right now on PS5 and XSX.

Stargazing unknown signals is now much more pleasant with an adjustment to our skyboxes, and drifting cameras during supralight have been straightened out.

Additionally, we’ve opened a support forum on Discord so all pilots have a dedicated community space to report bugs, supply feedback, and suggest features. Join our ...

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12 Sep


Nice, but I need MOAR

17 Aug


Originally posted by PhillyDillyDee

I’ve accidentally sold stuff before. I think the game needs a little more of a safeguard for that when browsing shops. That, or a buyback feature.

Clicking the left analog stick will cycle the sort options for the vendor, and will also cycle to the buyback options as well.