Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

15 Jun


Originally posted by Polarion

I’m glad they got rid of the repair cost reduction passive. It was useless

Yup, it definitely was.

14 Jun

17 May

15 May


Originally posted by CptBadger



Do you have any updates? We have been waiting for quite some time for this fix. Any ETA on when we can expect it to go live?

Hey there, we are in a bit of a holding pattern as we are relying on a contact at NVIDIA to help solve the issue. At this time, Our technical programmer has been working with our friends and EngineSoft surrounding console development. There is a correlation here, as this development broke the plugins for the WinSDK. Once this has been sorted, then DLSS (as well as FSR1/2 and TrackIR) will become active again. I'm told it "could be a while longer still," which makes it really hard to follow-up on this. Sorry!

I'll continue to poke our technical programmer on this to see when more can be shared.

24 Apr


Originally posted by CaryGooper

When can we expect DLSS support? Would be great to see it fixed in the next patch.

Our technical programmer prioritized game-breaking issues - most of which have been addressed here - and is jumping around some other tedious gameplay-related issues. He assures me he is turning his attention towards this to push through certification very soon. I can only ask for your patience on this one; I'll follow-up.


Hey all, just making it a bit easier to know what this includes. Please know that we are aware DLSS is still broken but we did not want to wait any longer to get a patch out to you.

Changelog - 1.0.33633


  • Further performance optimizations
  • Tweaked Faction Battles in Drake that could be lost within seconds
  • Integrated localization changes suggested by Crowdin community
  • UI: Added Unreal Engine logo to startup screens


  • Fixed that main missions stopped after completing "Blakemore's Wrath" if continuing from an auto-save that was created right after mission completion. (Players affected by this can now dock to homebase and load the just created auto-save and the follow-up mission will start.)
  • Fixed main mission blocker in "Crash and Burn" when managing to quickly undock from Ships & Supplies before the "undock" task was activated
  • ...
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19 Apr


Originally posted by InsightfulLemon

Will this fix dlss, extreme poor performance in certain levels and add the missing near end game cutscenes?

I've googled for these issues and all the posts are a year or more old. Feels like Gamepass is a really old version

All of these issues will be addressed in an upcoming hotfix update before the end of the month.


Originally posted by Llohr

Anybody else having issues with the latest patch on Steam?

I just started a new game rather than continuing my pre-release save. I have no HUD, but I'm not sure if that's normal for "The Wingman." What is really bothering me is that I can't complete the first mission. I used the missile to blow up the rock blocking the door. Then I killed the drone. Now I can't open the door to the core. There is no terminal.

There was also a tutorial tip stating "press F to pick up items" (or words to that effect) but there has been nothing to interact with at all. Maybe that's... an oversight?

I suppose now I have to quit the game and fire it up again to sit through the tutorial mission once more.

I swear my first playthrough in beta went a lot smoother than this.

Edit: I just noticed the "skip tutorial" button. We'll see if that fixes things.

Wait, you didn't have a HUD the entire time? That's...weird. Out of curiosity, does pressing H change this?

I recently found another gimmick in the tutorial though it was unrelated to this. Regardless, we are revisiting the tutorial a little to ensure it goes a tad more smoothly.


Originally posted by Mockingasp

Crashing during fights just become really really common. :/

Just crashed 5 times doing High Risk missions. Last one I had JUST killed both bosses for Double Trouble and was cleaning up the leftover drones.

Oh wow, that's not good. If you're using a flak cannon, I can say we've been trying to lock down an issue with the weapon causing in-game crashes and may recommend to use a different weapon until we push another hotfix through. If that's not the case, I'm eager to hear more regarding how this is happening.

I encourage you to check out the Steam forums to see if other crash reports are similar to your own, if any, or posting a new thread with more information regarding your specific crash circumstances. We'd very much like to stop this from happening! ...

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Originally posted by arvzg

any update on FSR 2.1.1 implementation on game pass? it still doesn't seem to do anything. only FSR 1 seems to work

FSR 2 and TrackIR are both troubled in this latest update, as well as some cutscenes still not working and some flickering volumetric fog in certain locations. These will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix.

18 Apr


Hey guys! I almost made an official post for this, but I'm going to give the love to the OP for all the karma goodness for catching it before I made a post.

EVERSPACE 2 is now on version 1.0.33479.0 for PC Gamepass.

We're aware that there are still a few issues in this build and we have submitted the same hotfix version that is available on Steam. We're hopeful certification will be a bit more speedy for updates to come, including the upcoming hotfix. It's hard to know how long it will take but we're hopeful it should be here before the end of the month. Hopefully I don't have to follow-up with any hiccups this time!


Gamepass Version 1.0.33479.0 Segment
Our 1.0 launch on PC Gamepass did not go as planned due to a cert error on our end, and we’re working to correct this. The version made available on PC Gamepass was very near to 1.0, but did have some known issues including certain achievements not triggering, broken plugins affecting features like DLSS and TrackIR, and most notably how cutscene videos can’t be played. Saves created in this version of EVERSPACE 2 on PC Gamepass should have no issues when switching to 1.0.
Today, our 1.0.33479.0 version for PC Gamepass was accepted by Microsoft and will be available to players very soon. This build unfortunately, still contains a few of the current video issues that will be fixed in a hotfix update. Today, we’re submitting our latest build (details below) which we are confident will pass, bringing PC Gampass players with a fully up to par version of EVERSPACE 2.
We’re deeply sorry about the delay. It is a fairly co...

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Please note that we have not yet been able to find and fix the cause for the quite nasty and elusive "Flak Crash/Freeze". We are still investigating this and hope to be able to release another hotfix for the issue, soon. We cannot entirely confirm, but it may help to play in DirectX 11 instead of 12 to get rid of the problem for now.

News regarding PC Gamepass: https://www.reddit.com/r/EverspaceGame/comments/12qtm5i/legendary\_limiting\_gamepass\_hotfix\_1033633/

17 Apr


Originally posted by KermitTheSoup

Still Dont have some news for the team ?

Whew, this necro'd post is missing a lot of context. There have been a lot of discussions regarding mod support on a lot of channels across EVERSPACE 2's development cycle. In fact, we've spoken on mod support quite a few times with major announcements, conventions, and our weekly livestreams, effectively stating that we agree having mod support would be amazing, but not something we can focus on right now. After launching on PC, we still have more very hot priorities on our table. The focus is ensuring 1.0 gets to PC Game Pass, MacOS, Steamdeck, and consoles. Even still, we have more intentional content to the game, including a free update out this year and a premium expansion next year.

Hard to say if it will happen, but it will still be a while if it does.


Originally posted by CptBadger

Hey, u/Giraffasaur_

What is going on with the 1.0 Gamepass release? Can you elaborate on the current state of things? It has been 11 days already past launch date.

Also, any further news on the DLSS fix for Gamepass? Is it "coming soonTM" or "we don't know when"?

Hey there, I've pinged the according accounts to see what info we (Rockfish) can get on this, still waiting at the moment.

Quick clarity that the DLSS, FSR, TrackIR issue is a plugin failure with WinGDK, which will be resolved. Regarding the update itself, it is well past our personal expectations of when this should have dropped, I'll be damned if I don't have news to share with you all soon.


Originally posted by Paranoid4ndr01d

Yeah I just want the same version everyone else has, bug fixes and DLSS support as my main reasons. I didn’t think it would take this long and the lack of communication and constant deferring to “it’s almost the same version” by the devs have added to my frustration.

Hey there, I'm sorry you feel there hasn't been communication on this front. This has absolutely taken longer than it was expected and we're feeling the pressure and frustration as well. Unfortunately, per my last message from 3 days ago, I don't have any extra news to report. I have once again pinged to have an update on this soon, both for your sake and for ours.


Originally posted by ModuloPlus

The problem with puzzles in this game is that they have very little to do with reasoning or logic. Instead they are about randomly stumbling upon solutions.

Obviously I'm not an idiot and I can tell that a battery socket requires a battery, but finding the battery has nothing to do with my deduction, pattern recognition or problem solving skills. There were no clues pointing to the location puzzle piece, no environmental narrative. One just finds it after searching long enough. It's not rewarding. There's no eureka moment. The one type of puzzle that works is the ancient lens one, specifically because it is supported by reasoning, environmental clues and level design in general. It's not particularly challenging but that's not the point. This is an actual problem to solve rather than finding a needle in a haystack like others have aptly described.

From what you are saying, it looks like this is meant to incentivize looking at your objectively beautiful handcrafted l...

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Thank you for taking the time to put together this post and sharing your frustration here. I'm sorry you're frustrated by the latest rendition of the game and how these exploration challenges have come together. Much like others here, I think there may have been a little bit of a misalignment with expectations, but I see healthy points from what was to be expected. While I can't say there's a focus on this right now (since we're working on priority hotfix elements that truly damage or hinder gameplay), I can say there have been some discussions internally on managing these specific expectations via updates or adjustments in the future.


Originally posted by A_K1TTEN

Just a heads-up: /u/Skaramuche and myself are both pretty sure we are on v1.0 and we are both on GamePass.

I am for sure on GamePass and, while I havent completed the game (so I dont know if its possible), I have all the other features listed in the Steam Patch Notes for 1.0.33479.

Please dont somehow roll back my version if so! hahahaha

Edit: My in-game version says 0.11.33163

From another comment of mine:

Ive got all the features in that post that I would have encountered; Im only level 24 and havent finished the campaign, but I see level 30 perks, have legendary items, have a codex, I see Khione, Ive killed tons of teleporter drones.

Hey there, we danced around certification by pushing a stable "99%" build through to Game Pass early (else you'd still be playing from the Fall Update with a hefty amount of content missing), with the intent to further update Game Pass a week after release with cleaning up some last-second details (there's an achievement not working, some cutscenes that got cleaned up, etc) that don't impact gameplay. That said, there was a failed plugin in this version so TrackIR, DLSS and FSR aren't working, but this should also be corrected in an upcoming update too.

As for when this will be updated, I've pinged for more information this morning, still waiting. I should have news to share soon.