Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

19 Feb

    Thilo on News - Thread - Direct

Patch 0.4.16428, Roadmap 2021, New Ship Classes, New Missions, Space Critters

Greetings, Pilots!

Our first patch including community-requested features, tweaks, game balancing, and overall performance improvements, as well as several bugfixes, is out. Steam reviews are sitting at 1700+ with 92% positive, sales are beyond expectations, and current outstanding wishlists are through the roof (as in over 3x compared to the predecessor after 30 days post-launch). 

There’s no denying that things are looking really good so far. On the other hand, avid space pilots from around the globe have already burned through the cur...

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11 Feb


Originally posted by MagTheMercenary

Oh I thought it's only me, just bought a physical copy and I can't seem to update it. Says that I already have the latest software version which is 1.0.0 but it's not??? Devs help!

Hey there, so we did a strong investigation on the issue and it turns out this is out of our hands. We contacted the party responsible but it looks like a whole cycle of pointing fingers is happening instead of helping our customers. As such, PM me and I'll help you out personally. My sincere apologies on the delay regarding this.


Originally posted by MagTheMercenary

It's been 4 months, still no updates???

Hey there, so we did a strong investigation on the issue and it turns out this is out of our hands. We contacted the party responsible but it looks like a whole cycle of pointing fingers is happening instead of helping our customers. As such, PM me and I'll help you out personally. My sincere apologies on the delay regarding this.


Originally posted by Chwanzi

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

Hey there, so we did a strong investigation on the issue and it turns out this is out of our hands. We contacted the party responsible but it looks like a whole cycle of pointing fingers is happening instead of helping our customers. As such, PM me and I'll help you out personally. My sincere apologies on the delay regarding this.

29 Jan

    Thilo on News - Thread - Direct

Rocket Launch, Troubleshooting, Pricing, Disliked & Wanted Features, Outlook

Greetings, Pilots!

PHEW, what a launch week! EVERSPACE 2’s start in Steam Early Access and GOG GiD exceeded our wildest expectations. So far, we’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback from fans and press all over the world. After we started Early Access with more than 260,000 wishlist entries on Steam, we were very confident. However, we would never have dared to dream that we would land at number 1 on the global Steam Charts in no time and stay in the top ten for six consecutive days, resulting in ...

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20 Jan


Hey there, Keith is owned by DSFL now. Without any rights to him (or the IP), we could get in a LOT of trouble for sneaking him into our game. Bit of a shame really, since he is technically our creation, but legally not so. :(

19 Jan


Originally posted by TheXientist

And when/where did that happen

15 Jan


Hey there, I really love this question because your curiosity shows how much you yearn for the future of EVERSPACE 2.

However, we still have a lot of development to go for EVERSPACE 2, including the foundational vision to establish for the base game. If we were to tell you all the concepts we didn't reach from a funding perspective, we'd end up disappointing backers, our fans, and even ourselves.

That said, these undisclosed stretch goals are still very much desired by us, and we hope to include several of them anyway, in time. Obviously this is challenging to accomplish due to the lack of said additional support, which means they're low priority targets and ultimately don't have a guarantee to make it in, but we'll do our best regardless.

Perhaps through development we'll reveal more of what these look like, in time. But for know, we really appreciate your patience and your support as we realize the core concepts and implement desired elements through...

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    Thilo on News - Thread - Direct

Steam and GOG Early Access, Ship Augments, Scout Reveal, Ship Customization

Happy New Year, Pilots!

We hope everyone had a peaceful season holiday and could relax a little to recharge their batteries and get excited for the launch of EVERSPACE 2 in Early Access on Steam as well as in the Games in Development program on GOG, on Monday, January 18. Yes, you heard right: anyone preferring to play EVERSPACE 2 on GOG will be able to do so without having to wait until the full release. A big thanks go to the awesome folks at GOG for paving the way for us. Before you ask, GOG Galaxy features will be supported when we hit v1.0 in 2022 as we have a lot on our plate with completing the game over the next 12 to 18 months as well as making sure we deliver on our promises. 

Now, to make the roll-out as smooth as possible, we decided to keep all Steam pre-release keys active. Meaning, you just have to update the closed Beta or redeem your key if you haven’t yet in ...

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04 Dec

    Thilo on News - Thread - Direct

Ruins Of The Ancients, Prescott Starbase, Enemy Caster, HOTAS Support

Greetings, Pilots!

Today’s production update will be the last for this year. Obviously, we had different topics planned for this one. We’re fully aware that many of you still feel bummed out about our new Early Access release date, even though we have received a lot of understanding for our reasoning from our backers. So thanks again for your support!

We’d like to conclude an unprecedentedly rough year for probably all of us on a high note. Thanks to our new timeline, we got some cool new content and features to share that would not have made it into the Early Access release version (our code freeze was pushed back by two weeks, the content freeze by four weeks).

Ruins Of The Ancients

You might recall from the Kickstarter campaign that you awesome EVERSPACE fans unlocked the stretch goal “The Ancients’ Rifts,” a sector in...

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04 Nov

    Thilo on News - Thread - Direct

Voice Recordings, Further Performance Optimization, Burning Questions, Love Letter To CDPR

Greetings, Pilots!

Another clickbait update some might wonder? Yes and no! I’ll get back to this question further below in this quite unusual update. First off, let me say that our entire team is very-much relieved that our decision to push back the EVERSPACE 2 Early Access release to January 2021 to get out of the way of Cyberpunk 2077 was overwhelmingly positively received by all you die-hard fans who committed with your wallets to help our dream game become a reality.

However, being passionate PC and console gamers ourselves, we know how much of a bummer it is when a much-anticipated title is being delayed, especially when you were looking forward to playing it over the holidays. So, you guys are truly awesome, and thanks for your understanding. Seriously, we mean it!

Over the weekend, I read through a couple of hundred comments on social media and ...

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30 Oct

    Thilo on News - Thread - Direct

New Early Access Release Date, Closed Beta For All Eligible Backers, Crafting, Gunship Porn

Greetings, Pilots!

Let’s get the cyber elephant out of the room right away: The Cyberpunk 2077 release has just been pushed back to December 10, which is a major blow to our planned EVERSPACE 2 Early Access release in mid-December. Not only will every media outlet and content creator cover the arguably most-anticipated AAA game in history throughout the entire holiday season (and not much else), we also know that there’s quite a bit of audience overlap within our community (and our team), so…

After a quick consultation with our marketing friends at Evolve PR, Plan Of Attack, and Swordfish PR, we’ve decided to push back the EVERSPACE 2 Early Access release to January. We know that sucks, but hear us out! There’s actually some good in this.

Closed Beta Access For All Eligible Backers

To ease the pain f...

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16 Oct


Originally posted by DJToastyBuns

Did Everspace begin as a licensed IP?

Also, do sales of the first game still support you as a studio? I only just bought it last week but I'm really enjoying the game

Everspace is an original IP created by Rockfish Games.

And yes, sales of the first game still support us; we are our own publisher!

02 Oct


Originally posted by Zenguro

Thanks for the reply! 🤩 Do I understand this correctly? ES2 console release is targeted for 2022?

Yes, Early Access will be this December, and then we plan to add more content and nail the game for about a year before sim-shipping the full release on PC, PS, and Xbox in HY1 2022. /Michael


We're super excited about both next-gen consoles, but we cannot comment any further without potentially shooting ourselves in the foot. We'll share more details about the ES2 console release in 2022 when the time is right. :) /Michael

25 Sep


Originally posted by Aeonia92

Are you allowed to mention the IP that you lost in court?

Galaxy on Fire; we were the creators of 1 and 2.


Originally posted by Soylent_gray

Oh damn, I didn't know this is in Kickstarter. I thought they made some money from the first game

We did make some money from the first game, but keep in mind we started FROM SCRATCH (after having been fired from our previous studio and having our IP ripped from up in court), literally starting with nothing but the money in our pockets.

That kickstarter helped us fund EVERSPACE, and the commercial success it has been gave us the ability to push this larger vision of EVERSPACE 2. Still, we want to do even more, so we created a second Kickstarter and are utilizing the very powerful community-centric feedback from the alpha/beta/early access to help you guys realize our goal as well.

16 Sep


Yikes! We are investigating the issue and are seeking to rectify this issue; thanks for reporting and providing feedback.

I'll follow-up when we've discovered what can be done.

14 Sep


Hello there EVERSPACE community!

As we move closer to early access, we are expanding the volunteer moderation team on our social channels. With this in mind, we're happy to announce that one of our beloved community members will be joining the team on the subreddit - everyone please welcome /u/hazzydevil!

He will be working with the ROCKFISH community team to keep this subreddit in the loop about the latest ES2 news, help guide info to the wiki, and obviously help keep things tidy here for you all as well, which I'm sure you can see the fruits of his labor already.

We're working on some elements behind the scenes to bring our social circles together more fruitfully, and I'm excited you're on this ride with us. If you have any suggestions or desires, let us know and we'll see what we can make happen.

... Read more External link →

05 Aug


Originally posted by Pappy13

Pretty sure that means it's on the disk, but I can't be sure about that. Giraffassaur?

The Switch is the only version where the game can be purchased as an all-or-nothing package; there aren't any other options on the Switch. Getting the Stellar version of Everspace has both the game and the DLC on the game card itself.