Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

14 Sep


Hello there EVERSPACE community!

As we move closer to early access, we are expanding the volunteer moderation team on our social channels. With this in mind, we're happy to announce that one of our beloved community members will be joining the team on the subreddit - everyone please welcome /u/hazzydevil!

He will be working with the ROCKFISH community team to keep this subreddit in the loop about the latest ES2 news, help guide info to the wiki, and obviously help keep things tidy here for you all as well, which I'm sure you can see the fruits of his labor already.

We're working on some elements behind the scenes to bring our social circles together more fruitfully, and I'm excited you're on this ride with us. If you have any suggestions or desires, let us know and we'll see what we can make happen.

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05 Aug


Originally posted by Pappy13

Pretty sure that means it's on the disk, but I can't be sure about that. Giraffassaur?

The Switch is the only version where the game can be purchased as an all-or-nothing package; there aren't any other options on the Switch. Getting the Stellar version of Everspace has both the game and the DLC on the game card itself.


Originally posted by sks220

the f**ks a Giraffassaur?

I laughed :D

12 May


While the tone of this thread is unprofessional, it has been evaluated and will remain active.

We encourage all those to participate in the discussion to share their opinions freely with respect and consideration of alternate viewpoints.


Originally posted by ded_pixel_

So what's the line of thinking here. Does the game magically become a space sim every time my dampeners get shot out? Does it revert back to whatever once I fix it? lol

It's just a general term.

The procedural generation of levels isn't designed around a realistic portrayal of space, but rather a clustered variety of obstacles and enemies. When your inertia dampeners are damaged, aiming is far more challenging and movement is restricted in a way that makes exploring tight points of interest really difficult, thus removing your ability to gain resources quickly and carefully. The game doesn't "magically become" something else, but rather hinders mobility until the component is repaired.

Sure, some players can deal with the component damage. Which is the same with other components being damaged (i.e. an evasive player doesn't mind their shields being damaged because they rarely get hit anyway).

You should be proud you're skilled with drifting to where this handicap doesn't affect you as badly as it does other players.


Originally posted by ded_pixel_

uh what part? I don't mean to say this game needs to be a full newtonian simulation btw. But is law number ONE really so much to ask bois x) i mean really. We figured this one out in the 90s.

Dampeners dampen the fun :/ devs said they'll add a toggle in the next game, if I read the forum correctly. So at least they agree with me... Wish they'd update this one tho

Correction: We agree that inertia dampeners make sense in our next game since it is far more similar to a space simulation model (being an open-world RPG) as opposed to a very fast-paced arcade-y roguelike shooter, especially so in conjunction with the feedback from our demographic (which is primarily space game enthusiasts).

We hear you and we understand your perspective and desires. But we don't agree this feature would have been the most beneficial in Everspace, which is why the Enhancement is an unlockable that also changes collision damage AS OPPOSED TO a merely applying drift.

Everspace 2 will be quite different in this regard.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Pappy13

Would be nice if there would be some type of real world type of "recovery" from a destroyed ship.

Hey there! This is Erik, from the video.

First off, major shout out to u/HazzyDevil tackling a lot of questions through Reddit. Absolute champion sir, thank you.

Alright, now for the response pertaining to "recovery" options after dying:

EVERSPACE 1 took place in a roguelite loop because the main character being a clone could easily respawn and start back at the cloning facility for another attempt at completing his objective. As such, it made sense gathering the wreckage and recovering your past dead self in order to build yourself up.

EVERPSACE 2 is the continuation of that story, and (without spoilers) some things have changed about the clone you're playing as. The most important one is this: You no longer respawn. The body you have is 100% yours, with a full lifespan ahead o...

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17 Dec


Originally posted by Lutzol

Any news? i cannot wait anymore :)

06 Dec


Very soon; mid-December! We've been optimizing it quite a bit, to ensure our community will be able to run it when it arrives.

23 Jun


Originally posted by dainebag

See I still feel a toggle boost like sprinting in an FPS would work well. You toggle it on but to stop it you just stop holding forwards. Fair points though mate.

I guess I was way too harsh and obviously the game had a great reception so borderline broken was an exaggeration. I apologise. Actually going to give the game another whirl in a moment.

Just know that I spoke the way I did because I’m probably overly passionate and was just disappointed more than anything. If the game was terrible I wouldn’t care and would have moved on. But it’s one of those games where nearly everything is perfect and just a couple of tweaks could elevate it to being something truly incredible.

I take back what I said. If you can fix those little things, and really give the player that responsive feedback where every mistake feels like their fault and every win feels earned, I will 100% consider buying the next game, as this is so damn close to being an unmissable experience.


Apology excepted and great to hear that we didn’t lose you, after all.

One last piece of advice, before you fall too much in love with Control Layout C: Later in the game, dodging hostile fire will be key, which is why we put strafe left/right and up/down on the left analog stick in the default layout (thrusting forward with the left bumper is probaly more comfortable, too). However, circle-strafing with Layout C will be borderline difficult, indeed. 😉



Originally posted by dainebag

I appreciate the game and can see the hard work that has gone into the game. I won’t detract from that. I’m also not angry.

I’m more disappointed that this game is being held back from being amazing and instead is just “ok” because of its controls.

It’s right up my alley. I can maybe forgive the hold to boost. It’s terribly designed and is actually painful, but it’s not really needed that much. But the aiming on consoles is borderline broken and makes the game more frustrating than it needs to be. It is antithetical to the arcade style game you claim everspace to be. I love the layout C. Feels more akin to a first person shooter.

But the fact there is a huge deadzone and then when it finally does register, the reticle moves too fast and far even with sensitivity to 0.0, really detracts from what could be an amazing game. Surely you’ve noticed this when play testing?

Glad to hear that we are apparently not too far apart, so I’m happy to share a bit more context:

  1. Toggling Boost: We actually considered adding the option to toggle Boost, but we decided not to because not only has this been requested by less than 1% of our player base; most importantly, it would have led to even more frustration as toggling boost would have often made players run into battles with their pants down because of depleting their energy core more frequently – a “rookie mistake” that I could observe at dozens of game shows when watching unexperienced Everspace pilots dying like flies because of too much boosting; so, why not giving us the benefit of a doubt that we made the right call here?
  1. Borderline Broken controls on console: Again, a user rating of 4.5 stars on PlayStation is enough prove to us that absolute nothing in Everspace is borderline broken; however, I give you that: The controls in Everspace were initially optimiz...
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