
Factorio Dev Tracker

31 Oct


Originally posted by PerfectChaosOne

Is this version the same as steam? Are there still scenarios and achievements? At least in game

It's the same version, no limitations. Only thing missing is mod support. And you won't be able to build very big bases without performance drops; you can launch a rocket with no performance issues, so you can experience the full content of the game.


Originally posted by Seasterz


Upon clicking the right stick to activate the crosshair, it can be controlled with a connected usb mouse. You will have to go into your settings and map the secondary button controls to your liking for the mouse.

I wish Eshop listings did a better job of advertising mouse support.

Support is limited for now. I plan to later add a "mouse and keyboard mode" so the game will behave and control exactly like on PC


Originally posted by MovieGuyMike

Has anyone figured out if there are shortcuts for these actions:

Collect items from a box without opening it?

Place items directly into your inventory from a an open box with one click, or directly into a box/smelter/etc from your inventory?

It gets tedious having to select an item then drag it to its destination.

There's a mini-tutorial teaching you about this in the Tips and tricks screen in the Panels section of the Quick Panel


Originally posted by run-as-admin

Please support mouse and keyboard while playing on Switch docked mode.

I'm also having problems with sound. For example manually mining resources has no sound.

I plan to add a "mouse and keyboard mode" so the game can be played just like on PC. But this will come later.

Regarding the sound issue, it's a known bug, please restart the game once and it should be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Originally posted by help-me-plzzzz

Great port overall. 2 questions

1) Will there be support added to use both the left stick and D-pad for menu navigation? Out of my 100+ Switch games this is the only one where I could not use both options on the main menu. I was confused for a second when I started the game and I couldn't navigate until I tried the other option.

2) Will "local wireless" support be added? The point of the switch is portability, that means there won't always be a network nearby to play online or LAN. Nearby play on the Switch is what solves this. It's how my friend and I play Monster Hunter, etc when on a bus or train. I think nearby local play just uses bluetooth or something in the backend to make it work.

I'll keep the feedback in mind


Originally posted by teambe

Possibly look at adding the option to use the control gyro as a mouse while you use the free aim mode. Using the stick is fine, but an extra option to just use motion aiming could be cool too.

It's something I experimented with and works pretty well. But it needs a lot of polish and more intuitive handling of edge cases, drift, strange angles etc.

28 Oct


Originally posted by kloptops

First of all it runs great, also the controls are good. Not perfect but really good.

Secondly, if you’re wondering what the random walls and the miners off down on the bottom left of the screenshots, that’s my 8 year olds work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay that out of the way. As stated above the game runs really smoothly, I haven’t exactly stressed anything yet but no hiccups at all. I played a network game hosted on the switch with my son on the second switch, no issues, no lag. He had an absolute blast.

Now the controls are good, but there are a few issues. I mostly play in “mouse mode” as the auto selecting is kinda janky when working around multiple assemblers, belts, power poles, and chests. The mouse mode is great, but when you bring up any window (like the quick menu) you can’t use the left analog stick to quickly select something. Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but it feels really clunky. I also keep hitting the wrong button every now and then messing stu...

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Thanks for the feedback.

Playing in "free cursor mode" normally was never intended, it was added mostly to solve the edge case of selecting things behind a wall for example, or for selecting GUI buttons in mini-tutorials.

Nonetheless, since it seems there are players who like to play like this, I will look into optimizing the experience, by fixing the quick panel interactions and adding a free cursor speed option.


Oh, I should have mentioned this.
This is unfortunately a requirement from Nintendo.


Originally posted by Particular-Ship1600

Do you need Nintendo plus to play online? Or is it like apex and fortnite

You need Nintendo Switch Online to play over the internet, yes.


Originally posted by Kenshiro84

Could the Switch handle the late game or high RPS games?

Not really. You should expect being able to play until your first rocket(basically the whole content of the game), after that, UPS will start to drop.


Originally posted by Noah__Webster

Does it have any touch screen support for menuing?

Yes, but only for menus and some GUIs. Generally you shouldn't use the touch screen to play the game.


Originally posted by jjcf89

Is there a shortcut to jump the cursor from the character inventory to the chest inventory.

So far i do go up (selects the x) then go down (selects the far right of the chest) then scroll over to where the items are. LT+A to grab all items.

No direct way but there's the trick that you can navigate to the close button and down and you end up on the other side of the window.

I'm considering adding a wrap-around option to GUI navigation.


The game is not intended to be played with the touch screen, but with controllers. Touch screen can be used in some rare situation like clicking buttons.


Originally posted by mriswithe

Ok, now that is a very specific and irritating bug as a coder. How the hell does that work? Or is that currently still a mystery to you all too?

When the config file does not exist, some bogus defaults are loaded.


You can turn them off in the System Settings -> Controllers and Sensors.

I plan to later add an option in game for vibration intensity.


Originally posted by Darkkiller12321

Sooo, the mining sound doesn't play on the demo :/

Restart the game and it will be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. It only happens on the first run.


Originally posted by Soul-Burn

My big question is how does one "press Alt" on a Switch?

Another important thing to know is how to take screenshots on the Switch.

Alt-mode is the Up (▲) button.

23 Oct


and CTRL + F9 will reset to zoom 2.0x, which is 100% perfect high-res