
Fallout Dev Tracker

15 May


Originally posted by StrongRoss

it makes the noise that it has been crafted. but no items get used and no xp pops up.

Can you send me your bethesda.net username and platform?


Originally posted by Archrival1

Can Deep Pocketed mods for SS Armour (Legs/Arms) be looked as well? Only Chest piece currently supports this mod.

Yes! That is also on our list.


What happens when you try to craft it?


We're investigating reports of this. Can you DM me your PSN?


Echoing what u/Valseek said here:

  • First, we're adjusting backpacks so that different versions you've picked up as quest/event rewards or from the Atomic Shop can be applied as skins.
  • This will work similarly to how weapon and armor skins do now. You just need to add the new backpack appearance using the workbe...
Read more

This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future patch.


Hey Slexpis,

Can you try unlinking your accounts and relinking them? Let me know if that resolves it. You will also have to relaunch the game as well.


Don't stress *too* much about your build at early levels. Complete the quests in your pipboy, take advantage of double XP weekend to level your character fast and take your time. Melee weapons are good to start off with because you don't need ammo for it, so invest in strength a little bit (this will help with your carry weight too and allow you pick up a little more junk!). As you level up, you'll start to get your hands on some legendary weapons, and I find that the weapons you get your hand on may shape the build that you want to go with. Most importantly, have fun!


Originally posted by SugarSweetKittyKat

No it’s okay 😹 just looking for some opinions maybe someone can guide me in the right path.

Well let me confuse you EVEN MORE

I still use excavator power armor for the carry weight benefit and calibrated shocks are easy to buy haha


Originally posted by MrFire444

Sweet thanks you so much

You're very welcome!


Originally posted by Spampebs

Perfect, thanks for the confirmation

No worries at all!


Originally posted by Parentofentitledness

Thanks :)



T51b has great damage and energy resistance, it's just not as good in nuke zones. Ultracite is amazing and plans for mods drop regularly from the Scorchbeast queen, but not every single skin can apply to it (though there are skins which do, as they apply "over" the power armour, though I don't believe this includes the Nukashine skin). T60 is a decent choice too with good all around stats.

It really depends haha, sorry for the back and forth answer


We don't have specific dates as of yet, keep an eye out on the official channels for news and updates.


Originally posted by DaCheezItgod

Ooo that’s a good roll, but I found the furious effect wasn’t as powerful as I was hoping it would be on an automatic tesla rifle. I had a two shot one that seemed to slightly out perform. Regardless it’s fantastic for Campfire Tales


Yup this is a known issue and we're working to address it in a future update. Thanks for the report mate