
Fallout Dev Tracker

14 May


Originally posted by Amyjane1203

Will you guys ever do an XP week? I never get to do these weekends because my work is mostly weekends. (Yes, I'm still working during this pandemic). I would think a fair amount of players work in restaurants/hospitality/retail but I'm guessing it's not the majority.

I can certainly pass on that there's a desire for it due to certain circumstances, sure!


Originally posted by ghazza6

Whats free play?

The game will be available to play for free from May 14th through May 18th, starting at 12pm EDT.


12pm EDT is when double-XP and the free-play weekend will start!

13 May


Edit: It looks like this is now resolved and you should be able to log back in. Thanks!

Thanks for the reports all, we're actively looking into this.

11 May


This is a great suggestion we'll pass that along!


Here is our list of Known Issues that we published with Wastelander's release. While it is not completely exhaustive of every issue we have seen there are some answers in here for some of the bugs you've listed above. I'm taking a closer look to see where are at with some of the items you've listed as well. Thanks for the post!


Originally posted by GreenSpartan024

I guess only u/LadyDevann could verify🤷‍♂️😂

Ahaha yeah the scabber outfit! I did have the hat too but I like having the light from the Mining helmet.


Originally posted by GreenSpartan024

Was she really? I just had a talk with her and idk why someone would name their Xbox account after the Bethesda community manager😂

Thanks for partying up with me and fighting the Colossus together! It was a super fun time! :D

10 May

08 May


We're aware of this issue and are working on it.


Unfortunately, the window to redeem your free Steam key has ended.


We're aware of these reports and are working on their interactions. Thanks for the post!

07 May


A lot of people saying theyve already got the small backpack, although this is useful and you can mod, I don't believe you can equip skins to it.

Hey /u/VaultCommando, wanted to stop in here to let you and others in the thread know that we're making some changes to backpacks in patch 19 later this month:

  • First, we're adjusting backpacks so that different versions you've picked up as quest/event rewards or from the Atomic Shop can be applied as skins.

    • This will work similarly to how weapon and armor skins do now. You just need to add the new backpack appearance using the workbench modify menu, rather than crafting a whole new backpack every time.
  • Second, the small backpack will also benefit from this change. So, you w...

Read more

Originally posted by vitfall

Just got the problem today, only about two hours after getting Fallout First. Standard Xbox console, here.

EDIT: About an hour after this comment was made, the problem fixed itself. Cleared Xbox cache, but it didn't fix the error. Played in a public server for a while, tried again, and I'm in. Will update if it happens again.

Yes please keep me updated, thank you!