
Fallout Dev Tracker

07 May


Originally posted by ERKEK2000

My icons I got as rewards from Nuclear Winter are invisible. Cannot fix it. u/ladydevann

Thanks for the tag! I will mention this to the team to be investigated

06 May


Originally posted by Dennisboi1994

Thanks for the tag! We're looking into these reports. What platform are you on and can you tell me your username?


Originally posted by Jeandlewis79uk

Thanks to you for being able to create the re-create the bug :) Tagging u/Ladydevann as this could be useful to the Bethesda team :)

Thank you so much for this tag!


This is INCREDIBLE!!!!


Originally posted by PGDW

/u/Ladydevann you may want to get this to the bug squashers. This isn't the first report of this type involving camp not being placed in relation to the bug, and in this case it's detailed enough to try to reproduce. Thanks.

Thank you so much for the tag! I will send this over immediately.

05 May


Originally posted by astrosguy

I hope this gets fixed! I commented below as well with my console and GT. I have a ticket as well but no response yet. Thanks!

Can you DM me that ticket number?


Originally posted by Richardcranium3

i bought it the first week wastelanders dropped and its been red since.

Can you tell me your platform and IGN?


Originally posted by missingsh

Same here, Smiley acts as if I don't have the caps. I have the caps. Upvoted for visibility.

Paging u/Ladydevann

Thanks for the tag! We'll look into why this is happening.


Hey guys! I know this one is super frustrating and it's important to us to get this fix done right. We're investigating a fix for this and will update you as soon as we know more. One workaround is to store your turrets then replace them to reset them.

On a side note, Allies attacking C.A.M.P. objects is slated to be fixed in our next patch.

04 May


Great points and ideas in here, we'll raise this.


This is great! Would you mind if we featured this in a FanartFriday post on our social media later this month?


Originally posted by International_XT

Funny, I just did a similar calculation.

I want a very specific Secret Service chest piece: Unyielding/AP refresh. Since there are 18 prefixes and 11 major modifiers, that means the odds of getting that exact roll are

1/18 * 1/11 = 1/198 = 0.5%

The likelihood p of getting this roll in one attempt is zero point five percent. Now, we can calculate the likelihood P of seeing this roll within N attempts by calculating the odds of not getting the roll after N attempts and subtracting from 1.

P(N) = 1-(1-p)^N

At least I think I got that right. Now, we can calculate how many attempts we need to get that likelihood down to at least 50%. Quick maffs later, we arrive at 139 attempts to get a 50% chance that one of those 139 rolls will be our desired roll. If we want a 75% chance of seeing our roll, we need to up that to 277 attempts.

(NOTE: I'm trying to be careful with the...

Read more

That's some intense math! I can definitely bring this up.


Originally posted by Tsubalthak

Any news on the 4:11:1 error? just got it after a game crash myself. now stuck not being able to get into my fallout first world...

We're still investigating this. Can you guys tell me what consoles you're all on? And if you're on xbox or PS4, what models they are? ( ig xbox s or xbox one x, ps4 or ps4 pro)

03 May


Originally posted by Grunt636

Tagging u/ladydevann

Thank you for the tag! Sharing this to the team.

02 May

01 May


Originally posted by REDZMAN74

I completely agree, all of the resets should be at the same time globally and all of the daily should be shown in personal terminal.

u/Ladydevann u/Valseek

We've brought this up to the team recently! Great idea.