
Fallout Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by PiLLaYa

Will we see story dlc in the future around the enclave and/or the brotherhood of steel?

Let's just say the Brotherhood is now watching the wasteland of West Virginia very closely...


Originally posted by PiLLaYa

Will we see story dlc in the future around the enclave and/or the brotherhood of steel?

I love the Brotherhood of Steel. It was a joy to work on them in Fallout 76. So you're not alone in wanting more with them and the Enclave. :)


Originally posted by Pandita_Faced

Are there plans for Perk loadouts?

Yes! This is a feature we're going to try to get implemented this year.


Originally posted by followyourvalues

Why don't the NPCs fight back? A whole group of settlers trotted by me the other day and I took out the one named leader, right in front of them and they all kept walking. I don't think they even fought back when I didn't kill them with the first bullet?! What is this?!

Also. Can you make a high level, stealthboy/tesla gang of blood eagles somewhere in some secluded area of the map softer players don't need to go? Give them quantums & drugs & mutations. Make them just like the worst griefers in your game. Give us a challenge.

I know you want to.

For NPCs going inconsistently going hostile - there's a balance. If anyone involved in a quest goes hostile - since everyone sees the same world, it could be super frustrating that someone you need is dead. And there are other times where we tried letting some people die and it opened up a lot of bugs. So we balanced fun vs. bugs.


Originally posted by Lumpymoose00

Any chance we will have the abilty to make a settlement with a friend sometime?

This is something we've talked about at length internally. It's a tricky issue to solve with a lot of edge case problems, but as we continue to update CAMPs we'll keep trying to come up with creative ways to solve this.


Originally posted by KagoruRhodes

I love the mole miners, but I’m saddened by their lack of lore. With the purveyor getting a new home with a new friendly mole miner is an extension of their stories on your radars?

Look for a new mole miner coming soon in the next patch in May!


Originally posted by thatfezguy

Will we have new songs added to the radio? Or the DJ lines updated with future DLC?

We focused on adding a new DJ for Wastelanders. We're really happy with how that turned out. It adds a lot of life to the radio station. Hope you guys like it, too.


Originally posted by Host_With_The_Most

Are you planning to bring balance changes to energy weapons? In regards to laser rifles and plasma weapons specifically they:

-Still break much faster than ballistic weapons

-Do far less damage than ballistic weapons

-Still have bugged armor penetration after the patch that was supposed to fix it a long time ago. Armor penetration effects only take the base damage of the energy damage into account, not the actual damage of it once perked out, etc.

-Cost more to craft and maintain despite the significantly lower effectiveness compared to ballistic weapons

As it stands, there is no reason to use them outside of flavor and you'll be gimping yourself massively by doing so. It should not take multiple magazines of a laser rifle to kill a single super mutant ever, even less so when fully perked out. They're literally less effective than pipe weapons.

Great questions! As we’ve mentioned, we are looking to re-balance the entire game, or “normalize”, later this year. This will eliminate a lot of the rough edges in how our zoning system works, create a more measured and balanced experience for players of all levels. We’re looking at everything, not just combat.


Originally posted by HoonFace

Hi. Loving Wastelanders, just have one question.

What on Earth is this!?

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dremnt of in your philosophy."


Originally posted by KagoruRhodes

I love the mole miners, but I’m saddened by their lack of lore. With the purveyor getting a new home with a new friendly mole miner is an extension of their stories on your radars?

I love the Mole Miners, too. Putting more info about them is something we've talked about. Nothing more I can say, glad you like them, too.


Originally posted by AzarianCouncil

When should we see a roadmap?

We're working on a roadmap right now and hope to have one to you very soon. It will include content for the entire year!


Originally posted by BigRedtheBard

What's the plan with the camp system? You guys keep adding cool stuff to the atom store, but the budget is still pretty limited, especially if you try to use display cases

Hey! We're looking into both increasing the budget and other quality of life tuning as well.


Originally posted by BigRedtheBard

What's the plan with the camp system? You guys keep adding cool stuff to the atom store, but the budget is still pretty limited, especially if you try to use display cases

You want it and OMG the dev team wants it, too. One of the greatest joys is sharing the wild and wacky stuff the community does with their CAMPs. But just flat out increasing the budget would have real significant performance ramifications. So it's a balancing act.

But we plan on doing some very fun things with CAMPs in 2020.


Originally posted by Jeandlewis79uk

Same here on PC, no option to speak u/Ladydevann we got another situation going on here, sorry things are so hectic at the moment but Mmmmurrrg is not working across different platforms. We are not seeing the prompt to speak to her. Don't know if it is because she is standing too far...

No prompt to speak to mmmurggg: https://imgur.com/OMOugBl


Not seeing any discount though, maybe it is too early?




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Yes, swapping to third person should help! Her discount will be active in about an hour.


Try swapping into third person and see if you can interact with her then. I'll raise this with the team!

Update 2: That's a wrap! Thank you so much for all of your questions and comments. We had a great time and grateful for all the thoughtful messages. We would love to come back in the future to do this again. Until then, thanks again and see you in Wastelanders!

Hello again, r/fo76!

Today we’re trying something new and holding an Ask Us Anything on Wastelanders with Project Lead, Jeff Gardiner (u/jrg993) and Lead Designer, ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by PatrioticMemer

Thank you

Hey u/PatrioticMemerwill you DM me your ticket number when you're done?


Originally posted by someguy71guysome

Hi. I'm sorry to bother you but I've had an issue where all my power armor has disappeared from the set I was wearing. I've submitted I ticket and I was wondering how long it usually takes to get a response for this kind of thing. I'm just disappointed because that was the main set I use. Is it a good idea to keep playing the game while I'm waiting for the ticket to be resolved

Can you DM me your ticket number?

Thank you for your concerns about these issues, everyone. We share them too, and we are actively investigating everything outlined in this thread, as well as other reports we’ve received here, on our own forums, or through support tickets. We have commented in a few previous threads about some of these issues. However, even though we can’t respond to everything, each report, video, and screenshot of an issue that you share with us helps us narrow in on fixes.

In our next hotfix, we are planning to include a fix for the issue where NPCs can occasionally take a player’s weapon when they die. The remaining issues mentioned in this thread are all still active investigations, and we want to resolve them as soon as possible. If they can be addressed in time for our next hotfix, we will definitely include them.

We don’t have an exact timing to share on that hotfix just yet, but we will let you know as soon as we do.