
Fallout Dev Tracker

23 Apr


Originally posted by DankalorYT


  • Are the 76 floaters the same as the F1/2 floaters?
  • Also, where did they come from?

EDIT: Yes i know theyre from Fallout 1 and 2. But they dont look anything like the ones in 76. Im asking specifically about the ones in 76.

Yes, they are the same Floaters from before. FEV research was being done both in Appalachia and the West Coast.

In the earlier Fallouts they added a great tactical dimension to Super Mutant encounters. And they do the same for us. :)


Originally posted by TheBerethian

A few things I'm curious about:

  • Internal walls with wallpaper both sides?
  • Spiral stairs?
  • Player bound items moving to account bound?
  • A small special stash account wide for moving things between alts?

These are all outstanding ideas I will be bringing these up to the team this week. Thanks TheBerethian!


Originally posted by StrikingWerewolf

When Pete mentioned on a podcast the next expansions for 76 would be multiplayer based and not single does that still include npcs and story choices ?

While we are focusing on multiplayer and replayable content, there will of course be NPCs, storylines, new companions, etc.


Originally posted by Melodicmutiny

What was the inspiration behind the Wendigo Colossus?

I just asked Nathan Purkeypile (the lead artist) and his response, "I wanted another huge creature and we had some old concepts of a bigger Wendigo when we were figuring out the initial Wendigo. So we iterated on that idea to make it even freakier and more unique."


Originally posted by LordDaisah

Will it be possible to have more than one NPC at your camp at a time? It would be nice to have both a companion NPC and one of the random settler/raiders too.

Energy weapons could use a damage buff too.

While we would love to do this there are numerous issues that would need to be addressed. Doubling the amount of NPCs in the world comes at a heavy cost! That said, we are patching in a way for folks to dress their companions up using all of the costumes they've found in our next patch in May!


Originally posted by JuiceHead2

Are there any plans to lift the trade restrictions on gold bullion items down the road? Perhaps once the next major DLC comes out

No. The end game loot for Wastelanders isn't meant to be a tradable commodity. We have a lot of that already. This is meant to be something that you personally do. And if you're decked out in something awesome - people know you earned that.


Originally posted by FaultyToilet

I agree, I didn't spend all these hours to be level 200+ just to do the same amount of damage as a level 45 with the same weapon. It's not unreasonable to expect to be significantly stronger than new players.

I too agree, we will be testing this system on our PTS server and soliciting feedback to get it just right!


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

I've absolutely fallen in love with the BlueRidge Caravan & especially the character Eugenie - any plans to expand them in future content?

I'll let the writer for that know you love them. They're great.


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

What's the best way to make suggestions to the Dev Team?

We have many meetings a week where our community managers communicate issues to the development staff, and we do prioritize these issues based on feedback so please keep it up!


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

What's the best way to make suggestions to the Dev Team?

Keep doing what many of you are doing - post on the subreddit and/or the PTS forums we read all the time. The PTS feedback was especially incredible (shout out to everyone who participated).


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

Any insight on what the Legendary Perk system is going to entail & also when it might be released?

This summer we’re adding legendary perks into the game. These perks are highly powerful and coveted, and players will unlock new slots to fit them in starting at level 50. You can also scrap all of your extra cards to ranks these perks up, and, when you roll alt characters these slots will be unlocked on them as well.


Originally posted by Gankdatnoob

Is there a plan for a better respec system?

Respecing has been talked about at length and we hope to tackle this in the coming months. We are adding in Legendary Perks this summer, which transfer across characters in order to encourage folks to try different builds.


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

What was the most annoying bug that you found, which was the hardest to deal with?

As many folks saw in our PTS, we had a number of issues with our quest targets updating and AI not responding quickly. This was due to an OOM or "out of memory" issue with how our pathing was generated. These are notoriously hard things to solve as they require a lot of stress testing to even ascertain the problem. But, thanks to the herculean efforts of our talented engineers and QA folks, we were able to find and solve this problem late in our beta process.


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

What was the most annoying bug that you found, which was the hardest to deal with?

It may surprise you but one of the thorniest bugs I tackled was getting it so that picking up the Gold Bullion in Vaut 76 in the Gold Room was very tricky to get right. It took many revisions before it worked right, and there was a time where there were ways you could get infinite bullion. But QA was all over it and we got there in the end.


Originally posted by iKnight212

There's any plans of adding the Marine combat helmet and the elite ranger versions of the ranger helmet to the game?

Yes! Similar to plasma grenades plans dropped by the festive scorched, you'll be able to find and craft the Marine combat helmet in the game very soon.


Originally posted by Chabb

Hey there. Congrats on Wasterlanders, I'm having fun. I just have a few concerns.

Following the community feedback and reactions...

What are your plans with gold bullions?

  • Do you intend to wider the source of obtention for treasure notes (which is currently super restrictive)?

  • Will the daily cap limit of 200 gold per day be increased eventually?

  • Will the pricing of plans be changed or adjusted?

  • Should we see more plans bought with gold bullion in the future?

  • Anything about "gold bullion daily/weekly challenges" akin to Atoms challenge? That would spice things up.

And bonus: Text chat, when, please?, it's been requested numerous times since launch... :(

Because currently it's a little bit discouraging to see all the time it take for numerous things and the slow-paced progression. And not being able to chat with others if you ...

Read more

Lots of questions in one - I'm only going to talk about Bullion on this one.

Wastelanders and Fallout 76 isn't a game that's meant to be played in a week. It's meant to be a game you can call home, stay for awhile. We made sure that in a relatively short term you can be fully kitted out in the gear you need day-to-day, but there are things to chase for a long time.


Originally posted by VeltScroll188

Hello. I was wondering why, with the Wastelanders update, it was necessary to replace A LOT of high-level Super Mutants, in various locations, with lower-level Mutant hounds…. West-tek, NIRA, Harper’s Ferry, General’s Steak House, Huntersville…

I do understand why Super Mutants were removed from RobCo, so while that is disappointing, no complaints there.

However, I’m certain you know that many dedicated players enjoy running the above areas for legendaries and XP, so it feels like a real slap in the face having these locations intentionally “nerfed” of XP and potential high-level legendaries.

Will you consider undoing this alteration for those of us who prefer locations over events and reputation grinding? As much as I enjoyed the Wastelanders quest, I took comfort in my daily route and now I find mostly disappointment there.


Wastelanders involved a ton of changes to various locations. With rejiggering old locations to have Blood Eagles and Cultists, there was a lot of ripples this created. In general, we were aiming to provide more variety to what you see and make all the radiant quests have fun places to send you.


Originally posted by AzarianCouncil

Are pets coming soon?

Edible ones? I kid. Now that we have our companions system in the game, we are looking to add pets as well.


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

The Wendigo Colossus is really cool - any plans to make it appear a bit more often (and maybe even buff it a bit)?

The Wendigo Colossus is nightmare fuel. We need more of it, MOAR!


Originally posted by LawrenceAndHen

The Wendigo Colossus is really cool - any plans to make it appear a bit more often (and maybe even buff it a bit)?

Indeed. Not to spoil anything, but we have a brand new event featuring this awesome beast coming this summer.