
Fallout Dev Tracker

24 Apr

23 Apr


Hey there! This is a greater VATS issue that we're investigating right now.


Hey u/knight_wanderer I'm sorry to hear about this! Can you file a support ticket for me and send me that ticket number so we can take a closer look?


Hi! This is an issue we're aware of and planning to fix in our May patch. If she's a bit out of reach on your current world you can switch to third-person and try interacting with her that way. Or, you can log out and back in to join a new world. Hope that helps!


Mentioned this in another thread as well, but we should have a fix for this in our May patch. If she's too far away in your current world you can try logging out and back in to join a new world. Or, switch to third-person view and try interacting with her that way.


We should have a fix for this in our May patch. In the meantime, like others mentioned, you should be able to interact with the Purveyor by switching to third person. You can also try switching logging out and back in to find a new world.


It's a rare opportunity to answer so many questions directly from the fans, thanks. I had fun. :)


THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE! I had a blast today. See you in the Wasteland. Very excited for the year to come.


Originally posted by Morderon7

Could we get a matchmaking and some sort of group finder for activities like dungeons/raids/events? Maybe even cross server matchmaking. Are guilds/clans coming?

Yes! This summer we're putting in a new teams system, similar to a public "looking for group" system, where Team Leaders will appear on the paper map and teams will be further incentivized with group buffs to play events, dungeons, and explore together. The wasteland is more fun friends!


Originally posted by Riomaki

I've always been curious - who comes up with all the weird or darkly humorous scenes that are scattered around the world, like with the gnomes and teddy bears? Is it just up to whoever builds the area? Or is there someone who keeps a folder of twisted ideas to use? 😂

Bethesda is a pretty magical place to work - all of us devs get a lot of freedom to do fun things we enjoy, and even add little touches like this. It's really something else. :)


Originally posted by TheBroverseer

  • Any updates on the "Legendary Perk System" that's been mentioned in the past?
  • Can you tell us anything about how "One Wasteland" might work?
  • What in heaven's name is the large mutated bird like creature that's pinned to the side of a cliff?

Hey! Jeff answered your question about Legendary Perks here and wrote a little about normalization ...

Read more

Originally posted by SantiagoCeb


Any plans on instanced dungeons/raids/arenas? Thinking like ESO style of content or a horde mode

Yes, we're actively prototyping a system where we will be incentivizing certain dungeons to be played on a rotating basis for unique rewards.


Originally posted by GoddessDespoena

Are there any plans on allowing groups to share quest progression in Wastelanders? Currently your teammates can join you in instances, but there is no way to share choices/progression and avoid repeating content when playing in a group.

Our Wastelander content involves so many choices. And if your friend makes your choices for you, that could lead to real problems. And some instances could break because you could be in a contradictory state.

So we focused on making sure you have a great experience going through and making decisions for your version of the story.


Originally posted by LightBringerPip

Are there any plans for us to explore somewhere beyond Appalachia? Either expanding the borders of the map or taking us somewhere entirely new? Thank you tons for all your hard work put into making this game <3

We are talking about ways to do just this. Stay tuned.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Will there be more Allies available in future content? Its cool to have them as C.A.M.P. companions!

Indeed there will be more allies!


Originally posted by Cama23onte

Will the Jester , Sun, goblin, Skeleton , Old man winter masks have human drop rates during Fasnacht this year ?

Will the Jester , Sun, goblin, Skeleton , Old man winter masks have human drop rates during Fasnacht this year ?

Yes, we are addressing mask drop rates this year as well as other improvements to the Fasnacht event. There will be new masks as well (and they're excellent!) We look forward to getting this event out soon.


Originally posted by itscmillertime

Are there plans to expand lore/do quests for the cultists or any additional factions in the future?

We love the Cultists, too. Fallout 76 is a real fertile ground for writing. It's very exciting to work on. So I can't say "yes" to this specifically, but our cup runneth over on fun things to explore in the future.


Originally posted by shtehkdinner

Will an area text chat system be implemented for PC, or has that been scrapped? I saw a gaming news article about it shortly after release saying it would be looked into, but nothing from the company since then (although plenty of requests from users via reddit).

Text chat is something we see requested often, we looked at implementing it early in development. Currently this year we have a number of other quality of life improvements we're tackling. As a PC player, I too would like to get text chat implemented in the future.


Originally posted by xe22s

Will ever get the survival mode back?

We acknowledged there was a very hard core dedicated group of Survival Mode enthusiasts. But keeping that mode open incurred a real testing cost. So we wanted to focus on where people play - Adventure Mode and Nuclear Winter (which has great PvP).