
Fallout Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by hey_rocco

If I buy a bethesda key right now, will I get a steam key too ? Because they are cheaper than buying it directly from Steam...

Yes indeed! Just make sure to link your account.


Hey thanks for the report! The Rad shower is a display error that is getting a fix in an upcoming update. Allie's attacking CAMP items we are investigating for a future fix as well.


Originally posted by mepradayounada

hey, thanks! i didn‘t include it in my original post because i noticed it afterwards, but could you please also suggest doing something about player owned turrets having dots aswell? it really clutters up the compass if you‘re in the vicinity of any camp. thank you very much for everything you guys are doing, it‘s really appreciated.

That was brought up in the PTS a bit as well! We can definitely add that to the feedback.


Thanks for the suggestion! We can definitely share that with the team.


That's really great to hear! We're so happy you're enjoying the new content :D There's so many things in Wastelanders that I can't wait for you all to find.


Originally posted by KiIgore-Trout

u/Ladydevann only the rad version of the Salisbury Steak works correctly with Carnivore, the radless version does not

Thanks for reporting that! We'll take a look into this


Originally posted by ValorB

Am doing now. Thank you very much. Will message you the ticket number if that is fine, just waiting for the cagey old man to write the ticket. :D

Totally fine I appreciate it!


Hmm this is a new one to me, I haven't seen anyone else report this. Can you ask your friend to file a support ticket for us and send me the ticket number? https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident10


Originally posted by -1heart

Has the Nocturnal effect received any kind of a buff? With night being made shorter, not giving it a buff makes Nocturnal items worse than otherwise identical non-legendary items, right? I mean it was always amongst the worst, but a nerf?

Good call on the day/night cycle otherwise.

The game still registers Nighttime as 6 pm to 6 am so the Nocturnal effect remains the same as it was.


Originally posted by Chunga5836

Daily: Pass the Buck did not allow me to sink the barrels even though I had AGI 5+ base.

We're looking into this bug, thanks for the report!


Originally posted by shutuppaul

Some things I've noticed:

  • You can no longer "stop tracking" daily events that activate. Kind of annoying.

  • Items sitting out in the world no longer display a magnifying glass icon if you're searching for those components. Items in containers still do. Probably a bug.

  • I have a lot more camp budget space. Maybe 7-8 percent, so I must have had stuff they reduced in weight.

  • New radio DJ is well done and minimal, but I have yet to hear the new song from the trailer. Really, really hoping it's in there.

" Items sitting out in the world no longer display a magnifying glass icon if you're searching for those components. Items in containers still do. Probably a bug. "

This was brought to our attention in the PTS and is slated to be fixed in a future update.


Originally posted by thisguy30

"The Scorch Beast Queen can no longer have her limbs crippled. So there is no way to force her to land anymore."

SON OF A B*TCH ugh I hope her AI has been tweaked then.

I commented in this thread but posting again for visibility. This is not intended at all and is being investigated currently.


Hi all, thanks for the report. We saw a similar report on our own forums and have made a tweak on the back end that should help mitigate this issue.

If you log out and back in are you still consistently having issues with VATS hits not dealing damage?


We saw all the posts requesting Pepperoni Rolls in 76 and are so excited to add them in! Glad you saw that in the patch notes :)


We're happy you're enjoying Wastelanders! Thank you all for sticking with us <3


Originally posted by LilGhannie

I have the same problem, have been trying to fix this for over a week now and my support tickets stopped getting replied to, so now I havent been able to link my steam and bethesda accounts and no fallout 76 steam for me... do you think there is a work around for this since ive been trying to figure this out since before the deadline?

If you filed before the deadline we will honor that and get you the Steam copy. Our Support team is still working through these tickets right now and will get to you as soon as they can.


Originally posted by Valseek

Thanks for the tag (and the reports of this issue)! We've made the dev team aware and they're actively looking into this. We'll get you fixed up!

As an update, this should now be resolved. If you exit the game, restart Steam, and log back into Fallout 76, please check to see if your Fallout 1st benefits are now available.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Valseek

I've been given my atoms, but seemingly I can't find my ranger outfit nor can I access the private world, any help?

Hi all, we're seeing your reports on this issue and actively investigating. We'll get it fixed up! Will keep you posted as soon as I hear any updates on this.

​As an update to this, we believe this issue is now resolved. Can you please exit the game, restart Steam, and then log back into Fallout 76 to see if your Fallout 1st benefits are now available to you? Thanks!


Originally posted by Valseek

Thanks for the reports, we're looking into why this may be happening for some folks right now. Will keep you posted as soon as I have more info on this.

As an update, we believe this issue is largely resolved as most players on Steam who were initially getting this error message are now able to log in. Let us know if you continue to receive the [4:8:2009] error. Thanks!