
Fallout Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by adingostoleyourbaby

u/valseek u/ladydevan any word that the team is aware of this?

Heya! Thanks for the tag. I'm going to be sharing the feedback for the Nuka-Cola Collectron's voice lines and the report of it only collecting regular Nuka-Colas with the Dev Team this week, so we can sort out what's intended here.


Hi, /u/SenyraInnov, sorry you're having trouble getting into your account. Once you've entered a support ticket can you please PM me the ID# so that I can have the Customer Support team take a look to find out what's going on? Thanks!

11 May

10 May


Originally posted by 16XTheNappa


Are you able to possibly assist this player? I've read several of these posts over the last few weeks.

u/EvanoHari can you DM me your ticket number?

09 May


We’re testing a fix for the spawn issue right now, and as soon as we get a firm date for the fix we will re-run the Treasure Hunter event to make up for these missed spawns. Thanks for your patience!

08 May

07 May


Hey there! We're actively working on a fix for this right now, and once it is complete we'll be holding another Treasure Hunter event to make things right. Since it's still in testing, we don't have a date just yet but we'll update everyone as soon as we do.


Hey all, We know that there haven't been quite as many Treasure Hunter Mole Miners around as we're all used to seeing during these events, due to a bug affecting enemy spawns. We're actively working to fix that issue as soon as possible, and once we do, we're going to hold another Treasure Hunter weekend to help make things right.

The fix is still in testing, so I can't promise a date just yet, but we're now aiming to roll it out sooner than the patch that's coming later this month. If that changes, or if I hear any updated information on timing, then I will let you know!

As far as Ornate Treasure Hunter Pails go, we haven't adjusted their drop rates. But since there's a smaller chance for Ornate Pails to drop vs. the others, it is possible to run into some bad luck. I'll bring up your reports with the team though, so we can double check that there isn't anything unintended going on with them.


Hi, it sounds like you've been able to get back on track with another workaround posted here, but for any others who may read over this thread:

I've been digging into this a bit with some folks on our forums, and clearing out your Fallout 76 "Associated Media" folder should do the trick. You can usually find that folder in a path that looks similar to this:


We're also looking into the root cause of the crash to prevent it from happening in the future.


Hi, sorry you're crashing! I've been digging into this a bit with some folks on our forums, and clearing out your Fallout 76 "Associated Media" folder should do the trick. You can usually find that folder in a path that looks similar to this:


We're also looking into the root cause of the crash to prevent it from happening in the future.

06 May


Thanks for posting those workaround tips /u/Iscream4science

This Power Armor issue is something we're working to resolve as soon as we possibly can. Currently targeting our next game update, and I should have more details to share with you (like a patch date) in the coming days.


Originally posted by 16XTheNappa

Supposedly a patch is coming "next week"

The fix is being worked on, and we're looking to roll it out in an update this month. I don't have an exact date to share on that update yet, but I should have more details next week. I know it's taking longer than all of us would like, but we need to take the time to make sure it's fixed right.


Originally posted by Valseek

I'll reply again in this thread as soon as the issue is resolved, but if there are any further updates in the meantime to share, then I'll add them to this sticky post in our forums. Thanks!

The login issues are fixed up and you can head back into Appalachia now. Thanks for your patience all!


Originally posted by Valseek

I'll post back here once the issue is resolved, but if there are any further updates before that time, then I'll add them to this sticky thread in our forums. Thanks!

The login issues are all fixed up, thanks for your patience today!