Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

01 Feb


They definitely knocked out a large majority of these issues but obviously its possible that a few instances would remain. If and when this happens again, you can send a bug report then DM me your username/ID. i can send it along to make sure we continue to look at any lingering terrain issues in the Autumn Foothills biome.

31 Jan


Originally posted by Struckxd

u/FreightTrainUSA just in case you haven’t seen this yet

Is this still happening with the patch today?


Originally posted by Papilla64

Hello. This video was taken in the br lobby seconds after exiting Save the world, which was also having extreme stuttering. I tried reporting things in the game before but i can't text anything, it only lets me take a screenshot.

The screenshot being taken is normal as it tries to capture your screen for the dev team. Dont worry so much about that, the report itself + your user name is enough to find it.


Are you getting this 1fps in the lobby? Is it also in the BR lobby? We're looking into perf issues while in game. Can you put in a bug report in the game menu and send me a DM with your user name?


Since you're on PC if you can send over your logs via a discord message ( reddit doesnt allow sending files) I can put your logs into the current bug report the devs are working off of.


Ok, so it should be this link with a v


Hey folks - Just wanted to clarify what's going on here.

The Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests used to give you heroes in Battle Breakers. They now give you Razor and Kurohomura in STW instead. If you haven't finished these quests yet then when you complete them you'll get the hero as a reward.

If you've already completed the Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests and you do not already have the matching hero (Razor or Kuro) then you'll get them in a giftbox when you log in. You won't get a second copy if you already have the hero, but can recruit additional copies from the Collection Book.


Originally posted by doct0rdo0m

Link is deleted or suspended.

The link typically takes a short amount of time to connect to the site once the patch notes have been published. But the shortlink does work.


The v23.30 update in Save the World brings the second and third week of Wargames, an update to when several questlines change, and a reloading change. Also, certain Heroes become available once again!

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26 Jan


Technically..... Fortnite does have a train 👋

23 Jan


Seen a lot of comments on this post from over the weekend and just wanted to follow up with the obvious response in potentially buffing Anti-Air to help. This is something i'll bring up and see what happens.

Beyond that i'd direct folks to the last comment i made in regards to feedback and such here\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Epic is aware of the problem, it is tad bit complex to fix.

u/FreightTrainUSA, Me and a friend of mine did identify some of the causes:

  • Getting close to a radar can cause the performance issues to happen

  • Getting close to the frisbee launcher can cause a lot of performance issues.

  • Getting close to a survivor can cause even worse performance issues. Especially noticeable in Rescue The Survivors mission.

  • Getting close to an orb, a storm chest or any other encounter type can cause the FPS drops.

  • Elemental husks spawning from patrols and during defense in any defense-type mission can cause FPS drops.

TL;DR: Basically it's general UI causing such problems.

I can pass this info along and see if it helps ID the cause.

20 Jan


Just to follow up, while this change will remain in effect, we're going to watching feedback and looking at data to determine the best next steps to take. Give it some time, let us know what you think, how is defending going, is that much harder, do you like that challenge, etc...


Originally posted by ferb73craft

For clarification, will Flingers still throw Huskies in the next patch, or will that be removed to make Flingers as they were before the .20 update? I think most players would agree that Flingers throwing Huskies buffs them significantly to the point of being more artificially hard / frustrating than challenging.

Since this is currently by design, flingers will stay as the currently are in this update.


Originally posted by cinemafreak1

JFC. I love this game but how patched together and borked is this freakin software?

Im not a game dev personally and i dont work with code. But i have dabbled in some code work in C++ personally for school and other side projects. While i cant speak to how it all works in Fortnite, i can say you'd be amazed how small changes in one place can have an effect elsewhere.

Hey Folks,

The other day i posted that the team was looking into this issue and I presumed that this was uninteded, i was incorrect. Here is an update directly from the dev team.

The Dev team saw these reports and investigated to see if something changed in this update that may have tweaked what Flingers throw. After digging into the data, they confirmed that Flingers are intended to be able to throw basic Husks, Husky Husks, Pitchers, Beehive Husks, Zappers, and Nurses.

Note that the Propane Husky and Riot Shield Husky cannot be thrown - only the basic Husky.

Looking at the file history, the data setting which husk types the Flinger is allowed to throw has only been changed a few times since launch (to add the Zapper and Nurse back when those enemy types were added to the game) and the Husky has been marked throwable since before the launch back in 2017.

Our best guess right now is that there was a long...

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Hey can you send a DM to me with your user name. Team has been looking into endurance issues.


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

There are tools being implemented to help get an understanding when v23.30 launches in regards to the performance issues players have been seeing. Obviously the team is still looking into the cause but ill say now, its unlikely anything changes in the next update. The best goal for a resolution would be v23.40. But thats only if a root cause is found and fixes are implemented and tested in the next couple of weeks.

And on a last note, i bring issues up every meeting to get an update on where they stand and insure someone is working on them. Once again bugs have priorities and some issues that are small might linger others not. Example here are the terrain issues in the new zone. Its expected majority of those issues like the instant eliminations or objectives under the ground are resolved in the next update. Once reported yesterday the team work extremely hard to make sure the fixes got into the next update vs needing to wait until 23.40. With that hard work on terrain issues. It means something that wasn't as high of a priority was moved down and might still linger. Its an extremely tough balance but the dev team does the best job striking a balance based on lots of factors, including my feedback from the players.


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

The team was off for multiple weeks during the winter break, when we got back there was a lot of catch up to do. I started informing folks of the performance issues mid week when we got back. The next week the v23.20 patch was already in whats considered "hard lock" in game dev speak that means the build is completed and no one can make any changes. This is for certification reasons on console and a variety of others.

So yes, that means all the performance issues were still and always going to be in v23.20. The team continues to look into the data to determine a cause. These performance issues aren't a STW issue alone but are across all of Fortnite. Its being looked into but there shouldn't be an expectation that this issue gets resolved magically in a few days when we're still fully investigating the issue. Its just not how game development works with when patches get locked.

In terms of the flingers this was brought up today when i say the post yesterday regardin...

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There are tools being implemented to help get an understanding when v23.30 launches in regards to the performance issues players have been seeing. Obviously the team is still looking into the cause but ill say now, its unlikely anything changes in the next update. The best goal for a resolution would be v23.40. But thats only if a root cause is found and fixes are implemented and tested in the next couple of weeks.


Originally posted by Knight-112

Agreed. u/FreightTrainUSA said that he has been telling the devs about the performance issues in every meeting, so for the devs to continuously make these trash changes while ignoring the actual problems THAT THEY KNOW ABOUT, it just seems like they hate us

Another good example is the flux unslot change. It was a bad change for two reasons:

  1. Gold flux is already VERY scarce

  2. It was a change made while DTB was (once again) unplayable and hadn’t even been acknowledged yet

It seems to me that the devs acknowledge anything remotely fun (Plasmatic discharger for example) within days, but actual issues go unspoken about for months on end

And que all the epic games worshipers coming to tell me to “sToP cOmPlAinIng!!”

The team was off for multiple weeks during the winter break, when we got back there was a lot of catch up to do. I started informing folks of the performance issues mid week when we got back. The next week the v23.20 patch was already in whats considered "hard lock" in game dev speak that means the build is completed and no one can make any changes. This is for certification reasons on console and a variety of others.

So yes, that means all the performance issues were still and always going to be in v23.20. The team continues to look into the data to determine a cause. These performance issues aren't a STW issue alone but are across all of Fortnite. Its being looked into but there shouldn't be an expectation that this issue gets resolved magically in a few days when we're still fully investigating the issue. Its just not how game development works with when patches get locked.

In terms of the flingers this was brought up today when i say the post yesterday regardin...

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