Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

01 May


Anyone who is impacted by this should use the "Submit Feedback" / "Report Bug" option immediately after this happens.

This will give us a clear understanding of how this is happening.

Thank you!


The Account Merge feature will be coming to an end on May 6, 2019. So be sure to submit a merge request prior to that date for any eligible accounts.

Note: Any "In Progress" Account Merge requests will still be completed as long as they're submitted prior to May 6.

External link →

30 Apr


For players who are trying to report this issue, please report it right after it happens or shortly after. This will allow the team to look at your report during your game session.


Originally posted by Hugomane


I've already sent in game feedback regarding this bug. This happens in normal missions also. There's bug reports on Reddit and on the STW forum. Help is much appreciated bcz I can't play the game since the update.

Thank you

Links below.

What is your IGN so the team can take a look at your report?


Originally posted by Huurlibus

Happened to me too just after loading into a random 128 mission. Got everything back when I left the match.

Did you report the issue using the feedback button? What is your IGN so our team can take a look and see what may be occurring.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Toadpro

Good point... I'll search for another Storm Shield and test it. If I get anything like this again, I'll report it.

Also what is your IGN?


Is this something that happens everytime you go into storm shield? The next time this happens please use the feedback button to report the issue. By reporting the issue it allows us to look into the session you were playing to determine any issues.

28 Apr


Originally posted by CatstructorPenny

Explanation: Mimics can fail to stand up / activate. Upon 'searching' the mimic, they will still appear as a chest, and not respond. They can be interacted with, but won't do anything.

Evidence: Video evidence here:

This link works now.

If replicable, how: Find mimics inside structures, under stairs, in containers, and generally around / under other objects and try to activate them.

Platform: I've experienced it playing on Xbox, but I believe the bug is across all platforms.

Thanks for the report, u/CatstructorPenny!


Originally posted by DreadAngel1711

Explanation: On occasion, the sound for activating the hover board is insanely loud, like you just activated it 100 times at once


If reproducible, how: Just use the hover board a lot, it seems to happen at random

Platform: PC, I don't know if it affects other platforms. Also don't know if it got fixed in the latest update.

And another one, since this is really bugging (heh) me when it happens.

Explanation: The sound that plays when using an picture-based emote in BR will play over and over for the entire mission.


If reproducible, how: Again, it seems to happen at complete random, but affects every mission.

Platform: PC. Again, unsure if it affects other platforms. Also unsure if this got fixed, too, but I'm reporting them both just in case

I'll shoot this over to our QA team to investigate. I've personally never had this happen but we'll run some test.


Originally posted by Fisken01

Explanation: You can't bind your emote key.

Evidence: There isn't an option for it in the keybinds menu.

If reproducible, how: Try to find the option in the keybinds menu.

Platform: PC

Only noticed it after reseting my keybinds to default trying to fix the bug where you can't revive here (it worked). Tried to find it since I use my B key to interact but I was unable to use it to interact since the emote menu prevents me. I'm so used to pressing B to interact by now that everytime I try to pick something up I begin to show my dominace infront of the husks.

Thanks for letting us know! We'll take a look.


Originally posted by stwtryhard

u/Magyst tagging you so you can see this :)

Thank you for the tag. I'll shoot this over to the team to investigate. Definitely an odd one.


We're currently discussing the changes that were made to Twine. We'll try and have more information for you later this week.


Originally posted by burnsdg

Aye....quite a few reports lately of "deep choice" llama rewards presenting the same thing for both choices. Yesterday on one account I got a "deep choice" of two leg Steamroller, on the other a "deep choice" of two epic Keelhaul. u/magyst u/Kimmundi you might want to have the team look into the "deep choice" logic...

Definitely will do. Thank you for the tag, Burns.

27 Apr


Originally posted by D00MP0STERI0R

EXPLAIN: Mimics don't give rewards when they are eliminated. They just respawn as a chest. this was in a PL128 area. dunno if it happens in lower levels.

METHOD: Try to kill a mimic. go ahead.

REPRODUCE: Killed the same mimic 5 times just because i wanted to rub a minor bug in your faces.

PLATFORM: PS4. Didn't test on PC because i have better things to do.

Thanks for letting us know.


Originally posted by jbronin

Explanation: Leprechaun Survivor is incorrectly labeled a Troll Survivor. Can't put him in the collection book under Leprechaun, but you can book him under Troll.


If reproducible, how: apparently this happens when you level up the Leprechaun. Maybe let us revert him to level 1 to book him?

Platform: PS4, might be all

This bug has definitely been around for quite a while. I'll let the team know!

26 Apr


Hey everyone,

We're aware some PS4 players are experiencing connection/network issues.

We'll provide a status update once the issue is resolved.

Update 2:56PM: The connection/network issues PS4 users were experiencing has been resolved.

Thanks for your patience!

Thank you!

External link →

Originally posted by Dahvos

How many people sort by flairs though. It’s just another step that everyone needs to follow but doesn’t add anything

As mentioned in the post, sorting by flair will actually help me (quite a bit!) in specially searching for bug post rather than manually scrubbing + going through the megathread. It's definitely going to be another useful tool to help.


We're currently discussing the sentiment around the changes we've made to Twine. We're aware of the discussions players are having at the moment.

Thank you!

25 Apr


Thank you, u/GraveRobberX. This is definitely a way better way to deliver information in a constructive format. This is extremely digestible and is very clear. I definitely appreciate your passion for Save the World and will make sure your post and highlights are included in my report.

Again, thank you.