Thanks for taking a chance on us. We'll do everything we can to keep packing it full of awesome!
Thanks for taking a chance on us. We'll do everything we can to keep packing it full of awesome!
NDA lifts tomorrow but won't actually be able to play until the 21st. (Mostly big YouTubers and streamers will have the game to play tomorrow or already recorded footage)
There will be some of those folks, but the general rule is anyone who played in Alpha and also has a Founder's Pack can play tomorrow.
Read moreThats okay. I think iv found a way using electronic visa gift cards. Although they are region specific. (As a Canadian i would be unable to give an American a visa gift card in USD without first having a US bank account.) They also seem to have an online only purchases requirement to them.
Anyway, both my friend and I are Canadians so its no big deal. There is a small fee on the card while purchasing it for him. All I needed to send the card was his email, his name which would need to be a perfect match on his epic account (to avoid problems) and he should be good to upgrade the standard edition himself since it functions like a normal visa card does. (You'd have to make sure the cost in Canadian is enough to cover the exchange to USD though when loading the card. Or I guess find one pre-loaded in USD with enough to cover tax.)
If anyone is in a similar position just saying this was our solution. Its a little less fun then "surprise its a deluxe account" ...
You are a good friend!
Just wanted to mention we're still chasing this and that I haven't forgotten!
seems like they where just getting ready to make it public but they did not put it visible on the tabs yet when your in other tabs. So they where about to make this office you just caught them before they did lol nice.
if you noticed they started to post the basic rules and every thing this morning 6-9 am
We made them public in the last hour but started making those posts earlier in the day before we put them online. :)
/u/raczilla Do you have any plans to allow people who purchased the Limited Edition (Or I guess the soon to be announced Ultimate Edition) to upgrade the copies which are being gifted to their friends?
Example: Instead of giving Joe a standard copy you upgrade it to a Deluxe version for them? (Then gift it)
Sometimes you know a friend won't be able to afford an upgrade but would probably appreciate one. Especially if everyone else in your circle of friends is running around with extra bling. Sometimes its nice to spoil friends <3
If anyone else reading has "creative" ideas on how to do this without breaking TOS I'm all ears.
This is a cool idea and I love that we have players who want to help out friends this way. Unfortunately, right now this isn't something we've got specific functionality to support.
Thank you Raczilla, I just wanted to let you know how much it means to have an Epic team member give the community some answers. I hope Epic decides to keep this going after launch too :)
We're not going anywhere!
Raczilla its much appreciated that you guys get the info out to us like this in the community, thank again!
We love you guys!
As someone at work, any one got time to look through and give insights if the pack has Images of characters, weapons or GUI for systems we hadn't seen much of yet?
What we've got here is fairly basic, but let us know the things you'd most find useful and we'll continue to add more over time.
We're doing everything we can to make sure things run smoothly. If we run into any challenges or things break, will fix them ASAP and keep everyone updated while we do so. See you all soon!
We're in touch with an awful lot of streamers/creators, many of whom have played in the Alpha and are already members of our community. If you're someone who is consistently creating Fortnite content, please let us know!
I just meant that the interview would have been more interesting if you could ask more specific questions, like 'What was the most memorable moment you experienced' or 'Who is your favorite hero (not class) and why?' - Things that could conflict with the NDA now, but would be super interesting.
Hopefully you didn't take my original post as negative criticism, I'm really looking forward to the next interview.
Not at all. I think we may already have the second one in progress (it takes us a couple of days to localize the content into different languages before we post) but I'll pass on the feedback to the person who is working on these.
Yes they have support for Xbox controllers at least and I believe PS4 on the PC. I'll update the FAQ!
Can confirm I've played with both an Xbox and PS4 controller.
Nothing was removed for NDA purposes, although in the future I imagine we'll have cooler stuff to share based on content players are creating, etc. We've been in an Alpha state where there hasn't been much of that because of the NDA. We still wanted to acknowledge some of the folks that have hung with us for so long. I agree these features will likely be more interesting once we're on the other side of the NDA.
This is amazing and I love it!
I love it. Thank you for making this!
Whoops! Sounds like we may have goofed. I've passed this on to our support folks and we'll aim to improve our process. You are correct in assuming that you will be able to send the codes from in game.
Hi Raczilla,
could you please make a tangible statement regarding the state of PvP at the moment? (I know that it is not something you're not looking into at all at the moment) I'd just prefer to have a direct source to be able to link people asking.
There is not currently any form of PVP in Fortnite.
Exclusive does mean exclusive to the pack. Limited doesn't mean limited in supply, though we don't have a specific date when we'd remove the offers for the current EA packs, so the packs are all limited in the sense they won't exist forever.
Oh and I should add, we will give advance notice before removing any of the current packs.