Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Hey thanks for raising this to our attention. We'll make sure to have our FAQ updated.


Thanks for the report. If this does happen again, could you please report the bug under the feedback button in the settings menu. This will help us gather your player logs and see what went wrong.

03 Oct


This is a different issue than the one you posted about where you said that movement stopped and you didnt switch back into combat stance. Also this interaction is the same on PC and other platforms. You are just to close to the wall to edit the structure you are aiming for. It also looks like you are using the ADS button as a crosshair. This is not showing you the correct area you are editing on. Changing this back to a normal crosshair might help when editing.


If that is a message from our player support, they never said it doesnt exist. It does work, but as mentioned they said its not guaranteed to work. This is because L3 and R3 are not supported and require a movement to xcode 10/11. I have no timeline on when that move will happen.


hey u/BlamingBuddha can you try to log in now? We did a little magic on our side and hopeful it works for you and the others.


Hey, everyone.

We have a lot to share!

Check out our newest blog post for updates on matchmaking, bots, the new control settings, and The Combine.

Thank you!

External link →

Hi, everyone.

We have a lot to share!

Check out our newest blog post for updates on matchmaking, bots, the new control settings, and The Combine.

Thank you!

External link →

Can you expand on this video by showing where you cant shoot and get stuck as you said in the video? I am trying this myself before sending over to QA to look at and not having any issues going back into combat mode after editing. Also once you have this happen in game please use the ingame feedback button so we can get your player logs and the team can look at those.


This would certainly be an interesting way to voice chat!


u/cc210920 and u/Prynce_5000 are you both still having this issue today after the newest patch?


You need to uninstall the game/launcher and reinstall. When was the last time you updated Fortnite? Our newest updated should have resolved this issue. Again if updating did not work, reinstalling the game should fix this issue.

Hey everyone,

We have received a few reports from players who have said they have not been able to log into Fortnite Mobile through Party Hub. If you are seeing any of the images here: Please let us know in the comments below.

If possible please submit a but report. This can be found in the setting menu of the Party Hub menu, if you are unable to get this far please tell us the following:

  • Device
  • OS on the device
  • Account name ( feel free to DM as to not share publicly)
  • Network settings such as LTE or WiFi
  • Are you signed in with Xbox, PSN, Google, Epic account?
  • Have you uninstalled/reinstalled? If so did this fix the issue?

If you are having this issue and are able to scre...

Read more External link →

Hello, all.

We've released a patch on PC to address an issue with PC aim controls. A download is required.

Thank you!

External link →

02 Oct


Thanks for the video illustrating this! I'll send this to our QA team for investigation.


Originally posted by oofdaboof

Noooo. I stole the screenshot from someone.

I had three chests searched before Gotham came and when doing challenge in Gotham I saw that I didn’t get chests. This was the week Gotham came out.

Gotcha. I'll pass this issue along to the QA team. Thank you!


Originally posted by ethanw12gd

But he IS searching chests there.

Tilted has turned into Gotham, but it seems what u/oofdaboof meant is that their Mission objective progress returned to 0 when this happened.

u/oofdaboof Is this the case?