Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Thanks for the report, this will be fixed in a future release. In the mean time, if you have access to a PC or mobile you can enable party assist on that quest there and it will carry over to play on the consoles.


Michael Noland

04 Mar


Originally posted by PogiSlice

Not sure if this was intentional on your end, but small wooden furniture such as chairs, stools, cabinets, etc. seem to have a pretty noticeable sound increase. Definitely louder than before, and louder than other wooden structures.

Thanks for the heads up. Noticed this while playing over the weekend, too. Made some adjustments for the 8.10 update. Will let you know if the release changes.


Originally posted by th1lo

What about the Reaper pickaxe echo sound?

Thanks for the callout. I've toned this echo down for the 8.10 update- will let you know if that release changes.


Hey Everyone,

We are still looking into this and ask that if you have run into an issue of poor performance that you do the following:

  1. Report it in-game using the Feedback button under the category "Bug". Once you do this feel free to message me directly with your IGN so we can find your client logs.
  2. If you have any screen recordings or other videos taken feel free to share with me so I can share with the team.

Thanks for your patience while we dig into this.



Just wanted to hop in here and an let y'all know we're aware of your reports. Any more specifics on what you're exactly experiencing will help, but we'll keep you updated as we dig in!

02 Mar


You can - it doesn't tell you in the UI yet, but placing your reticle over a marker you've put down and pressing MMB again will cancel it.


We’ve released a PC only client update to resolve the issue causing players to stop sprinting if an animation is played while the “Sprint by Default” option is set to OFF.

An additional fix for other affected platforms will release next week.

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There is not now, nor has there ever been mouse acceleration in Fortnite on Windows, and the only relevant input change recently is that in 7.40 we switched STW to use the same mouse sensitivity settings/behavior as BR (called out in the release notes ...

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Originally posted by claytonsnow

I literally have no idea what 90% of this means but that didn't stop me from reading it in full and occasionally nodding in agreement.

Your game sends data to the server in little chunks called "packets". Each packet is numbered in the order its sent so the server knows the order to process them. Not all packets get processed and sent through the internet at exactly the same speed, so sometimes a packet will arrive at the game server a little sooner or later than expected.

In the current system, our game servers discard packets that are marked with a lower number but arrive later, so if the server gets packets 1 - 2 - 4 - 3, it assumes 3 was too late to be useful and only processes 1/2/4. While sometimes a late packet is in fact too late to matter, there are cases where a small amount of "jitter" should be allowed when compared to the timescale of how fast the server is processing data, so we're going to implement a system that's tolerant to slight out-of-order packets.

The tl;dr impact is it should hopefully reduce the number of "ghost shots" or similar issues resulting from lost upload packe...

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Originally posted by eyedentatee

So to be sure we have a clear understanding:

Current Day


| Game Frame |



After UDP Patch


| Game Frame |



Close! "Current Day" would be more like 1|4|5|6|8, where packets arriving late are discarded.

01 Mar


Originally posted by fivetreoh

When riding a balloon into a rift the balloon will pop, but the balloon audio sound continues to play indefinitely even after landing. This is likely a dev bug rather than audio, but thought I'd share regardless since it deals with sound.

We're aware of this, thanks for the callout!


We recently tracked down, with the help of an internet service provider (ISP) and one of our hosting providers, a networking issue that could be contributing to some of the lag and packet loss that players with certain ISPs are experiencing. This post is to provide some technical details about the problem and how we’re planning to fix it.


The issue relates to how UDP network packets can be delivered to their destination in a different order than they were sent. This is a protocol that all programs using UDP for networking have to deal with, and Fortnite, by way of Unreal Engine 4, does handle it, but not as efficiently as it could.


To help understand the issue, here’s a simplified version of the high-level sequence of events that occur in a single frame in-game.


  1. Try to read a packet from the network, if one is available, go to #2. Otherwise, skip to #4.

  2. If the packet read was sent before a packet we’ve ...

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Originally posted by Moreno510

The Season 8 umbrella doesn't make the drum beat sound on the Switch. It makes the regular umbrella sound :/

This will be fixed in 8.01. Sorry, forgot to make callout!


Originally posted by LVsFINEST

This is the first game where I’ve really said sound is crucial. And it’s also the first game to make me realize how complicated game sounds can be.

Are you guys game devs that work on sound? Or primarily sound guys that just work in game development field? Hopefully that makes sense.

Excellent question. We're all game devs here in the audio department. Thanks for the appreciation. :)


Originally posted by req-q

Will there be any below/above indication for footsteps on the “deaf” option where symbols show up on the screen?

This is great feedback! I'll pass it along.


Originally posted by Babalugats

I like the sound effects changes so far, but I've had some problems with footstep sounds in Sunny Steps while people are running around on the temple. Two people were full sprint about 10 feet from me and weren't emitting any footstep sounds until we were on the same face of the steps. We scared the bejesus out of eachother.

Thanks for the feedback- when the above changes go live feel free to let me know how Sunny Steps feels, too. Want to make sure footsteps in all POIs are in a good place. You should see some improvements.


Originally posted by ThePhallaanx

Any ideas on when these improvements will be implemented

We hope to have this out in the 8.01 update. Will let you know if the release for this changes.


We're aware of the issue where if "Sprint by Default" is OFF and you do any animation while sprinting, then your character will stop sprinting until the hotkey is pressed again.

This issue is being fixed in the next client update.


Hey all,

Seth here from the BR Audio team. We’ve seen you talking about some of the Audio adjustments that occurred with Season 8 as well as general feedback on the sounds you hear.

Let’s dig in on some upcoming improvements we’re working on!

  • Improvement to the standard AR sound so that it's not overbearing on the shooter.
    • Tightened up the sound, so it’s more of a BLaaam versus a BLAAAM.
  • Building Piece destroy sound is louder when instigated by enemies.
    • Helps mitigate scenarios where "that guy Hand Cannon'd a wall behind me and I didn't hear it".
  • Footstep audio blends in the above/below layers, rather than abruptly switching between them.
    • Prevents jarring footstep transitions between floors directly above or below. Should clear up some confusion.
  • Footstep occlusion traces from the heads of enemies when they're above or below.
    • This helps mitigate ...
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This issue is separate from the other Auto-Run issue that was occurring yesterday.

Fear not! We have a fix for the issue you're talking about in the next client update.