Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

24 Feb


Originally posted by Deceptiveideas

When I played the crossbow version, I died in one hit even while wearing the bush.

You can still be shot in the legs - try ducking :)

23 Feb


Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We were able to resolve this issue. :)


Originally posted by kevindqc

What is the ping supposed to represent at the moment, if there were no bug? I've been assuming it's how long a packet (ie: I fired this weapon!) it takes for the client to send it, and get the server's response (ie: You fired this weapon! And you suck and missed!)?

Or is it discrete, top priority ping/pong messages (IRC..), and the ping displayed is the measurement between when the ping and pong messages were sent/received ?

It is supposed to represent network latency but client / server frame rate is not being subtracted properly in all cases.


Originally posted by Azaliak_

Alas, I do think the one I got was fake, it was mildly like this but had asked for my email and password immediately afterwards and what console I played on. It also had a different color every page.

That does sound dodgy! We will never ask for your password in a survey.


Originally posted by Azaliak_

I got this email back in season 4, I do believe it’s fake my dude

It is good to be on the lookout for fake surveys! However, I can confirm this one is real.

We send this out to a representative sample of players and ask that people don't share the links as each link is unique for that person.

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Originally posted by Psyvane

last tournament epic had which was basically the killfeed on a separate stream. I hope we can get that again.

My plan was to have this available as a Twitch extension that could be overlaid onto the main feed, but I ended up having to fix a bunch of other stuff during the time I was going to develop that. Us putting it onto a separate stream was the backup plan. Glad you liked it!

22 Feb


Originally posted by xzyveltalxz

Can I have a link? Or is this a random selection thing?

Yes, our surveys go out to a representative sample of our population. Each link is made especially for the player receiving it, so we ask for folks to not share.

You can find out more details about our research process here:


Originally posted by Drastic-Measures

I keep getting ping 0. Can't possibly be accurate.

It is a bug.


Originally posted by lubekubes

That post only details how to merge two accounts that are unlinked, whereas in your original post you said to go ahead an link the accounts in the meantime. I already link my accounts, so how am I supposed to get my lost features?

We are currently making some changes to relax requirements to allow you to merge in this case. My apologies for that oversight.


Edit: Thanks so much to everyone who showed up! We loved being able to answer your questions and interact with all of you. We plan to do future AMAs for Battle Royale, as well as separate ones for Creative and Save the World.

Season 8 Launches on Thursday, February 28. See you there!


Originally posted by xd_fijiboi

Will the gameplay audio in mobile be improved in season 8?

All of the responses in the header will provide improvements for mobile as well.


Originally posted by CCors

Are clingers getting changed at all?

8.00 has a fix for the issue where you'll take damage from your own clinger through walls if you're within the explosion radius.


Originally posted by Thewhiteguccimane

I’m an audio engineer so I’ve always been curious how you do your audio. Is all the Foley recorded in house? How big is the team?

There are around 20 audio designers and engineers at Epic. We use a mixture of in-house and external foley and sound effects, and make all our own emote music. :)


Originally posted by RJE808

What's your guys' favorite in game event you've held currently? Doesn't need to be related to story.

Nothing matched the chaos and awe inspiring moments of the Rocket for me personally! But gotta say I love keeping it Mello.

BTW Happy Cake Day!


Originally posted by wafflecone927

How long do you guys playtest a weapon before adding it to BR?

Do you mean before or after release? ;-)


Originally posted by Superkman23

Are there any plans to reintroduce the storm damaging structures? I have always thought that slow continous damage to structures in the storm would be

Not at the moment, it didn't end up playing out as well as we wanted.


Originally posted by CrossLeaks

Describe season 8 in 4 words!

  1. Bananas

2) Bananas

B. Bananas

  1. Bananas

Originally posted by oarskr

custom reticles?

We've talked about it. Think there's value here but it needs time and we want to make sure we do this right. We're not committing to anything here but know we're thinking about it.