Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

21 Feb

Heya folks,

We’re always hammering away at building and working through ways to improve feel. Our new features (in v.3.0.0) allow you to both be in the heat of battle and still craft that clutch set of stairs!

Turbo Building
“Turbo Building” allows you to hold down primary fire and continuously place the selected building piece (Toggled in the Game options). Now you can “paint” building pieces into the world quickly. This will be very useful for defensively building walls around you and sprinting up ramps while building them simultaneously.

Automatic Material Swapping
“Auto Change Materials” will switch to another material when your current supply runs dry (this can be toggled in the Game options). In addition to “Turbo Building” this makes the building process fast and simple. It also allows for quick defensive structures from flanking with less input and worry about running out of a particula...

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20 Feb

    /u/S-LG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]

I hope Black Knight's shield becomes a back bling

It does! This is the same for a bunch of previously released outfits. Check your lockers when Season 3 arrives.

19 Feb


Originally posted by Rabid-Fish

/u/JustMooney1 I know you're not in charge of web development but on mobile the table on the page you have linked extends off of the page and doesn't allow you to scroll to the side to see it (Android, Chrome browser)

edit: they have successfully fixed it

We made some adjustments, good lookin' out! :D

    /u/S-LG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by redteamgone

Since the season 2 battle pass mostly revolved around stars and daily challenges more than anything to level up, can you elaborate on how it will take the same amount of time to level up? Is it based more on XP with a smaller scaling?

A combination of boosts + weekly challenges help you level up faster than before.


Just to clarify season length, Season 3 will run from February 22 - April 30.

Corrected dates to when Season 3 starts!*

    /u/S-LG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]

If you don't mind,any thing about Free Pass?

As you can see in the image displayed in the blog, there will be a free track just like last season.

    /u/S-LG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by v4_kenny

Question, 2 in fact. With the new weeky daily challenge system, do you get extra rewards for completing 7/7 of one weeks challenge? And does each challenge grant you a reward including the weeks rewards?

You only need to complete 4/7 challenges to unlock the bonus reward. Each challenge grants stars, so there is still value in completing 7/7 challenges if you want to maximize your progress.


Originally posted by Paginator

How much v-bucks will the battle pass cost? Edit: Thank you for helping clear this up. Thought I wouldn’t have enough!❤️

950 V-Bucks!


Heya folks,

With Season 2 coming to a close later this week, we’re here to answer your questions!

Battle Pass

New to the Battle Pass? It’s a way to get exclusive loot by playing Fortnite. Then earn or buy tiers to unlock even more rewards!

When you buy the Season 3 Battle Pass, you’ll instantly unlock a batch of great in-game rewards including the new Mission Specialist Outfit! As you play during the season, you unlock a series of reward tiers. The more you play, the more you unlock.

2018-02-19-08_41_23-BattlePass_purchase---Google-Drive.png... Read more

17 Feb


Thanks for reporting this. This is bugged on our side and we're looking at how to fix it.


There’s no such thing as failure, only results. Keep experimenting!

16 Feb


All official player support communications would be through email, outside of us contacting you folks for more info!


Apologies for the trouble. Our engineers believe they have identified an issue with crashes on login and are working on a fix. This will likely go out with the patch next week.

Thanks for your patience!

    /u/S-LG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Friends ... Comrades ... we must band together to stop the titans. Get your jump pads and boogie bombs ready.


Originally posted by OWstrider

Thanks for your reply and I'd be happy to provide any information that can help. To preface this I'll add this nugget: My specific kind of colorblindness is Protanopia. Prior to the 2.5 update I always had a slight bit of trouble differentiating between blue/purple items as well as a slight bit of difficulty seeing at night.

With the 2.5 update when I have the most trouble seeing enemies is at night time just as before but its waaaaayy more pronounced. On multiple occasions already my friends have had to ask me "why I didn't shoot that guy reviving his teammate" even though they are in the middle of my screen (just as an example). Since this update the entire game feels less vibrant, hazy, and almost like it's running at a lower resolution (although I'm sure that's not true). All colors are seemingly running together now which is ultimately what's making it difficult for me to differentiate between items, enemies, backgrounds, etc.

The specs I run the game off the t...

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Thanks for sharing your experience!

We did some side-by-side tests between older builds and 2.5 earlier today and the biggest difference we found was that night time is a little brighter than previous. I’ll be sure to do the same test with your settings- I know in the past that low settings with post processing has been darker, due to “auto brightness exposure” being disabled. Try turning that a notch higher and see what happens.

Any pictures would be very helpful!



Originally posted by [deleted]

Explanation: The colours of the weapons in the ground are so bad, we can barelly see them properly


If replicable, how: just look at the weapons in the ground


Please fix this

We have a fix for this lined up for the next release!

As noted elsewhere, this was intended to be an optimization. This issue actually prompted us to improve our pipeline for approval of new gameplay affecting visuals before they get into the game.

Sorry about this!


Originally posted by OWstrider

As someone that is colorblind so it's effecting me more... This is really sad to read :(

The entire game looks washed out to me to the point I'm having trouble spotting enemy players let alone determining which loot is which. This change doesn't need to wait until "next patch" but be hot fixed asap tbh. I'm already tired of not being able to tell what gun a drop is until I'm right next to it... and then on top of that I need to actually read the rarity to know what exactly I'm picking up.

I really don't mean to be rude because I love all the hard work you guys do but I'm basically not going to be able to play your game until this "next patch" hits and that's super disappointing. What good are performance optimizations if it comes at the cost of making your game not worth playing.

On the issue of the game generally being washed out, would you be able to provide any specific examples (an image, or just a specific time of day and location that caught your eye) We want to be super-super extra sure we’re on the same page about this!


Originally posted by BruceOfChicago

Hey dude, sorry for this super late reply:

Basically at a certain distance/angle, certain walls start "flashing" rapidly. I can make a small video if you need further clarification.

Sounds like we’re on the same page! We’ve found a small hand full of these and have them fixed in our next build to go out!



Originally posted by Matthais

Yeah, he really thought outside the box

15 Feb


Hello pippatke. Try checking whether you need to update your GPU driver. I'm tracking similar reports and would love to hear back if this resolves the issue for you.