Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

09 Feb


Originally posted by Sl4sh4ndD4sh

You should be happy to know that it also turned into a leatherfarm with all the champions there, and everything basically ends up dead, and thus balance is restored.

You gotta want it.


Originally posted by Amadan

Bloodstone Fen Gliding Skills and Hablion

They are really fun. I know you can't tell us anything, but it would be awesome if they appeared in more places than just one single map.

If you hit the leylines in Lake Doric you can use the skills there as well.


It wasn't uncommon to hear me cackling when we playtested this.


Originally posted by Angeels

I know there are no balance devs here - but I really feel I must ask this question again.

As an engineer main it currently feels like we have been consistently shafted on balance patches for quite some time now. Are there any real plans to actually make this class stronger in PvE through the core traitlines to take the class that currently has the most complex rotation upwards in terms of damage?

Balance dev here! I can't give specifics, but we'll be introducing a few different changes in the next update that we hope will address some of the engineer concerns with the core specializations and general pve viability. We'll be seeing you soon! -Karl

08 Feb


Originally posted by pattyboywales

Which one of you evil people designed the last boss in the this episode. I was naked by the end of it!

cough... >:)


Originally posted by NaotsuguGuardian

What was the inspiration for the HMS Divinity Rifle?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, a ship. ;)


The team is looking into these issues right now and hope to get a fix out soon.


Originally posted by RisingDusk

Is this factoring in the constant added sinks that come in the form of new legendary items being introduced? They not only require Mystic Coins for Mystic Clovers, but also use a stack of Mystic Coins outright for the Mystic Tribute.

What this means is that the input into the economy and the output from the economy are sitting at a +10% state.


Originally posted by Frenk_

WvW Team

  • We desperately need a goal, a purpose, a reason to play WvW and actually win the match-ups. Any info on that?
  • What are your plans regarding population and preventing bandwagoning?
  • Are we gonna see an overhaul like PvP had, sooner or later?

PvP team

  • this season has been great, but the latest tournament of groucharoo shed some lights on the uncertain future of competitive gw2. Is there a chance you will be able to create an automated tournament like that one without having the community organize it? That tournament helped a lot of teams to get better gut right now, aside from organizing scrims, the entry barrier for new teams is very high due to the abscence of automated tournaments where they can practice.
  • any word on a balance update regarding underused or completeley unused skills/traits/sigils/runes?

Speaking towards the first part of the PvP section: We loved seeing the support the community gave the Tournament of Groucharoo. And we do understand the importance of team play to Guild Wars 2 PvP. The team has been investigating various ways to bring back team play in a meaningful way but we aren't at a point where we can discuss any particulars yet. We don't like keeping you waiting but we want to make sure we have all of our facts straight.


Originally posted by RagnarokHorizon

Have you guys been tracking the accounts primarily associated with these regular suspicious behaviours? Cause these hotfixes on recipes feels a lot like a band-aid to the problem.

I attempted to hire a mercenary company to teach the last group a lesson and set an example, but was told that the expense report would be unceremoniously rejected. :(


Originally posted by JinnAxel

For the raids team /u/CrystalRAID

Are there any plans to rework raid rewards and making Challenge mote more worthwhile to do? (akin to WoW heroic/mythic raids)

What do you think of unforeseen player behaviour and strategies that you could consider bizarre becoming the defacto strategy to beating some encounters? (ie. Dragon stand circle method, Triple trouble egg blocking/destroying)

We don't have plans to go back and change previous raid rewards, including the Challenge Mote for Keep Construct. However, the Challenge Mote rewards for BotP are all significantly better than KC. They're still one time achievements and there are no plans to change that.


Originally posted by PM__ME___ANYTHING

I won't mention any names but there's a gravestone in the new map. It's in kind of a dead end area among some cliffs. Is it a tribute to anyone?

If you're talking about Soren's Rest, I suggest speaking with a certain NPC in the area for details of recent tragedies. Life in the wilderness is hard!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Huh...imagine that. :)


Originally posted by Caius_GW

How long is the typical production cycle to develop a fractal?

We have only released 2 new fractals with the current team so there isn't really a "typical" cycle time yet. Each time we go through the process and refine it a bit more but in the end we put them out when they are ready :)


Originally posted by Anet_Kirk

What chest? :)

No idea.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hints for that hidden chest in bottom right of map?

What chest? :)


Originally posted by eaSyRoca

On The topic of raids:

I haven't gotten to play the new Raid myself yet unfortunately, but it seems like the new raids bosses aren't terribly hard in normal mode (the last one seems to be tough but the first three were cleared rather quickly).

However, they all have a Challenge Mote. Is your approach to raids leaning towards making the normal encounters reasonably easy (in order to make them clearable for the less hardcore part of the PvE community), while adding challenge motes to, well, make it challenging for the hardcore players? If yes, are these Challenge Motes rewarding enaugh to make them interesting enaugh to do regularly?

The Challenge Mote on KC looked like a cool idea at first, but ended up being a "once for completion" kinda thing, so I'm wondering if that will be different for BotP.

BotP follows the same model of the Challenge Mote on KC. It's a "once for completion" kinda thing, but we spent a lot more time examining how we wanted to do them for this release. We liked the Challenge Mote for KC, but felt that we could improve on that. There are more noticeable changes for the Challenge Motes in this release like new mechanics to solve.


Originally posted by nononsenseresponse

Are all recipes which use Mystic Coins considered balanced?

I know a pain point for a few recently was the amount of Mystic coins required for recipes used in Winter's Presence. I presume it was intended that these recipes become more expensive so to increase the prestige of these skins?

Might we expect a change to some recipes that are perhaps less prestigious as a result of Mystic Coins being more prestige? (e.g. creating a masterwork recipe like this)

There's definitely some natural imbalance from the changes to the game over time. I can't say whether we'll do an update to all the recipe prices, but this does come up when we're reviewing mystic coins.


Originally posted by CreeperVemon

A question for the raid team: Do you play/research other MMOs raids to get idea for mechanics that would work in GW2?

Pretty much everyone on the raids team has raided at some point in time in other games. And really, you can get ideas from anything, not just specifically raid content. Sometimes all you need is more of a feeling or vibe you're trying to get and then you can build a mechanic from that.


Originally posted by GaileGray

I wonder if his apartment smells of rich mahogany...

He has many leather bound books.