Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 May


Originally posted by EdhelGaladhrim

Hi! Firstly, I want to thank you all for the hard work that you guys do and everything you put up with. It's truly remarkable and your guys' game is simply breath taking. Secondly, as someone who's studied Latin for five years, I was wondering why you chose the name Draconis Mons for the new map. Also, do you all have a Latin expert, or did you use the internet to come up with the name? (If the latter is true, very impressive because Latin is quite the difficult language)

Thank YOU for playing. So glad you're enjoying it! The fact that you're asking this question tells me that you've translated it. We wanted a name that accurately represented the theme of what's happening here and with the layout of the map. We chose from a long list of suggestions, but this one seemed the most appropriate. I'm not sure if we have an "expert," but we do have several writers who dabble, at minimum. :)


Originally posted by InspiringCalmness

Im really impressed with the new map!
Did you plan on making it that big or did it kinda just ended up with that size after you implemented everything you wanted to be there?

The map definitely ended up being bigger than we were initially expecting. The original design called for 4 big islands of content, arranged in cardinal directions (to help with navigation), and a little bit of connecting terrain between them. As we worked on it though, the map grew to become more and more layered. Still we are pretty happy with the end result :)


Originally posted by Rylen_018

The heavy armor is too "shiny" and metalic so most dark dyes look lighter than they should.

Gonna have a look at this.


Originally posted by SergeAzel

People have been throwing a lot of salt about the new armor but I gotta say I love it - and if these things are able to be ironed out, even better!

Thank you!



Originally posted by Teranas

Honestly, this is the best episode you ever created.

Thank you!


Originally posted by HeavyTankZA

to the armor devs, love the work on the legendary armor, however my playtime is very limited and unable to do the raids due to real life commitments (I am sad missing this content), will there be another set down the line to go for? say via a very long sequence of gee I dunno, 20 or so subsequent collections?

I think one set is sufficient for now. We have no plans to release another set of legendary armor in the future.


Originally posted by Hajiishere

What inspired you into making MMO's?

Honestly, I have been playing MMO's since the days of Asheron's Call. I've always loved the open worlds, the ability to explore and fight for causes much bigger than myself. (I guess that's why I do so much charity work IRL!) I decided (a little later than most) that games were what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, so I put myself through school and made it happen with perseverance and hard work. I've basically played most of the more popular MMOs, and a few that maybe aren't quite so popular... and overall just prefer them to any other sort of game. I've played GW2 since launch as well as some GW1 (long before I worked here at ANet) and decided working at this studio was my dream job. 8 years and a cross country move later, here I am! :) Are you considering a career in games?


Originally posted by Hajiishere

What inspired you into making MMO's?

I fell in love with the power of MMOs to connect people across social boundaries. In the online worlds that I've spent a lot of time in, I've made friends that I would likely never have encountered in the context of my usual social circles, and I treasure knowing those people.


Originally posted by Charrikayu

About legendary armor, as the resident Charr armor advocate:

As I've mentioned in other threads, I really applaud the hard work and technology that went into creating these sets. It seems like no small feat and I don't want to diminish that achievement. That said, I think the achievement is self-diminishing in that it contains some of the same problems which have plagued armor in GW2 for years. Hoods needs to be designed for Charr. Asura also suffer from this problem, their ears unconvincingly "tucked" into the hood. There's also the matter of tail clipping on medium, as well as the mask for the light armor, but I don't want to build of a litany of problems rather than speak to my actual point.

That point being: why? I really feel like this was the one time that any non-cultural armor set could have gone above and beyond, and yet it's still weighed down by these issues. Why not adjust the design to acco...

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Ok so for the ears and horns being blocked off by helmets this really comes down to the issue of initial character creation having so many options for the location of those items. It would be a huge amount of work for us to have to create individual head pieces for each of those combinations. We would then also need to develop some kind of tech that would be able to determine what combination of ears / horns you have on your character and provide the appropriate head piece. So where ever we have full head enclosed helmets / head pieces this is the the issue we would be constantly running into.


Originally posted by noodle_bear

I just want to tell whoever made that jumping puzzle that you're an absolute madman.

In all seriousness though, after trying to find my way around for around 3 hours, I finally finished it! I loved it. Especially at the end where I kept using my charges on the grappling mastery and realizing there was yet another room after I should've saved them for.

Never stop making this kind of content!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Josh Foreman was the team's environment artist for the jumping puzzle (and the entire Draconis Mons map), and I implemented the jumping puzzle's checkpoint mechanic and the new mastery.


Originally posted by -Cubie-

Hey, I've got a couple of questions.

Will you, for upcoming maps, include meta-events like Auric Basin or Verdant Brink that require coordination and teamwork? The coordination and teamwork required in AB and VB metas make them so much more fun, interesting and challenging to beat, unlike DS and TD which is mostly "get enough people to each lane, and do the events that pop up".

Will we see more 'vertical' maps such as the new one or VB? I quite enjoy the change of pase these maps give over flatlands like most of the original maps. And if so, will we see the new Mastery in upcoming maps again?

Vertical maps provide for some tough challenges in development. We like to use them when there are other aspects of the map that make it worth it. For instance, episode 1 had its glider skills, and episode 5 has the Oakheart Essences.


Originally posted by noodle_bear

I just want to tell whoever made that jumping puzzle that you're an absolute madman.

In all seriousness though, after trying to find my way around for around 3 hours, I finally finished it! I loved it. Especially at the end where I kept using my charges on the grappling mastery and realizing there was yet another room after I should've saved them for.

Never stop making this kind of content!

You know, I haven't done that one yet... The more wicked the better, though, I say!!


Originally posted by -Cubie-

People are experiencing issues where their Shadow Abyss dye makes their Heavy Legendary Armor silver rather than black.

ok we'll take a look at that. I know we made the heavy armor dyes a little more subdued to maintain the heavy metallic feel - but that sounds like a tech issue. Thanks for the heads-up.


Originally posted by noodle_bear

I just want to tell whoever made that jumping puzzle that you're an absolute madman.

In all seriousness though, after trying to find my way around for around 3 hours, I finally finished it! I loved it. Especially at the end where I kept using my charges on the grappling mastery and realizing there was yet another room after I should've saved them for.

Never stop making this kind of content!

Hehe it was created by the same artist who made the previous Fire Islands map...and he did the Mad King Clock Tower.... :)

I'll pass along the message, though!


Originally posted by Harambe_Was_Right

Hey guys, just wanted to say great job on the update!

Only one question, will we be able to use the new mastery outside of the new map?

I'd say that it's unlikely that we'll include the new mastery in other maps, but it's not an impossibility. It's relatively easy to add Oakheart's Essence nodes wherever we want, but the big cost is making sure that the grappling hook mechanic doesn't 'break' any map that it's included in. Draconis Mons was a map that was built specifically with this mastery in mind.


Originally posted by TEGG_2859

Regarding legendary armors:

How do you address the backpack hovering on light, the tail-clipping on medium, and the undyeablility on heavy?

The backpacks are fixed to the same attach point as other back items such as weapons. If we left the attach point where it normally resides and you were to carry a staff then it would clip through the back of the light armor. We moved the attach point out to prevent this clipping. We have seen the medium armor tail clip and it seems to be an issue we thought had been addressed. A correction is in the works and will hopefully ship with the next release. I am not sure what you mean about the heavy not being dyable - can you elaborate?


Originally posted by Kcquipor

Any news on WvWvW improvements ?

We like Skirmishes and are looking to support this with rewards in the future. In general, for WvW, our priorities are rewards and ascended equipment.


Originally posted by BobHogan

Final fight, when you first start fighting the hounds and "kill" one of them, the fight bugged out and scanning the machine did nothing. Had to let the hound come back to life and kill him 3 more times before I could scan the machine and make any progress in that fight

Hi there. Sorry to hear about your trouble with the hound fight. :-/

In pursuit of tracking down the problem, I was wondering if you can recall any specifics about what happened? Was the problem that scanning the machine just had no effect until one of the hounds had died three more times, or were there other elements of the fight or environment that were behaving strangely? Did the hounds keep attacking you? Did Taimi say anything while the fight was bugged? Do you remember what your quest steps were? Do you remember whether the first hound you killed was Tegon (stays at range and occasionally charges) or Temar (plods toward you and puts down AoEs)?

Anything you can remember would be helpful in trying to narrow down what could have caused the hound fight to glitch for you.

27 Apr


Originally posted by kiradead

Beautiful - thank you!


I think you forgot to add the audio from this clip -