Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by dulfy

I can confirm this bug as well. Being trying to bypass it via finding a different map but no luck after ~12 hrs as I keep coming back to the same map. I actually watched him bug as well and all the attempts to lead him out resulted in failure as no matter how far he swim out he just swims back to the same spot and get stuck again.

Yep, dunno why it re-broke. I went into Live weeks/months/timemovesdifferentlyhere ago and it was working fine the 5 times I ran through his event. :/ We'll get it sorted, thanks!


Hey guys, if all goes well this will be rectified in the hotfix later today. :)


Originally posted by blaurascon

Same rock that Tostarian posted a picture of. He was fighting jellyfish and when he lost aggro he was trying to path to some point inside the rock it looked like, then he got angry at another jellyfish and ended up inside the rock.

edit: Yeah once he's inside the rock he won't come back out.

Thanks for the prompt reply! ♥

Thanks, thats what I assumed was happening. We'll look into it. For now, this seems to be an infrequent thing. Im assuming you both only saw this happen once, yea?


Originally posted by Toastarian

Here you go

He stuck right in that rock there, as I said before, we can kite enemies to him and he'll come out to fight, but then won't move after hes done fighting.

EDIT: Also a guildmate of mine is stuck at another event in Fields of Ruin, The hunter's journal entry #15. I havent made it that far yet, but I felt i should mention it.

Thanks. Tell him to submit a bug report via the in-game tool and we will see it


Originally posted by Vivec13

This stays on after you zone/log off??? Wow.. must have.

Yep, it does. Also it is really easy to take out/put back a tiger cub via an inventory item (as OP did).


Originally posted by Stormdancer

That's because they're so good looking that they make you handsome.

by saying yes I mean

19 Apr


Originally posted by Anononon

Chaos socks confirmed!

I can neither confirm, nor deny, the existence of chaotic foot-based garments at this time.


Originally posted by KodiakmH

Roy's our boy!

Us Revs miss you man :(



Originally posted by rym1469

Make sure to visit our gw2 meme circlejerk reddit tho -

Will do! Looks entertaining. ;)


Originally posted by [deleted]

Best I could do on mobile. Perfectly dank picture, but my meme-ing skills are low.


Looks like I've got a new desktop background.


Originally posted by Corbzor

So why not burning then? A short duration burn would still be only damage but it could be closer in damage to what it was before, while spreading the conditions so that all the damage cant just be cleansed off as easy.

Burning was something we talked about, for sure (running as was 'freezerburn', hehe). However, since each application of chill applies the condition, burning was just a gigantic spike when it came to frost fields + whirl combos, regardless of the condition duration. We opted for the more spread out and attrition-based condition that could have longer durations and increasingly stacked up as you apply chill.


Originally posted by Mexay

Thanks for the response, Roy!

Regarding sword scaling, do you know if this is currently being worked on or if it's still in the backlog? I know you aren't really the right person to be asking, but it's worth a shot :P

I definitely understand UW Legends, it is annoying to not have much choice, but if I'm totally honest I'd rather work going into the land-based components of Revenant. (Also just throwing out there that the underwater varient of Unyielding Anguish currently has no range limit on the torment. Can be cast from like 10,000 units away).

The sword issues are something we've been actively investigating and working on. Please be aware that the base damage will be adjusted (reduced) when this tech comes online. Unyielding Anguish is definitely something we'll look to fix as well! :)


Originally posted by Clint_Charwood

Dam I thought i could wear them on my feet

Negative, they are not chaos socks


Originally posted by Danteblade

Hats off to Anet, it seems like this patch has done a great job of improving moral and getting people interested in the game again.

Since I have not had a chance to login yet and cannot comment on the live game I would like to ask the Anet employees here: Would you rather fight 1 charr-sized asura or 100 asura-sized charr?

Does size correlate to hp? If so I've got to go with the 100 asura sized charr. My thought is if they are like pocket raptors I can lock them down pretty easilly with chronomancer shield 5.


Originally posted by EagleDelta1

Do you think the MMO/Gaming world will ever start to apply Continuous Deployment tools and methods to their workflows or is gaming just simply not well suited for CD/Automation?

There were several talks about CI/CD pipelines (from mobile/PC studios) at GDC '16, and Riot gave an excellent talk about their Docker/Kubernetes-esque pipeline for League. It is happening, just very slowly.


Originally posted by Novuake

Thanks for confirming Erik! Cheers! May I ask what position you hold at ANET? :D Just curious.

I'm currently a Designer on the PvP team.


Originally posted by Gandlos

Will the everlasting bug with the resizing inventory get fixed. I know something was in the patch notes about it but it still happens to me :(

It's been a notoriously difficult to fix bug. It's inconsistent, which makes it much harder to debug and find the cause.

I made the most recent fix to it, but that clearly didn't catch all the cases causing the issue. If anyone is able to find a series of actions that can cause it relatively consistently that could help a lot if posted to the forums or Reddit.


Originally posted by Mexay

This really needs an answer. Revenant is such a fantastic class that clearly had a lot of love and effort put into it, but it's let down by being neglected after HoT-BWE2.

/u/Anet_RoyCronacher, I know you don't work on the class anymore, but is there anything you can discuss about this? Or can any of the other devs for that matter?

I can add a bit of info here but tagging /u/anet_karlmclain in case he has anything to add.

sword scaling - known issue on our radar. it's a tech issue of firing skills in different ways in the back end. The damage will have to be looked at and adjusted once this is fixed.

sword 2 targets - this is a known issue that needs some new tech to resolve but we know about it and it's on our radar to fix.

jalis hammers - on just inclines? it shouldn't end unless you run out of energy, turn it off or the projectiles hit walls. The projectiles should be hovering above the ground so they should follow the terrain of inclines.

uw legends - we know right now there aren't many options. The work has to be weighed against other things we are working on but we'd like to eventually make more legends useable underwater.
