Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

09 Jun


We're aware and it is being looked into.

08 Jun


Originally posted by valicaron

gloves: wurmslayer wristguards, arms of koda, lawless gloves

boots: apostle shoes, carapace shoes, illustrious footwear

and a weird red block appears unrelated to dyes when I try to preview light radiant gloves and greaves, nothing disappears but it's still really strange. Good luck!

Thanks! and thanks everyone for the replies!


Originally posted by [deleted]

That last point has to be the bane of your guys existence I believe.

Out of personal interest, wouldn't it be to conceivable to slack off more at pairing if you do it every four weeks anyway? People will piss in your carefully planned-out pairings-soup anyway the second they know wich low cost server to transfer to for easy kills, and will keep doing so until fresh gem transfers, excluding people who deleted all their characters, fresh accounts and anything in between, are barred from WvW for the remainder of the pairing.

Yeah, it's possible we could save some time this way. Though I suspect it would still be a larger impact to our workflow to update these monthly than some other larger time period.


Originally posted by BobbyStein

I'm glad that giggle made the cut.

I tried to edit it out, but was gonna be be more work than it was worth, especially since I thought it was funny too:).

07 Jun


Originally posted by jor8888

ya really takes only like 10 mins to look at the score and figure out what to link.

If we were to put in an extremely low amount of effort, it might be as little as 10 minutes. However, realistically it takes considerably longer than that. There's lots of factors that go into it:

  • Analyzing active WvW populations for every world in each of our 3 datacenters (NA, EU and CN), both as an average and broken down by time of day.
  • We also try to factor in historical data. Does it seem like any world is trying to game the system? Either through mass transfers, or through temporary inactivity?
  • We usually model a couple different sets of linking options for each region. We know that whenever we link worlds together it's going to create some amount of drama. So we try and choose a model that the community will more easily accept.
  • Once the links have been decided, there's some technical time spent preparing and updating the new links.
  • Last, but not least, there's the time we spend on communication. This includes things like com...
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Can you give me the names of 1-2 of the skins you are seeing this with? It will cut down on our fix time.

05 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]

This one resurrected their lord with a rubrub.

You can see this one knelt over the Lord at 1:15, until the Lord has been rubrubbed enough to resurrect. At exactly 1:09 the Lord dies the very instant this chap began rubrubs on him in Lord's downed state. So those rubrubs brought him back from full dead. The guy basically did that to his own team. If your Lord is dead, do not bring your Lord back to life and let the enemy score more points off him. Cancel your rubrubs by using a movement key, and get back to capping points.

Ding Ding! You got it right! This is a known limitation of the down system for npc's. I will look at this and see if there is a way to fix this. However, I would try not to resurrect your full dead lord until then. :P

04 Jun


First: Jon Sharp and Allie Murdock
Second: Evan Lesh
Third: Darrin, map designer
Fourth: Chuck, animator
Fifth: This one cracks me up, but I'm pretty sure it's Brian Cautrell. He was a producer for PvP for a while a few years back, but then he left so we created the "Cautrell the Traitor" NPC in the Heart of the Mists to remember him by. :)

03 Jun


Originally posted by DanteStrauss

Seriously, /u/Anet-TylerB care to help us out here? I'm seriously confused as to how pleasing 30% beats the rest (70%) and WHY are the 75% markers set on these polls...

Honestly, we had a difficult time deciding if this poll should be decided by a simple majority, rather than a super majority. When we first decided to start polling, the team decided that whenever we are making a major change to the existing game, that change should require 75% of the community to agree to it. We wanted to avoid anything close to a 51/49 split. Mixed Borderlands definitely falls under the category of a major change to the existing game. However, what made the decision harder, was that polling only started relatively recently. Had this poll existed 6 months ago, before we ever started rotating borderlands, it likely would have been decided by a simple majority instead.

This poll, along with almost every poll we have put up to date, has required a 75% majority. Interestingly, there wasn't really any outrage to this requirement until now, the first time the 75% lost.


The results turned out more mixed than we think will be good for the future health of the game. For that reason we are going to run a “Remove Desert Borderlands?” poll first and then run a variation of this poll again. The updated poll will be reworded for clarification due to large amounts of feedback that many of the ‘No’ votes were cast with a misunderstanding of what they meant.


Originally posted by DaniDemulator

For me it looks like it does not proc everytime you cancel the aftercast of a skill.

This does look to be mostly the case, in that cancelling the after-cast doesn't award you... which pretty much sucks. It's more likely to occur in instances with longer after-cast like the ones initially reported. We've got a fix for this in and testing now. Cheers ~

01 Jun


Originally posted by Silverdisc

I got really excited to see instrument improvements, but octave swapping seems to be very weird now. When you swap your octave and then quickly play some other notes, it often still plays in your previous octave :( . Hope they either revert the changes or fix the issue.

Found the bug, thanks for reporting!

30 May

29 May


I really enjoy looking at video game fan art as it is a great representation of time and passion. You are very talented and your art is amazing! :D

27 May



stuffed skritt that is built to attach to my shoulder. Then I can talk to it and look like I am insane.

25 May


Originally posted by [deleted]

Well played! Congrats Choxie on your amazing luck! Pizza never tasted so sweet (I bet)! :)


Originally posted by etiolatezed

Do all worlds need to be linked? Does Blackgate need linking? Honestly, Blackgate's population situation is its own entire problem.

Would it help population balance if certain t1 servers went unlinked and some of the other servers get a third link?

This is also something we might do. Especially in EU due to the difficulty of balancing linked worlds with language restrictions. World linking is pretty flexible, such that there could be any number of worlds linked together, all mixed with unlinked worlds as opponents.

24 May


Originally posted by BrunoBRS

i'm not sure if you guys already do it this way, but what if instead of flagging a world based on active WvW population, you flagged the players as "active WvW players" and then counted how many of those are in each server? that way if a bunch of guilds decide to bandwagon a server, they'd be stopped because the population calculator would instantly adapt to the surge of new players and flag the world as full without having to wait weeks for the transfers to count as active WvW players for the new server.

It does behave something like this already; though that wasn't clear from my wording. A player's past playtime is attributed to their currently-assigned home world for the purposes of world population levels.

This also brings up an interesting point: we actually don't want to stop a guild all moving together mid-move, if we can avoid stopping it. Stopping a guild mid-move would split their community, and then no-one would be happy. :(

Instead, we should ideally be ensuring bandwagoning is neither a simple and cost-effective solution to optimize rewards, nor an expensive necessity to get the kind of gameplay people want. So it's more about both reducing reason to mass-transfer, and reducing the total number of groups that mass-transfer. Rather than stopping one group's transfer.


Originally posted by KallorTesThesula

How do you estimate the activity level in the servers? If its by ppl logged to Border/EBG, you gonna get totally inaccurate numbers. There are too much things that force PVE players to go to WVW without actually participating in the game type. Things like:

-Battle Master (sell gift of battle needed for every legendary) - just place it in EotM or Mystic forge vendors

-Cheap trinkets/rings from laurel vendor (250 BoH + 20 laurels) - just place it in EotM or add this option in Tyria's laurel vendors

-Crafting Stations (many ppl come just to craft something so they don't have to run to the nearest city /loading screen skipping/) - remove them, wvw players rarely craft things

-Some ppl enter just to farm the nodes in the structures

-Jumping Puzzle (move to some place in the Shilverpeaks lol)

-Also those armor tracks/wvw or whatever they are called, just closed a few servers cause all the PVE players came to farm them and left after they go...

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By what we use to consider a player active in WvW for a given world for some period of time, none but your last item would qualify. For the last one, only that player can truly determine whether they're there to participate or farm.


Some information behind the current server population cap behavior:

Many may already know this bit, but for anyone else who doesn't: world population is determined by activity level in WvW (Edge of the Mists and Obsidian Sanctum don't count). If World A has many-times the number of players on it as World B, but World A does't play WvW at all and World B plays tons of WvW, A will have the lowest population, and B will have a very high one.

/u/piInverse, to your point on increasing world population levels, and especially some becoming full

This is not caused by the additional players bought about by the server link, but from returning players and a lower population cap on the host servers.

This is only partly true. We've also had a substantial increase in global WvW participatio...

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