Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

19 May


Originally posted by Benchocles

thanks for that, I tried the 64-bit beta client and it devoured my RAM every time (I have 16gb) I switched back to 32-bit and had no problems... not sure if I want to test the current 64

There were a few changes done during beta to have it eat less memory.


Originally posted by capzi

Or you can just go in your GW2 directory and send the GW2.exe to desktop as a shortcut. Then you can have both GW2.exe and Gw2-64.exe shortcuts.

If you launch Gw2.exe (and it happens to be 32-bit), it will close itself and launch the 64-bit client without that command line parameter. If you want a shortcut for both, the 32-bit shortcut will need -32 on the command line.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I tried running the 64-bit and installing but it never installed, just downloaded the game to the downloads folder and launched from setup file, weird.

Yeah, it's a known issue that's getting patched. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Originally posted by Pikshade

I was actually running on the 64-bit client before, but am now experiencing frame drops after this update. Not sure what would be the cause unless it was something in the "new" version, but I doubt it's changed significantly from this one update.

There was nothing 64-bit exclusive that changed in this patch, no. Do the drops happen when you do something specific?


Originally posted by StarbreakerGW2

I run on Windows 10 and every time I start the game up after this last patch I get prompted that "Command Center" is trying to access something on the disk and if I should allow it.

Is the client looking for some resource that Windows thinks is in a protected area?

Has anyone else had this come up?

Do you have an alienware computer? We have some alienware specific functionality (keyboard lighting, specifically), and it could be that their drivers work differently on Windows 10 or something.

17 May


Originally posted by [deleted]

On a scale of one to ten, how close is this to the real thing?

I'd give it a 9.75. ;D


Originally posted by exceendev

But when will the third season start?

Currently scheduled for 12 PM PST today.


Hey folks! On the PvP end of things, I know that there's been a bit of confusion with regard to the patch notes about the division placement system and Ascension meta achievement progress. I've responded to a couple of threads in the forums already, but I just wanted to jump in here too and let you guys know that crossing divisions as a result of the new season placement system will properly progress the division Ascension achievements in addition to automatically distributing all rewards that you would get for crossing those divisions normally. Again, you will get proper division crossing progress on your Ascension meta achievements if you begin in either Emerald or Sapphire at the start of this season. Sorry for any confusion!

16 May


As someone who worked on both Bioshock: Infinite and now works on GW2, I LOVE THIS! :D

13 May


Originally posted by gibbonfrost

corgi playable race that wars against the charr

corgi race can herd the charr

silly kitties


Originally posted by Bean_Muncher

That corgi is not nearly derpy enough. It looks like it is actually capable of cognition to some degree. Preposterous!

Please refer to my academic collection of true corginess.




I see your derp and raise you this set of derp-eyes


Originally posted by LucidSeraph

/slams fists on the table


corgi is my copilot

12 May




If there is one thing that I can't resist, it is a corgi! Great job. :D

06 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


05 May


This bug is literally the worst. To fix and totally quash it is not an insignificant amount of work. When an engineer says it is not a small amount of work you know it is serious.

It bothers me a lot toooooooooooo... so ocd...

03 May


Originally posted by Ben-Z-S

I've spotted Gaile at one and Linsey at another...I'm on to you! -_-

snicker heheheheh


Originally posted by Regina_B

Not very long at all.

We're proud of y'all for finding it so quickly. :D


Originally posted by [deleted]

Go back to your meeting, you murderous snowball! D: