Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by J0M021

As someone who works in QA, I would have loved to be at GDC to hear this.

I'm on twitter (@lancehit), and I'll definitely post any links to the talk there, once they're available.


Originally posted by bsawler

One of the interesting key points was the sheer number of groups that need to ingest these test results.

There's the product management team as a whole that need certain subsets of data.

The engineering team needs to know when things break due to code issues (features not working as intended).

The design team needs to know when certain actions aren't able to be completed (say due to a portion of a map being broken).

However, the results of tests are largely informational, NOT part of the main release process (i.e. all tests must pass or they absolutely cannot release). They aid the build process, not block it.

Automation results are still a key part of the release process, just not in a way that blocks developer workflow. There are far too many people contributing to each branch to stop all development when a test breaks.


Originally posted by octal9

then shoot off an email for verification.

Hmm. I didn't receive a verification email; after submitting I saw only the "Thank you for signing up!" page.

I use a similar address format to the OP; [email protected]

The verification email is only sent if the address was not yet in our system.

If you saw the "Thank You" msg then you're all set.


Originally posted by MakubeC

What do you mean by 2 seconds? Do they test all skills and mechanics of the game in 2 seconds...? Also, THANK YOU for this information. I was very interested.

on average, every 2 seconds we are finalizing a test result. The tests take about 5 minutes to run each, but because we run them in parallel, the test completion rate is compressed significantly.


Originally posted by foom_3

ArenaNet, please fix that email-field to follow standards.

From (see also

Without quotes, local-parts may consist of any combination of alphabetic characters, digits, or any of the special characters

! # $ % & ' * + - / = ?  ^ _ ` . { | } ~

period (".") may also appear, but may not be used to start or end the local part, nor may two or more consecutive periods appear. Stated differently, any ASCII graphic (printing) character other than the at-sign ("@"), backslash, double quote, comma, or square brackets may appear without quoting. If any of that list of excluded characters are to appear, they must be quoted. Forms such as

 [email protected]

 customer/[email protected]

[email protected]

Read more

Are you having trouble with an address failing validation preventing you from signing up? PM me if that's the case!

Right now our approach is to ensure the address is [email protected], then shoot off an email for verification.

17 Nov


Originally posted by stemofthebrain

I'd also rather the game show items you can't salvage with a red tint, versus 'highlighting' ones you can. The highlighting makes it difficult to see the salvageable items' rarity levels (the colored borders).

Hey guys. The issue in the original post is totally a bug, and I like this suggestion as well.

This is going on my to-do list for the next time I've got some down time for little fixes =D.

05 Nov

27 Oct

10 Sep


Originally posted by howellq

Aw. I liked multilingual golems.

The concept of English, French, German and Chinese languages actually don't exist in Tyria. As such, you should only be able to hear one language at a time, your primary audio language in settings. Sorry, no multilingual golems or anything else for that matter.

Even if it was a fun bug for some of you, having consistency in our game is important enough that we intend to straighten things like this out when we can. Please do think of people who are really unhappy with things like this before you criticize the bugfix, there's actually a lot more of them than you may think.


Originally posted by cylonapplepie

That Golem fellow which was greeting people in 3 languages (Good Morning. Guten Morgen. Bonjour.) now does that just in English.

I actually fixed that bug several releases ago. Thanks for noticing it anyway! It actually plays in the language that is your primary audio language.

28 Aug


Originally posted by adamblaen

Thank you everyone!!!

So tasty. :D

Yes, thank you all very much! I read the comments that were printed out before snagging a cupcake. Can you imagine how nice it was to receive this gift?

31 Jul


All I can suggest is that those that believe they have been wrongfully banned contact our customer support team: (to create a ticket).

30 Jul


He's our secret weapon, don't tell anyone though, it's a secret!!


Originally posted by dreadful05

Figured I might as well ask here. Can you please ask the people that design the armor. To make some medium chest armor that's not a coat or trench coat.

While we read Reddit and do pick up feedback from here, I believe something like this requires more community involvement - I will pass it along though.

Currently the best place to start discussions about this sort of thing are on our official forums:


Originally posted by [deleted]


No promises but we all love Super Adventure Box, so you never know what the future may hold.

29 Jul


Love this, I will make sure to use it on our Facebook.

Also, moar plox ;)


Originally posted by malgalad

that cutting issues...

When I made the Taimi teaser last week the exact same thing happened to me!!! (not a Photoshop newbie either)


Originally posted by ReMarkable91

Care to share who it is? Or just a random mad charr?

I don't want to give that away, all will become apparent later today :)


Originally posted by Coffee4cr

For the next time we need to do this

Handy tool, thanks :)


Originally posted by howellq

Done! (low quality though)

edit: someone posted a higher quality solution too

We will be publishing a higher quality with our release page later today.