Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

04 Mar


Originally posted by SquirrelGirl_

I feel like I remember you doing videos for GW1 about the balancing. I still think that was the most impressive balancing Ive ever seen in any game, ESPECIALLY considering how many skills had to be balanced

Clearly you don't remember smiters boon :P, but yes I was the loud mouth skill balance guy who got on videos and blabed about game design and skills back on GW1 days, was there 17 years though.


Originally posted by Redfeather1975

omg Izzy. Hello!

Hi Redfeather : )


Originally posted by TehOuchies

This post is great.

This is how you know people enjoyed working with each other in the past.

Thanks, and yes ANet bonds and span a long time period : )


<3 Thank you for your support Izzy. We miss you!


Originally posted by Demilikos

It's good to see you again, Izzy.

I remember reading about you in 2004 working at ArenaNet. How the time flies.

Yeah that was FOREVER ago : )


Originally posted by ArenaColin

We've got some spreadsheets for you to review Izzy! :)

SPREADSHEETS!!!! OMW. Also Colin your icon is very hansom <3

03 Mar


We've got some spreadsheets for you to review Izzy! :)


Originally posted by Taken_was_Rev

Of course it's positive, Isaiah.

All the negative voices get banned from reddit and the forum, and kicked out of the partner program :)

Sounds like you need a hug


Originally posted by Leafycoke

I remember your skill balancing days in GW1. Where are you these days?

I founded two companies and working on both of them. : )


Originally posted by anet_ester

Thanks!! It was a long haul but I'm really proud of the whole team. Lot of hard work by a whole lot of people went into this.

We miss you Izzy!

Miss you too Ester!!! <3


Thanks!! It was a long haul but I'm really proud of the whole team. Lot of hard work by a whole lot of people went into this.

We miss you Izzy!


Originally posted by anet_PeterL

Good to hear from you, Izzy! Thank you <3



Good to hear from you, Izzy! Thank you <3


Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Nice to see you here again Izzy, hope everything's still going well at the new company!

<3 Yeah things have been good. : )

I know what it takes to make these and it's been awesome seeing all the positive reception! Good job everyone at Anet miss you all, Mhenlo would be proud, keep up the good work! <3

External link →

Originally posted by SomethingMatter

I was only joking. I thought it was pretty obvious but that doesn't appear to be the case as it seems like a lot of people think I was being serious. I edited the post to make absolutely sure that it can't be construed that way.

I was only joking. I thought it was pretty obvious but that doesn't appear to be the case as it seems like a lot of people think I was being serious. I edited the post to make absolutely sure that it can't be construed that way.

Thank you! Yeah, I knew you were joking and then felt bad when you got downvoted. Sometimes nuance, jokes, etc. get lost on the Internet. Anyway, it's all good. I just wanted to be clear about my interest in this topic, and not create confusion or false hopes within the community. :)


Originally posted by IzzyOwnz

haha ^^ Bobby i have a question not releated to this. Regarding writting and ur work. im just curious, you do just the writting of the lore or more things? and also, you really need that many writers for EoD? i saw like crazy at least 8-10 in the credits!

I manage the entire narrative department (as of December 2021). The job is a mix of management and creative direction.

We (the Narrative Department) handle story breaking (i.e. developing the narrative in partnership with Design and Cinematics), writing it, light narrative design implementation (heavier stuff is done by our story designers and content designers), VO prep, casting and recording (with our outsourcing partner), interfacing with Design, Audio, Art, Loc, Cinematics, Tools, and QA, etc.

I also handle my team's recruiting, new hire onboarding, craft development, budget stuff, and help with studio-level initiatives.

Not sure if this answers your question. Apologies if I threw a lot of info at you all at once. :)


Originally posted by Yakushika

Up now. Control scheme can definitely improved, but should give a general indication how it runs.

Watching now!