First thought is that we likely didn't add Seraph because it's new from LW. I'll speak with the rewards folk, but sounds doable at this very moment.
First thought is that we likely didn't add Seraph because it's new from LW. I'll speak with the rewards folk, but sounds doable at this very moment.
The objective auras do apply to territories.
Jason, should I be concerned that OP killed Vale Guardian before I did?
Duh. That said: /u/Zvehn mind carrying us through next time? kthx
wvw exploit fixed yet?
The ogrewatch territory has been adjusted.
I like it.
I like it a lot.
I was refering to Pax tickets, but it doesn't look like you'll be on the Pax floor?
Correct. We do not have a booth.
We do have a panel about sound design on Friday, September 1, at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) at the Hydra theatre. You do need a PAX badge to attend. Having said that, PAX is set up to livestream presentations in that room, so we're planning on hosting the livestream on the Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel (assuming nothing changes in terms of PAX's technical setup).
These two events are the "official" ArenaNet events at PAX. Individual staff members may be on panels, but those were organized by staff members separately from marketing events and aren't specifically topical to Guild Wars 2.
Did they say what time does the beta start?All i can find are dates no specific time set.
The plan is to start it sometime on Friday morning, Pacific Time. Similar timing to Living World releases.
tickets are basicly gone at this point :(
The party doesn't require a PAX ticket. It's free and open to everyone.
Gliding is good, they just need to fix the distance you can glide into enemy territory with stability... On Red Boarderland you can glide into the Firekeep even if its not yours
This is being fixed.
Also it would be nice to move the lines around citadels so that you can still hop down the cliffs when you don't own one of the towers.
And repair the jumping puzzle area that turned from "no fly" to "no go" :(
Working on that jumping puzzle area right now.
Glad you are enjoying it :)
Mute the Dreamer. Best. Update. Ever.
Sorry about that! I fixed it this afternoon and it should hopefully go out with the next build.
Such a cold thing to say.
Icy what you did there! I'm sorry, that was very Rudolph of me...
As QA, you know that we should not like... blocking issues.
This is why we can't have ice things...
As QA, you know that we should not like... blocking issues.
Grabs popcorn
This is a bug we're aware of, and it will be addressed in an upcoming hotfix. Sorry for the delay!
Looking at the repeatable diamond chest, I'm showing 14 tickets on each level for a total of 84--this after I finished diamond once. There may no longer be a hard weekly limit.
This is unintended. There is supposed to be a weekly limit for Skirmish tickets and we will be fixing this.
This is brilliant!