
Halo Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Originally posted by Haloguy2710

Still waiting For the custom browser that was announced March of last year...

It's coming. And yes, we probably did 'announce' it too early - but, we've been open and transparent about every facet of the MCC project. Often times transparency does unfortunately mean we talk about things that eventually shift or change given project progress, other priorities, etc.. It's a significant feature and just wasn't practical to finish in the middle of bringing all the titles over to PC. Thankfully, it's on the horizon and getting closer and if all goes well, we should be enjoying it by end of the year (but first it should roll out in a flight for testing and feedback).


Originally posted by DoctorTide

Hey u/ske7ch343! I'm feeling a bit of anxiety over how much I should play MCC. I know there will be a small reward in Infinite for those who hit SR 152 in Halo 5, but there's been no mention of anything for MCC level cap. I love the game and would love to grind all the way up to cap eventually, but if there's no Infinite reward for it, I don't think I'll try to tackle to challenge, given that this late in the life cycle, Infinite will probably be out before I reach cap. Could you give a simple yes or no on if there is a small reward for MCC level cap in Infinite similar to the Halo 5 SR 152 one?

We are working with the team on some kind of 'reward' for MCC players since we previously promised something for H5 152 players. That said, I don't believe it will be tied to MCC max level / quite as intense of a grind as H5 152 is. We'll clarify the specifics as soon as we can.


Originally posted by cthalo

Can u tell us anything about the like how many guns or vehicles will be in the game or like what color socks the pilot wears...... literally small shit.

Wow just coming at me with the hard hitting questions! Now I'm actually very interested in taking a closer look at the Pilot's socks (does he have socks?). Maybe GrimBrother One needs to whip up a new Canon Fodder on the subject.


Originally posted by HeroesUnite

Not sure if you'll read or even see this response, and it's not about Infinite -

But what if your favorite Halo game to date? Halo CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, 4 or 5?

I see it and read it! Well that's like asking "which of your kids is your favorite?" Cop out answer: each Halo game holds a unique place in my heart for different reasons! (but if I were forced to pick, it's Halo 3 for both the game itself and what it meant to be professionally and personally during development/launch/sustain).


Originally posted by MrEousTranger

I think i remember fighting you one time in halo 5 Warzone a couple years back and everyone in my 12 man group just sat in the spawn and gathered around the core, it was kinda funny. Then I messaged you that we surrendered lol.

That probably happened, lol. At least you weren't in our big Warzone playdate back in the day with a bunch of folks from the core MP team and we got destroyed and farmed the entire match.


Originally posted by Nuclear_Pizza

Hey Sketch, been watching a bunch of Uny Streams (Hi from Sinbad!) and he has a really nice community, you should stop by!

ODST has been a blast and I'm realizing it's my favorite Halo Game out of them all, I hope 343 gives the Chief a break after Infinite and works on a game (or I guess with Infinite, a campaign expansion) with a similar goal to ODST.

In other news, myself and a few others have been having trouble signing up for the Monster Promo with it thinking we already have accounts for many emails. Unfortunately Monster Support has not been replying, and I found out today it's not just in Canada but also happening to someone in the UK. I know this issue is on Monster's end but with them not replying to support emails, anything you can do?

Hmm, very sorry to hear about the Monster issues you're experiencing. I can let some of the internal partnership folks know but I'm honestly not sure there's anything we/343 can do on that side. If it's an issue on the Halo Waypoint redemption site, then please do file a ticket at support.halowaypoint.com so we can help sort that out.


Originally posted by totemscrotem

What question could I ask that would allow you to spill some beans? Like, instead of saying "give me infinite news", could I say "what's your favorite gun in halo infinite ske7ch?" Trying to work around your commitment to secrecy without you getting in trouble.

I just need some BEANS

I haven't seen a Bean-weapon yet, but will keep a look out in future builds.


Originally posted by PachukC42

Waiting for the MCC team to correct the translation on the LatinAmerican version, this is the first time in years i saw a translation that bad, some text translations even sound like sex jokes and others just don't make sense, i mean they changed Dutch's name, i feel like i'm playing a 2003 game :(

Interesting. I haven't heard that feedback - not sure what the story is there, but, I will relay it to the team. Also if you're willing, filing a bug ticket at support.halowaypoint.com will help get this to the right people for tracking and review.


Originally posted by Alex_Le_Great

Right now, we're doing just fine. I'm playing MCC and all the updates to that game are incredible (Don't even get me started on Recon Slayer). While Infinite hasn't been throwing out a lot of news, MCC will keep me occupied for the time being. I am actually quite excited for Halo 4's release on PC.

I would also like to point out something that is quite rampant in Halo 2 Anniversary Mutliplayer that I haven't seen anyone else talk about: Some sound effects don't play at all. This includes reload sound effects, switching weapons, overheating plasma weapons, etc. Pretty much any action that you do with a weapon has a large chance of not playing, or at least playing then cutting out. This is especially noticeable with the Battle Rifle non-empty mag reload as 70-80% of the time it just doesn't play, like at all. I'm not joking. These gl...

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I'm not 100% sure on that audio issue - have you by chance been able to file a support ticket at support.halowaypoint.com? That is the best and most effective way to capture and bring bugs and issues directly to the team. I'll also make a note of this and see if they're aware.


Originally posted by LowMeHigh

MCC has been the highlight of my year persoanlly. It's so good and I like seeing the hype and realeases on PC even though I play on Xbox. The publishing team deserves massive credit. I get the main team is focused on Infinite, but the MCC team have been a bright spots in a rough year. Love the seasons and the content they bring to the older games. These games are ones that I love and seeing them given new life is incredible. Just awesome stuff!

The hope is that Infinite development is going well and that the delay hasn't been too detrimental to the game or the team. Seeing Staten back, the most recent Canon Fodder, and the soundtrack showcases have been cool bits to see since the delay announcement. Just keep it up is all we could really ask for at this point. Give the news when you can and we'll be appreciative of it.

I can't think of anything else. Excited for the Series X, excited for Halo 4 fighting and the updates it'll bring, and enjoying just enjoying Halo...

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Thanks for the kind words! I 100% agree with you, the 343 publishing team and their partners really have been crushing it and have found their stride even during this very challenging period of working from home. I'll pass along your comments, it may sound cheesy but too often the devs don't hear much praise or thanks vs. the steady stream of complaints and requests for 'even more'.

And yes, I too saw the words "Halo 3" and "Anniversary" together and spit out my coffee. It was a fun little welcome ritual for Andy on our team to work through. Going forward I think he'll prefer 'birthday' now that he knows how much history and implications the word 'anniversary' carries. But truthfully, there's nothing happening on that front, it was just meant to celebrate 9/25, the day of Halo 3's launch.


Originally posted by JackRourke343

Hey there! I'm kind of new to the sub, but the comments on this post are a highlight

Well, that's... something.


Originally posted by ThunderCrasH24

Any reason why the Monster cans in the Netherlands are so tame? No chief decal, just a small mention of Halo/Series X.

Sorry, no clue on that one. I haven't seen those (or any of the international cans come to think of it).


Originally posted by rockybalto21

I know you can’t release Infinite news here, but can I ask how often do you get to play it?

I'm sure it varies by person and team. This isn't a humblebrag but we can generally pull down a build and play it any time we want. We also have regular studio-wide "days of play" in addition to various daily playtests across different teams and disciplines.


Originally posted by Tasty-Core

Starved for some news, heh. Are you able to discuss why? Is there a reason beyond that you guys don’t think it’s ready?

Truth be told just a lot of work happening and a lot of pieces moving very quickly across the studio. Not to be a tease, but the team has been make huge progress even amidst these challenging times and we're certainly eager to jump back on the hype train as soon as we can. We just want to take the time needed and ensure the teams' best work is represented and we're able to showcase their vision for the game while also still working through updates and implications to our plans (both within 343 and across our partner teams at Xbox). Our goal is to get settled and re-aligned and then be able to pull back the curtain and maintain ongoing dialog and connection to launch. As soon as we feel all the pieces are in place, we'll jump back on the train.


Originally posted by _Firex_

Well I know this doesn't necessarily apply to op, but if nothing is said or shown for an extremely extended period of time people will kinda lose interest...

Sure, that's fair and then it's our jobs along with all our partners to crank that back up to 11 as we march towards launch. We had to kind of start/stop obviously with our date shift, but the hype train will reload and return to the tracks in due time.


Originally posted by Knight0186

Well personally I've been taking a sort of hiatus from the Halo universe. In the mean time I have been building my career as a programmer, hoping to hop back on the hype train when Shadows of Reach comes out. How have you been enjoying your job?

Thankfully I really enjoy the job, which is a good thing considering I've been working in Halo community management for something like 14+ years? Of course it's always MORE fun when we can tee up big reveals and share awesome information with the community - but we'll get back to that point eventually. Until then, MCC has been a great ride and I'm excited for H4 and upcoming features. I have certainly missed events though - traveling to HCS events or E3 or the like was always a chance to personally meet and interact with the community and I've found myself missing that connection and the invigoration that comes from that more and more. We always come back from in-person events rejuvinated and inspired by the passion and good peoples across the Halo community.


Originally posted by WhiteSilverDragoon

Hey Ske7ch!

With the infinite delay, which as you know we are all dying for more news on (honestly, how this place hasn't become like r/eldenring yet I'm not sure) is there any chance we will now see Halo 5 coming to MCC PC? Or even as its own standalone release?

I understand halo reach through to 4 wanted to be done before Infinites release but it would be great for the pc crowd who didn't have a console to play 5.

We've definitely heard the growing feedback around wanting H5 on PC. As I noted up above in a different reply, there are no current plans to do so but, who knows what the future may bring. Right now the studio is fully focused on existing MCC work and Halo Infinite.


Originally posted by BigNoseTommy

Yoooo. Life is alright, just excited for the Series X and killing time with PSO2, Rocket League, MCC, H5, and finishing up some games in my backlog. You playing anything aside from Halo?

Random things you can maybe answer in the future?

  • Any chance we see a cross over with something from Zenimax in the sense of armor or anything in that capacity?
  • Mod support for Halo MCC?
  • Mod support for Halo Infinite?

For sure, I play all sorts of things. Lately I'd say my time outside of Halo has been largely spent on CoD/WZ, Fortnite, Avengers, THPS1&2, and I've recently gotten hooked on Hades. Pretty excited for Star Wars Squadrons!

I'm not aware of any talks yet regarding any crossovers between Halo and Zenimax properties but internally I know a lot of folks would love to see something at some point. Considering some of the past crossovers with Sea of Thieves, Minecraft, and Forza, I assume something will eventually materialize but no idea what/where/when.

Re: Mod support for MCC - more robust mod support is definitely on the team's list and something they've always had ambitions around but for now I believe that work is all a bit further out, once H4 is out the door and some of these other pending features are released.

And I'm not able to talk about Infinite right now.


Originally posted by ArtooFeva

Just trying to work and play Halo in my off time! Can’t wait until you guys are able to restart the hype train you had turned on during the July demo.

Right! What a rollercoaster it's been. Basically a year of silence, intense build up, some toy "leaks", a Banished confirmation, first look at Campaign, the birth of Craig, confirmation of F2P MP, shifting our release to 2021, more collectibles, Monster Energy skins and 2xp promotions.... and now temporarily back into the shadows while teams are working through ramifications and updates to every plan and roadmap.