
Halo Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Originally posted by AnEagleInYourMind92

Please update Firefight matchmaking to use the match composer system!

Great feedback! I'm not sure if this is on the team's list or not, but I'll relay the suggestion.


Originally posted by Irish_R3bel

Doing great and loving Halo 3 ODST so far, just completed the Endure challenge so I can sleep easier now!

Is there any more news or information on Halo MCC subtitles support during the gameplay rather than cutscene only? Be great to have in-game subtitles to help deaf players out like myself :)

How are you doing?

Great feedback! I don't have any new info to share around future accessibility updates, but it's always something the team is thinking about and I'll certainly pass along your note.
And I'm doing as well as can be expected given a pandemic, election year, social unrest, shifting development schedules, etc.. But hey, some amazing new games and a new console generation are just around the corner so I'm pretty stoked about that.


Originally posted by JackBauersDad

Missed your input man. What a wholesome post. u/ske7ch343 can you help is EU/UK players out when it comes to toys that are exclusive to the big American chain stores? Where in the heck can I get Chief's helmet? Nerf stuff? Weapons and action figures? It's frustrating the constantly have books and merchamdise either launch late or not at all outside of US.

I hear you - I unfortuantely dont' really have visiblity into how these consumer products are managed but, I'll certainly poke my friends over there and echo your frustrations. It sounds like even in the U.S., a lot of folks are having a hard time tracking down the new collectibles.


Originally posted by JabroniSn0w

Any word on if MCC would be able to have a Series X Enhancement?

Or what benefits playing MCC on Series X will provide?

Nothing I can officially comment on yet, but I do know the team has been looking at ways to tap into Series X for MCC owners. More to come!


Originally posted by Pandagames

Or he is playing coy. Let me dream damnit

Trust me, I have no secret info or insight. But I've been poking at this and trying to rile up the community off and on for years. I'd love to see it happen, but it's going to be way above my pay grade. We just need to politely keep reminding Phil and Doug why this would be a perfect move. :) Also, the announcement of Minecraft characters coming over seems to give us a bit more hope?


Originally posted by cthalo

Not to be rude sketch but you complete ignored the rest of the guys comment!!! Is it possible for the MCC Team to port the rest of halo 5 TO PC!!!

Heh, sorry about that, I actually intended to circle back yesterday and got busy. But we have mentioned the H5 requests off and on. We've heard some feedback but, as of now, no current plans to bring Halo 5 over to PC. Could it happen someday? Sure, at this point I wouldn't ever rule anything out, but it's not currently on a plan. At the moment the teams are just really heads down on MCC and Infinite.


Originally posted by legendarymcc

What’s your favorite time of year would you say it’s the spring or fall just really want to know what your and the 343 teams’ favorite time of year is

I'm on to you... our favorite time of year is when-it's-done. :)


Originally posted by TritonTheDark

Would be cool to see the stats on how seasons and these updates have affected the player base! I'm playing more regularly, and so are my friends. We're loving it.

Great to hear! We are looking at exactly this type of info as perhaps a celebration/commemoration of the one year anniversary of this MCC/PC journey. It's been great to see the response to the MCC updates along with all the new players coming in via Steam and Game Pass.

30 Sep


Originally posted by ChiefDoomSlayer

Absolutely loving MCC at the moment. Really have to give you and the folks at 343 credit for sticking with MCC after all these years even after a rocky beginning. I’m not sure how many game studios would have even bothered to stick with a game for this long and continue to provide new content and patches.

You love to see it! Though the community's relentless feedback and push really did help get this project back to the forefront a few years ago so thanks to everyone for not giving up on MCC or 343. The publishing team and their partners have been crushing it and honestly each release just keeps getting better. It's amazing to think we'll soon have all the games on PC PLUS things like a custom game browser, server selection, and many more quality of life improvements (plus new unexpected content).


Originally posted by Obzen84

Surprisingly hyped for Halo 4 PC flighting soon! Are there any talks or ideas for bringing halo 5 fully to PC before Infinite comes out next year? I mean Halo 5 forge is already there, so in my mind it shouldn't be too difficult, right????

Me too! H4 came during my 'break' from Halo, post-Bungie and right as I had entered a totally different role at Xbox. I played the campaign once all the way through but haven't touched it since launch and don't even remember it that well so I'm really eager to re-experience it again in even greater glory! (not to mention super excited about some of the broader MCC improvements hopefully coming alongside H4)


Originally posted by KeySheMoeToe

I have been playing on and off since the second flight of halo reach. I have to say you guys did a very good job at recreating and even improving upon one of the best shooters of my childhood. While I don't care for infinite personally I hope your team find some success with it as i truly believe you deserve it.

You don't care for Infinite personally? Have you even played it yet? :) Keep the faith, let's see if we can win you over.


Originally posted by PieAndKitteh

All of the DLC fighter selections are already finalized, but do you know something we don't...?

Me? Nah. Just a fan who really wants to see this happen someday...


Originally posted by Master_cheese117

Talk about a missed opportunity. "Were it so easy" would have been very fitting.



Originally posted by Fenris447

Yeah the ones I know of are Monster (XP and one skin, but a few more skins we don’t know how to get), Mega Construx, one Funko Pop, and the Nerf AR. I’m seeing things about some action figures that may have codes, but I’m having trouble finding them all, which ones have codes, and whether the codes are the same or different across the board.

As a sycophant collector, the more info I have on what is available, the more likely I am to go pick that stuff up. But I know y’all know that.

All great feedback - we'll keep pushing for clarity. It has been a bit of a whirlwind as everyone across the studio and company and our external partners are adjusting to our release date changes. Some promotions are changing as a result, some are moving forward as planned, etc.. and there are still pieces in flux which is contributing to some of the murkiness. Hopefully we can get some more info for you soon!


Originally posted by yoshibrosinc

Doing great, I have been loving MCC with the new hitreg update. I actually found an interesting post that I agree with helping the feel of these games being updated and will fit the modern aim style/skins/hit detection etc. I think changing the universal default layout would be good.

Heres the post : https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/j2qwgu/hot_take_the_control_schemes_in_mcc_are_very/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

Interesting, thank you for flagging. Will make sure the team gets this feedback to consider.


Originally posted by JBurton90

How many updoots will it take to get some new Infinite content?

If only it were that easy...


Originally posted by Fenris447

Agreed. I have never played MCC as consistently as I do now that the seasons and challenges are a thing. Here’s hoping Infinite is set up similarly.

Agreed, they've been kicking ass and these last few updates have been awesome. I'm wrapping up the Sept. dev blog for Postums and Max/Dan do talk a bit more about some early planning for future content updates/seasons. The team has no shortage of ideas, so I'm excited for what's to come even beyond the Halo 4 launch.